
For whom is the beauty whose fragrance wafts in the desert?

لمن العيس لها في البيد نفح

1. For whom is the beauty whose fragrance wafts in the desert?
Whose lips are moistened by yearning and ardent longing,

١. لِمَن العيسُ لها في البيد نفحُ
شَفَّها التأويبُ وَالشَوقُ الملحُّ

2. Who roams ardently in the wilderness, consumed by desire,
And who plunges into the sea of passions without fatigue?

٢. ضُمَّرٌ تمرحُ شَوقاً في البُرى
وَبها من لاعج الأَشواقِ برحُ

3. She traverses the land gently and at ease
And swims in the deep waters effortlessly.

٣. تقطعُ الأَرضَ وِهاداً ورُبى
وَلَها في لجِّ بَحر الآلِ سَبحُ

4. When lightning flashes in the darkness,
And she trots playfully, almost flying.

٤. وإذا ما لاحَ بَرقٌ بالحِمى
وَهي تَعدو مَرَحاً كادَت تُلحُّ

5. They likened her to the moon guiding lost travelers,
If shadows crept and the darkness thickened.

٥. ما على من حَمَّلوها قَمَراً
يَهتَدي الرَكبُ به إِن جَنَّ جُنحُ

6. If they were to pause and contemplate the meaning,
It would relieve the passion, though passion has no relief.

٦. لو أَصاخوا للمُعَنّى ساعةً
يَشرح الوَجدَ وهل لِلوَجدِ شَرحُ

7. They left him suffering, beyond ransom,
Enslaved by his love, beyond cure.

٧. خلَّفوهُ عانياً لا يُفتَدى
من هَواه وَعليلاً لا يَصِحُّ

8. How can he follow those who have forsaken him,
While tears erase their traces?

٨. كَيفَ يَقفو إِثرَ من قد ظعنوا
تابعاً وَالدَمعُ للآثار يَمحو

9. When can the broken-hearted find consolation,
As sorrows fold around him like a bag?

٩. وَمَتى يَرجو التَسَلّي مُغرَمٌ
يَنطَوي منه على الأَحزان كَشحُ

10. Whenever he inclines toward the stream,
His tears hold him back from the eyelids' rim.

١٠. كُلَّما حنَّ إِلى السَفح هوىً
بلَّ ردنَيه من الأَجفان سَفحُ

11. Why are the gazelles of the sanctuary silent?
I yearn while she complains endlessly.

١١. ما لِوَرقاءِ الحِمى لا صَدَحَت
أَنا أَهوى وَهيَ بالشَكوى تلحُّ

12. Where is my passion, gazelles of the sanctuary?
The groves echo the deer while the gazelles resound.

١٢. أَينَ مِن شَوقي وَرقاءُ الحِمى
للحِشا صدعٌ وَلِلوَرقاءِ صَدحُ

13. Buried passion is revealed through the wounds
As the spark reveals the secret essence of flint.

١٣. وَدَفينُ الشَوق يُبديه الجَوى
مِثلُ سِرِّ الزَند إذ يوريه قَدحُ

14. Ah, the memory of nights of desire and bliss!
While my people were neighbors and fate was kind.

١٤. آهِ من ذِكرى لُييلاتِ اللِوى
حيث أَهلي جيرَةٌ وَالدَهرُ صُلحُ

15. Such are the days of pining that flee,
How many joys have vanished with separation!

١٥. هَكَذا تفدحُ أَيّامُ النَوى
كَم لأَيّام النوى بالبين فَدحُ

16. Torment comes with the course of passion,
Reproaching and longing persistently call.

١٦. وَعَناءٌ في تَصاريف الهَوى
عاذِلٌ يَلحو وأَشواقٌ تُلحُّ

17. My two friends, offer sincere advice,
If sincerity to the confidant can be found.

١٧. يا خَليليَّ اِبذلا نُصحَكما
إِن يكن عندَكما للخلِّ نُصحُ

18. Has the loyal fulfiller of promises been just?
By God, he is most generous and kind.

١٨. هَل قَضى حقَّ التَصابي كَلِفٌ
هو بالروح وحقِّ اللَهِ سَمحُ

19. Passion overwhelmed me, though I thought
The depths of love were jest and play.

١٩. جدَّ في الحُبِّ بيَ الوَجدُ وقد
كانَ ظَنّي أَنَّ جدَّ الحبّ مَزحُ

20. For passion's heat is hard to endure,
And the utmost of love is toil and struggle.

٢٠. وَالهَوى صَعبٌ على عِلّاته
وَقُصارى الحبِّ إِكداءٌ وكَدحُ

