
The dawn rent open the darkness from its throat,

شق الدجى عن نحره الفجر

1. The dawn rent open the darkness from its throat,
Green chrysalises appeared upon it.

١. شَقَّ الدُجى عن نحره الفَجرُ
وَبَدَت عليه غَلائِلٌ خضرُ

2. The smile of the morning glistened from its adornment,
The light of dawn was like a grin.

٢. واِفترَّ يبسمُ عن تبلُّجهِ
ضوءُ الصَباح كأَنَّه ثغرُ

3. The sun rose for its place in the east,
So rise with your sun, O full moon!

٣. وَالشَمسُ قد نهضَت لمشرِقها
فاِنهض بشمسِكَ أَيُّها البَدرُ

4. Intercede through it for the sun of morning, though
Its rise began at sunset.

٤. واِشفَع بها شمسَ الصباح وإِن
أَضحت وبدءُ شروقها العَصرُ

5. Mock the gloomy fate with it,
For fate itself can be mocked through its like.

٥. واِستَضحِكِ الدهرَ العَبوسَ بها
فبمثلها يُستَضحَكُ الدَهرُ

6. Seek it out briskly every morning, a maiden
Whose neck the wine pours towards.

٦. واِستجلِها بِكراً مُعتَّقةً
تَصبو إِليها العاتِقُ البِكرُ

7. Ruby red, shining in its bottle,
As if, were it not flowing, it would be embers.

٧. حَمراءُ تَسطعُ في زجاجتِها
فكأَنَّها لو لم تذب جَمرُ

8. As if its pitcher by sorcery
Gurgled at its turtle dove and nest.

٨. وَكأَنَّما إِبريقُها سَحَراً
إِذ قَهقَهَت لحَمامِه وَكرُ

9. It slipped its veil revealing a virgin's excuse -
No excuse bars her union!

٩. جُليت على خُطّابِها فحكَت
عَذراءَ ما عَن وَصلِها عُذرُ

10. A leg runs towards it tipsily, the sweetness of its steps intoxicated by wine.
Love's kiss is sweet but the taste of waiting for it is bitter.

