
By your lives, O dwellers of the mother of towns

وحياتكم يا ساكني أم القرى

1. By your lives, O dwellers of the mother of towns
Your love was never false or made up

١. وَحياتكم يا ساكني أُمِّ القُرى
ما كانَ حبُّكمُ حَديثاً يُفترى

2. I yearn for your abodes, from which
Paradise itself came, and over which flowed Kauthar

٢. أَهوى ديارَكمُ الَّتي من حلَّها
حلَّ الجنانَ بها وعلَّ الكوثرا

3. Alas, what dwellings and meadows they were
Where the gazelles grazed, prey to lions

٣. واهاً لهنَّ منازِلاً ومراتعاً
تَرعى الظِباءَ بهنَّ آسادُ الشَرى

4. If the beautiful ones swayed their slender waists
They would sway their braids, dark as the night

٤. إِن هزَّت الآرامُ سُمرَ قدودِها
هزَّت ضراغمُها الوَشيجَ الأَسمرا

5. Look with your eyes, do you see anything but
A fawn who hunts lynxes with its eyelashes?

٥. اِنظر بعينك هَل ترى فيها سوى
رشأً يَصيدُ بمقلَتيهِ قَسورا

6. Or a wild lioness lurking, baring
Its sharp teeth to tear its prey asunder

٦. أو ليثِ عاديةٍ تنمَّر غائراً
يَحمي بأَنياب الأَسِنَّة جؤذَرا

7. God is greatest! How much they grazed, and who saw
Those lynxes and lions declare "God is great!"

٧. اللَه أَكبرُ كم يَرُعنَ ومن رأى
تلك الجآذرَ وَالقساورَ كبَّرا

8. In my soul there is a fawn whose song, when fate frowns
Revives the eyes though kin may be harsh

٨. وَبمهجتي رشأٌ أَغنُّ إذا جفا
جفت العيونُ لصدِّه طيبَ الكرى

9. It rivals the radiant sun at dawn
In beauty, when it unveils itself from its veil

٩. يوفي على الشمس المنيرة في الضحى
حُسناً إِذا حَسرَ اللثامَ وأَسفرا

10. My heart never asked to love his rosy cheek
Until I was pierced by love's green arrows

١٠. لَم يسلُ قَلبي عشقَ أَحمَرِ خدِّه
حَتّى أسال لي العذارَ الأَخضرا

11. The critic chided me long for my love of him
"Won't you listen?" he asked. I said "Do you not see?

١١. قال العَذولُ وقد أَطالَ مَلامَتي
فيه ألا تُصغي فَقُلتُ أَلا تَرى

12. He who made hearts tender for his beauty
Melting, though he never bought or traded hearts

١٢. هَذا الَّذي جعلَ القُلوبَ لحسنه
رِقّاً وما اِبتاعَ القُلوبَ ولا اِشتَرى

13. No, by Him who seduced minds with his beauty
My heart never doubted its love for him, nor strayed

١٣. لا وَالَّذي فتنَ العقولَ بحُسنِه
ما اِرتابَ قَلبي في هواهُ ولا اِمترى

14. I parted from him unwillingly, and ardently wished
To meet him, while patience's reins were severed

١٤. فارقتُه كَرهاً وواصلتُ النَوى
قَسراً وأَضحى الصَبرُ مُنفصمَ العُرى

15. I know not which grief is worse for me
Longing's pangs, or parting's agonies

١٥. لَم أَدرِ أَيُّ الغُصَّتين أسيغُها
إن عنَّ لي ذكرُ الفراق أَو اِعتَرى

16. Parting from one I love, or leaving my dwellings
Both are flames scorching my heart that blaze

١٦. أَفراقَ إِلفي أم فراقَ مَواطني
وَكلاهما لهبٌ بِقَلبيَ قد وَرى

17. By God, my days in Mecca and youth
Bring musk to my love that wafts its fragrance

١٧. لِلَّه أَيّامي بمكّةَ والصبا
تهدي إلى فَوديَّ مِسكاً أَذفَرا

18. Of all time, I crave but an hour from them
Even if I had to buy it or barter for it

١٨. أَشري بكلِّ الدَهر منها ساعةً
لَو أَنَّها مِمّا تُباع وَتُشتَرى