
He brought the cups that unveiled the darkness of the ceiling

جلا الكؤوس فجلى ظلمة السدف

1. He brought the cups that unveiled the darkness of the ceiling
A full moon I was tasked with protecting, far from any burden

١. جَلا الكؤوسَ فجلّى ظلمةَ السَدف
بدرٌ كلِفتُ به حاشاه من كَلَفِ

2. It shone as it rose radiantly going in comfort
As if it were the sun settling in the abode of honor

٢. سمت وقد أَشرَقت راح براحتهِ
كأَنَّها الشَمسُ حلَّت منزلَ الشَرَفِ

3. The fragrance of its blossoming faded as it was in his hand
Like a rose in the palm of a gentle plucker

٣. وَضاعَ نشرُ شذاها وهيَ في يده
كأَنَّها وردةٌ في كفِّ مُقتَطفِ

4. A full moon that donned from its rising places
And leaned in fine silks and fabrics

٤. بكرٌ تحلَّت بدُرٍّ من فواقعها
وأَقبلت وهيَ في وشح وفي شَنَفِ

5. O April clouds, water the vines with vines
For in love there is glory beyond pearls and shells

٥. يا سحبَ نيسان روّي الكرم من كرم
فَفي الحَباب غنىً عَن لؤلؤ الصَدفِ

6. Great is the difference between a pearl that left intoxicated
And moistened the edges, and a pearl not intoxicated

٦. شتّانَ ما بين دُرٍّ راح مُرتَشَفاً
رشفَ الثغور ودرٍّ غير مُرتَشفِ

7. I haven't forgotten a night of intimacy, hugging
A beloved, the joining of laam to alif

٧. لَم أَنسَ ليلة أُنسٍ بتُّ معتنقاً
فيها الحَبيبَ اِعتناق اللام للألفِ

8. I felt safe from the mischief of my time under its protection
And whoever takes refuge in the covenant of love will not fear

٨. أَمنتُ من رَيب دَهري في خفارته
وَمن يَبت في ضَمان الحبِّ لم يَخفِ

9. And I found relief from estrangement there
After I had long been estranged

٩. وَرحتُ فيها من الهجران مُنتصِفاً
من بعد ما كُنتُ منه غير مُنتصفِ

10. I took power over it with a spear from its cloaks
And a sword from the gazelles of its gentle eyes

١٠. أَسطو عليهِ برمحٍ من مَعاطِفِهِ
وَصارمٍ من ظُبى أَجفانِه الوُطُفِ

11. By God, the pleasure of union I attained was good
Perfumed with beauty and clothed in fragrance

١١. لِلَّه طيب وصالٍ نلتُ من رشأ
بالحسن متَّسمٍ بالطيب متَّصفِ

12. When I drew its garments to my chest
Their delicacy almost melted from the luxury

١٢. إِذا ضَممت إلى صَدري ترائبَه
كادَت تَذوبُ تَراقيهِ من التَرفِ

13. O you who excel in description, if you throw an arrow, then describe
For us the beauty of this firm, stately youth

١٣. يا محسنَ الوصف إِن رمت النسيبَ فصِف
لنا محاسنَ هَذا الشادن الصَلِفِ

14. Or if you one day attribute a master due to nobility
Then attribute to its endpoint the masters of Najaf

١٤. أَو رمتَ تنسبُ يوماً سيِّداً لعُلاً
فاِنسب إِلى مُنتَهاها سادَة النَجفِ

15. And specify the progeny of the honor of religion, whom
The houses of highness, glory and honor were ennobled by them

١٥. واِخصُص بني شرفِ الدين الألى شرفت
بهم بيوتُ العُلى وَالمَجدِ وَالشَرَفِ

16. A people who stand in for all people
With the comforts of glory and those who remain on the sidelines

١٦. قوم يحلُّونَ دون الناسِ قاطبةً
بحبوحةَ المجد والباقون في طَرفِ

17. Those who, in the face of benevolence, say no extravagance
In good one day, just as there is no good in extravagance

١٧. القائلونَ لدى المعروف لا سرفٌ
في الخير يَوماً كما لا خيرَ في السرفِ

18. They narrated the hadith of noble character from a father from a father
And a successor narrates it from a predecessor

١٨. رَووا حديثَ المَعالي عن أَبٍ فأَبٍ
وَساقَه خلفٌ يرويه عن سلفِ

19. They are the guiding stars in a dark night
And they are the seas of dew taken by one who draws them

١٩. هُمُ نجومُ الهدى لَيلاً لمدَّلجٍ
وهم بحارُ الندى نَيلاً لمغترفِ

20. Among them is Hussein, may God make his joy last
And what description befits the benevolence of Hussein?

٢٠. منهم حسينٌ أَدام اللَهُ بهجتَه
وأَيُّ وصفٍ بإحسان الحسين يَفي

21. He is the noble one who surpassed all in nobility
Ask whoever you wish, he will acknowledge

٢١. هو الشَريفُ الَّذي فاق الورى شرفاً
سل عن مفاخره من شئت يعترفِ

22. How much beauty he has in creation, all of it beautiful
Shining like a starry pearl in a ceiling

٢٢. كَم من جَميلٍ له في الخلق مُجملُه
يَلوح كالكَوكب الدرّيّ في السدفِ

23. So creation from his creation is in wondrous charm
And from his traits in a garden of bliss

٢٣. فالخَلقُ من خلقه في نزهةٍ عجبٍ
ومن خلائقه في روضةٍ أُنفِ

24. The dew, guidance and glory were cloaked around him
And through him religion was sheltered

٢٤. أَمسى النَدى وَالهُدى وَالمجد مكتنفاً
به وأَصبح منه الدين في كنفِ

25. He strove for the ultimate goal which
The people stopped at, but he surpassed without stopping

٢٥. سَعى إلى الغاية القُصوى الَّتي وقفت
عنها الورى فتعدّاها ولم يَقِفِ

26. Thus he achieved what his peers achieved and contained
What diverged from a predecessor or successor

٢٦. فَحازَ ما حازه أَقرانُه وَحَوى
ما شذَّ عن سَلفٍ منهم وعَن خلفِ