١٠. يَسعى بها ساقٍ لواحِظُه
سَكرى وَصفو رُضابِه خَمرُ

11. Or a gazelle whose tresses are a night
And the glow upon its brow a dawn,

١١. حلوُ الهَوى عَذبٌ مقبَّلُه
لكن مذاقُ مِطاله مُرُّ

12. A fawn - were it not for her slender waist's bracelet
Her side would not support her hips,

١٢. أَو غادَةٌ رؤدٌ غدائِرُها
لَيلٌ وَضوءُ جَبينها فَجرُ

13. A partridge whose few charms
Are nothing compared to her kindness,

١٣. هَيفاءُ لَولا عَقدُ منطقها
لَم يستقلَّ بِرِدفها الخصرُ

14. In a garden the spring adorned for her
Dresses with embroidery, sprinkled by rainfall.

١٤. خُرعُوبَةٌ جمٌّ محاسِنُها
لكنَّما إِحسانُها نَزرُ

15. Lightning in its meadows ripped open joy -
The clouds smiled and the flowers grinned.

١٥. في رَوضَةٍ وَشّى الرَبيعُ لها
حُللاً فطرَّزَ وشيَها القَطرُ

16. The leaves were stirred by it, singing,
Their green branches entwined.

١٦. وَالبَرقُ شقَّ بمرجِها طَرَباً
جيبَ الحَيا فتبسَّم الزَهرُ

17. Woe to our gathering since you have united
In it intimacy and the rending of veils!

١٧. وَشَدَت بها الوَرقاءُ مَطربةً
فَتَمايسَت أَغصانُها الخُضرُ

18. Our pitcher is gold and its wine
A ruby and its bubbles pearl.

١٨. واهاً لمجلِسنا وقد جمعَت
فيه المُنى وتهتَّك السِترُ

19. For our day and the cupbearers of our goblets
A radiant dawn and faces like flowers.

١٩. إِبريقُنا ذَهَبٌ وخمرتُه
ياقوتَةٌ وَحَبابُها دُرُّ

20. The wine-pourer calls to reveille with it
One whose hearing the lute does not burden.

٢٠. وليومِنا وَسُقاةِ أَكؤسِنا
صُبحٌ أَغَرُّ وأَوجهٌ غُرُّ

21. If the drunkenness of her wine does not please the drinker
When does drunkenness please the sober?

٢١. دعتِ المُدام إِلى الصَبوح به
من ليسَيُثقلُ سمعَه وَقرُ

22. So drink and do not say time has ordained
That the free man fails to attain pleasure!

٢٢. إِن لَم يَطِب سُكرٌ لشارِبها
فَمَتى يَطيبُ لشارِبٍ سُكرُ

23. The time has been shaded by my father Abu Hasan's bliss
So it cleared and hardship disappeared through his ease.

٢٣. فاِشرب ولا تقل الزَمانُ قَضى
أَن لا يَفوزَ بلذَّةٍ حُرُّ

24. From his fingers set out to flow
For the hopeful clouds of glad tidings.

٢٤. شَملَ الزَمانَ ندى أَبي حسنٍ
فَصَفا وَزالَ بِيُسره العُسرُ

25. Clouds but the gentle patter of their rain
Is goodness and the flash of its lightning good news.

٢٥. وَسرت تَهلَّلُ من أَنامِلِهِ
لبني الرَجاءِ سحائِبٌ عشرُ

26. To those on his right hand he gives success,
And to those on his left, ease.

٢٦. سحبٌ ولكن وَدقُ صَيّبها
تِبرٌ ولَمعُ وَميضِها بِشرُ

27. His mystical knowledge has conversed with his external knowledge
So they have both overflowed as seas.

٢٧. فالخَلقُ من يُمنى يَدَيه لهم
يُمنٌ ومن يُسراهُما يُسرُ

28. A sea but the divergence of its outpouring
Does not drive back the oncomer like a stream.

٢٨. وَحَكَت عوارفُه معارفَه
فتدفَّقا فَكِلاهُما بَحرُ

29. His heart shone with sincerity
So he is the devout, loyal and dutiful one.

٢٩. بَحرٌ وَلكن لجُّ نائِله
ما رَدَّ سائِلَ فَيضهِ نَهرُ

30. Listen to him and look at him and you will find
Reports whose truth is verified by reports.

٣٠. برَّت بإخلاصٍ سريرتُه
فهو التَقيُّ المخلصُ البَرُّ

31. He has an ambition that almost
Melted solid rocks by its ferocity.

٣١. أَسمِع بِهِ واِنظر إِليه تَجِد
خَبَراً يحقِّقُ صدقَهُ الخُبرُ

32. If he wished to hunt the stars with it
The eagles would not find a lair in the sky.

٣٢. ذو هِمَّة كادَت لعزمتها
صُمُّ الصُخور يُذيبها الذُعرُ

33. From a stock watered by the Most High's rain
His stature grew and excellence throve in it.

٣٣. لَو رامَ يَصطادُ النجومَ بها
لم يأَو وَكرَ سَمائِه النَسرُ

34. So its branches hung down fruitfully,
The boughs flourished and bore noble deeds.

٣٤. من دَوحة سُقيت أَرومتُها
ماءَ العُلى وَنَما بها الفَخرُ

35. O beginning for whom city and desert alike
Have thanked the profit of his hands!

٣٥. فتهدَّلت أَغصانُها كرماً
زكت الفروع وأَنجبَ العِترُ

36. My poetry praising you is not miserly -
For the like of your praise poetry itself is composed.

٣٦. يا أَيُّها البَدءُ الَّذي شكرت
جَدوى يديه البَدوُ وَالحَضرُ

37. To you strings of verse, articulated,
Never to adorn another's throat.

٣٧. شعري بمدحك لا أَضنُّ به
فَلمثل مدحك يُنظمُ الشِعرُ

38. They come congratulating on a rank
Through you, its worth has reached its limit.

٣٨. وإِليكها عِقداً مفصَّلة
لم يحلُ قطُّ بمثلها نحرُ

39. Hand down the days, ever rising,
Through ranks whose number the mind cannot grasp.

٣٩. وافَت مُهنِّئة بمرتبةٍ
بك قَد سما لمقامها قَدرُ

٤٠. واِسلم مدى الأَيّام مُرتَقياً
رُتباً يضيق لعدِّها الحصرُ