1. He recalled the fear, anxiety, and grief
His tears flowed, revealing his inner pains
١. ذكرَ الخَيفَ والحِمى وَحَجونَه
فَذرى دمعَه وأَبدى مَصونَه
2. And love returned to him like a festival of passion
Sleep evaded his weeping eyes
٢. وَأَعادَ الهوى له عيدَ وجدٍ
منع النوم بالبُكاءِ جفونَه
3. Do not blame him for weeping out of longing
Or being maddened by deep sorrow
٣. لا تَلوموه إِن بَكى من جَواهُ
وأَجدَّ الأَسى عليه جنونَه
4. Whenever a lover recalls a day gone by
Memories stir his passion and laments
٤. كُلُّ صبٍّ إذا تذكَّرَ يوماً
هَيَّج الذكرُ وجدَه وشجونَه
5. O you who descended in Mecca showing kindness
To a beloved whose affection you belittled today
٥. يا نَزولاً ببطن مكَّةَ عَطفاً
بمحبٍّ أَبَحتُمُ اليومَ هونَه
6. A noble lover, deeply grieved
His flowing tears marred his cheeks
٦. مولَعٍ بالأَسى عزيزِ تأَسٍّ
قرَّح الدمعُ خدَّه وشؤونَه
7. You have lingered too long tormenting lovers
So fulfill the debt of one whose love you once enjoyed
٧. قد أَطلتم مطلَ المحبِّين فاِقضوا
دَين صَبٍّ أَذقتموه مَنونَه
8. Then, if you wish, make peace or turn away
For he owes you nothing once his dues are paid
٨. ثم إِن شئتُمُ صِلوا أَو فصدّوا
ما عليه إذا قضيتم ديونَه