1. The silk of his cheek revealed his imprint
And his pearl-like smile revealed his composition
١. عارضُه السندسِيُّ من رقمه
وَثغرُه اللؤلؤيُّ من نظمَه
2. And the one who clothed the rose and its garden
And brought smiles to blossoms
٢. ومن كَسا الأُرجوانَ وجنتَه
وأَكسبَ الأقحوانَ مبتَسمَه
3. And the one who lent the dawn its rising
So it shone, dispelling the darkness of its horizon
٣. ومن أَعار الصباحَ طلعَتَه
فَلاحَ يَجلو عَن أفقه ظُلمَه
4. And he lined the cheek and the mole upon
The page of his cheek with the ink of his pen
٤. وأَرقَم الصدغَ والعذارَ على
صفحةِ خدّيه من بَرى قلمَه
5. Veiled, though his charms appeared, hearts swooned over him, crammed together
Had it not been for the knowledge in his qualities
٥. محجَّب إِن بَدَت محاسنُه
هفَت عليه القُلوبُ مُزدحمَه
6. Beauty would not have raised its flag over him
I did not forget when he visited me without prior notice
٦. لَو لَم يكن في صِفاته علماً
ما نشر الحسنُ فوقَه عَلمَه
7. One night in Riyadh smiling
I spent it with him happily united
٧. لَم أَنسَ إِذ زارَني بلا عِدَةٍ
في لَيلةٍ بالسعود مبتسِمَه
8. While the hearts of the jealous burned
And he did not cease to sip his wine
٨. فبتُّ فيها بالوصل مُبتَهِجاً
وأَنفُسُ الكاشحين مضطرمَه
9. Offering it to me until I kissed his lips
I tasted the water of life from a coolness
٩. وَلَم يزل والمُدامُ يَعطفُهُ
عليَّ عطفاً حتّى لثمتُ فمَه
10. Unafraid to lose life from his kiss
And he spent the night intoxicated
١٠. فَذقتُ ماءَ الحياة من بَرَدٍ
لم يَخشَ فقدَ الحياة من لثمَه
11. Revealing to me his hidden passions
Until dawn broke and he slipped away hastily
١١. وَبات والسكرُ قد أَطاف به
يُظهر لي من هَواه ما كتمَه
12. Without a partner or anyone blaming him
I swear by the night in its shadows
١٢. حتّى بَدا الصبحُ فاِنثَنى عجلاً
لَم يشِ واشٍ به ولا اِتَّهمَه
13. And dawn in its separation when it divides
No conversation was pleasant after hearing his words
١٣. أَقسمُ باللَيلِ من ذوائِبه
والصبحِ من فرقه إذا قَسمَه
14. To my hearing from any speaking companion
Except the words of a masterful, supported lord
١٤. ما طابَ بعد اِستماع منطقِه
لِمَسمَعي من مُحاوِرٍ كَلِمَه
15. Who attained the heights, pride and greatness
Especially his poetry which flowed
١٥. سوى كَلامٍ لسيِّدٍ سندٍ
حازَ العُلى والفخارَ والعظمَه
16. In eloquence, its verses harmonious
As if it were pearls arranged
١٦. لا سيَّما شِعرهُ الَّذي اِطَّردَت
أَبياتُه بالبيان منسجمَه
17. Or stars organized on the horizon
If one day a stubborn man listens to it
١٧. كأَنَّه الدرُّ ضمَّه نسَقٌ
أَو الدراري في الأُفق مُنتظمَه
18. It removes his deafness with its kindness
O lord, exalted is his worth, his traits
١٨. إِن يُصغ يوماً إليه ذو صَمَمٍ
أَزالَ عنه بلطفه صَمَمه
19. Marked by speech stamped
And o noble, his determination adorned
١٩. يا سيِّداً جلَّ قدرُه فسمت
صفاتُه بالكَلام متَّسِمَه
20. With all glory and pride and virtue
You have delighted my hearing with the rhythm of poetry
٢٠. وَيا شَريفاً حلَّت شهامتُه
بكلِّ مجد ومفخرٍ شيمَه
21. That diminished the value of pearl if it faded
We will never be devoid of the eloquence that
٢١. شنَّفتَ سَمعي بنظم قافيةٍ
لَو باهَت الدرَّ أَرخَصت قيمَه
22. Drew meanings from it and created its wisdom
You remain in power and ease
٢٢. فَلا عَدمنا بلاغة نسقَت
منه المَعاني وأَبدعت حِكمَه
23. And attainment vengeful of your enemies
No sorcery instilled in his eloquence
٢٣. لا زلتَ في عزَّة وفي دعةٍ
وصولةٍ من عِداك مُنتقمَه
24. And no poet composed his words
٢٤. ما أَودَع السحر في بلاغته
وضمَّن الدرّ شاعِرٌ كلِمَه