
Is this how the proud palm tree sheds its leaves

أهكذا دوحة العلياء تنقصف

1. Is this how the proud palm tree sheds its leaves
And how the sun is eclipsed in the horizons?

١. أَهَكَذا دَوحةُ العَلياء تَنقصِفُ
وَهَكَذا الشَمسُ في الآفاقِ تنكسِفُ

2. Is this how the gazelles of the past grow old
After elegance and tenderness adorned them?

٢. وَهَكَذا ظُبَةُ الماضي تُفلُّ شَباً
من بعد ما زانَها الإمضاءُ والرَهفُ

3. Is this how the joy and radiance of the lofty one
Is shaded by darkness and gloomy clouds?

٣. وَهَكَذا بهجةُ العليا وَنضرَتها
يزري بمُشرقِها الإظلامُ والسَدَفُ

4. Is this how the pearl of eternal glory
Is held, after beauty, by an oyster shell?

٤. وَهَكَذا دُرَّةُ المجد الأثيل غَدَتِ
يضمُّها بعدَ حُسنٍ الحليةِ الصَدفُ

5. What soul has left what glorious body
And what corpse has the shovel covered?

٥. لِلَّه أَيَّةُ روحٍ فارقَت جَسَداً
وأَيُّ جثمانِ عزٍّ ضمَّه جَدَفُ

6. O delight of the eyes of glory, you have departed,
And the noblest shed tears for you, glory and honor.

٦. يا قُرَّةً لعيونِ المجد قد سَخنَت
بَكى لَها الأَشرَفان المَجدُ والشرفُ