
O gazelle hiding his youth with gazelle charm

يا غزالا يخفي سناه الغزاله

1. O gazelle hiding his youth with gazelle charm
Your alluring glances have beguiled me

١. يا غَزالاً يُخفي سناه الغَزالَه
فَتَنتني لحاظُك الغَزّالَه

2. Time passed and life was pure until
My heart tasted the flavor of love and dissolved for it

٢. مرَّ دَهرٌ وَالعَيشُ صفوٌ إِلى أَن
ذاقَ قَلبي طَعمَ الهوى فَحَلا لَه

3. What is with my heart and love, if you did not weary it
For your leaning sides that allure

٣. ما لِقَلبي والحبِّ لَو لَم تُمِله
للتَصابي أَعطافُك الميّاله

4. Your sickly glance increased my sickness
May God not cure its sickness and frailty

٤. زادَني لحظُك السَقيم اِعتلالاً
لا شَفى اللَهُ سقمَه واِعتلالَه

5. I was fooled by love until
Your deceitful glances tricked me

٥. كُنتُ غِرّاً بالحبِّ حتّى دَهَتني
بِرَناها لحاظُكَ المُغتالَه

6. How can I hope for loyalty when you are slow to consent and quick to weary
I said when your indifference towards me was prolonged

٦. كَيفَ أَرجو الوَفا وأَنتَ على العَه
دِ بطيءُ الرِضا سَريعُ المَلالَه

7. I am content with it in any state
O breeze that blew from the caves, gently

٧. قُلتُ لمّا أَطال فيكَ عَذولي
أَنا راضٍ به عَلى كُلِّ حاله

8. Dragging its hems among the sanctuaries of the protectorate
It smelled sweetly of the fragrance of one living in the neighborhoods

٨. يا نَسيماً سَرى من الغَور وَهناً
ساحباً في رُبى الحِمى أَذيالَه

9. And it reached to soothe the cold of the night
So it related the best of speech, sound

٩. طابَ نشراً بطيب من سكن الجِز
عَ وَوافى يجرُّ بُردَ الجَلاله

10. Supported by them, and conveyed the message
Repeat that speech to my hearing

١٠. فَروى أَحسنَ الحَديث صَحيحاً
مُسنداً عنهُمُ وأَدّى الرِسالَه

11. And feel free to prolong if you see fit
In the morning you reopened a wound in the heart

١١. هاتِ كرِّر ذاكَ الحَديث لسَمعي
وَلك الطَولُ إِن رأَيتَ الإِطالَه

12. I had hoped that after being apart it would heal
Good for you if you came to a hillside neighborhood

١٢. قد نكأتَ الغداة في القَلب جُرحاً
كُنتُ أَرجو بعد البِعاد اِندِمالَه

13. And neared its mound and sands
Stop at its landmarks and ask about a heart

١٣. يا لك الخير إِن أَتَيتَ رُبى سَل
عٍ وَشارَفت كثبَه وَرمالَه

14. Seduced by its flirtatious gazelles
Be gentle and explain to them the state of one in passion

١٤. قِف بأَعلامِه وَسل عن فؤادٍ
خَتَلَته ظباؤُهُ المُختالَه

15. Sickness changed his state and weakened him
No lightning flashed in the darkness of night

١٥. وَتلطَّف واِشرَح لهم حالَ صبٍّ
غَيَّرَ السقمُ حاله فأَحالَه

16. Except my pouring tears gushed forth
And I remembered the square of intimacy, by God

١٦. ما سرى بارقٌ برامةَ إلّا
واِستَهَلَّت دموعيَ الهَطّالَه

17. And the era of youth and time of leisure
When my shadow from youth was shady

١٧. وَتذكَّرتُ مربع الأنس واللَّه
وِ وَعصرَ الصِّبا وَعَهدَ البِطالَه

18. And infatuation clothed me in its shadows

١٨. حيثُ ظلّي من الشَباب ظَليلٌ
وَالهَوى مُسبِغٌ عليَّ ظِلاله