21. Yet I incline toward the pleasures of youth
And the enjoyments and games of boyhood.

٢١. غير أَنّي بأَحاديث الصِبا
نَحوَ لذّات الصِبا وَاللَهو أَنحو

22. I do not complain of the fires of passion
If I can obtain the breath of God's Messenger.

٢٢. لَستُ أَشكو لَفحَ نيران الجَوى
إِن يكن لي من رَسول اللَه نَفحُ

23. The Master of Both Worlds, the Guardian
Who has immersed creation in His blessings.

٢٣. سَيَّدُ الكونَين والمَولى الَّذي
غَمرَ الخلقَ له مَنٌّ ومَنحُ

24. His signs shone brilliantly when they appeared,
Illuminating the horizon gloriously.

٢٤. بهرت آياتُه إِذ ظهرَت
فَلَها بالسَعد إِشراقٌ ولَمحُ

25. He dispelled the darkness of disbelief through them
As the dawn dispels the blackness of night.

٢٥. قامَ يَجلو ظُلَمَ الكفر بها
مثلما يَجلو ظَلامَ اللَيلِ صُبحُ

26. So polytheism saw its past faults and since then
No wounds have touched it throughout time.

٢٦. وَفَرى الشِركَ بماضيهِ فَلَم
يُرأمُ الدَهرَ له مِن بَعد جُرحُ

27. He brought Creation to perfection so He holds
The most weighty prohibition and wisest word.

٢٧. رجَحَ الخلقَ كمالاً فَلَه
النُهى الأَرجَحُ وَالقَولُ الأَصحُّ

28. To Him belongs the sublime chalice in the Highest,
Whenever the Most High attains victory, He drinks.

٢٨. وله القِدحُ المُعَلّى في العُلى
كلَّما فازَ لذي العلياءِ قِدحُ

29. How much grace has He bestowed bountifully,
With an open palm that never withholds!

٢٩. كَم وَكَم مِن نِعمَةٍ وَشَّحَها
عاتقُ الدهر بكفٍّ لا تَشحُّ

30. He healed the deepest wound with His noble resolve
When affliction struck the people with its sting.

٣٠. وَشَفى قَرحاً بأسنى هِمَّةٍ
من عُلاهُ حين مَسَّ القومَ قَرحُ

31. And when hope fails for one who hopes,
Salvation lies with the Messenger of God.

٣١. وإِذا خابَ لراجٍ أَملٌ
فَلَه عند رَسول اللَهِ نُجحُ

32. A Master whose least trait is sublimity,
And the least gained from His bounty is plenty.

٣٢. سَيِّدٌ أَدنى مَزاياهُ العُلى
وأَقلُّ النَيل من جَدواه سَحُّ

33. O Messenger of God! You whose nobility
Has always brought the world gain and profit.

٣٣. يا رَسولَ اللَه يا مَن لم يَزَل
للوَرى من فَضلِهِ كسبٌ وربحُ

34. You are the one hoped for if distress comes
Or the roads to success are blocked.

٣٤. أَنتَ أَنتَ المُرتَجى إِن سَنحَت
كُربَةٌ أَو أَعوزَ الإِقبالَ سُنحُ

35. Show clemency to your errant supplicant
Where today is your pardoning and forgiving?

٣٥. هب لراجيك وهَبهُ عاصيا
أَينَ منكَ اليومَ إِغضاءٌ وَصَفحُ

36. Save him from the hands of separation that
Has ceaselessly severed him ruthlessly.

٣٦. واِنتقِدهُ من يد البَين الَّذي
لَم يَزَل يَشذبُهُ جَوراً وَيَلحو

37. Bring him near to You in sanctuary, for
The vastness of India has straitened him.

٣٧. أَدنِهِ منكَ جِواراً فَلَقَد
ضاقَ وَاللَه به في الهِند فَسحُ

38. Destinies I can control through my hands
After the world was worn out by their tyranny.

٣٨. وَقوافٍ قُدتُها طوعَ يَدي
بعد أَن أَعيا الوَرى منهنَّ جَمحُ

39. The garden envies their subtle composition,
As soft rain describes them dripping from branches.

٣٩. يَحسدُ الروضُ لآلي نَظمِها
إِذ حَكاها من سَقيط الطَلِّ رشحُ

40. The cheek wishes, as it listens to them,
That it were the necklace encircling his neck.

٤٠. وَتَوَدُّ الخودُ إذ تُصغي لها
أَنَّها في جيدِها طَوقٌ ووشحُ

41. Every coquettish woman, when she recites them,
Is adorned by the virtues of the chosen elite.

٤١. كُلُّ غَرّاءَ اذا ما أنشِدَت
زانَها في شيَم المُختار مَدحُ