
O reddish gazelle

يا غزال أمحره

1. O reddish gazelle
Spare me, I implore you, your arrows

١. يا غزالَ أَمحرَه
اِكفُف فديتُك سهامَك

2. Do not increase my misery
By veiling your veil

٢. لا تزدني شرَه
إلى اِلتِثام لثامك

3. For love has made it easy
To understand the meaning of your passion

٣. فالهَوى أَيسَرَه
أَضنى معنّى غرامَك

4. In your dwelling is Antara
And your stature is Samhar

٤. في مِقاكَ عنتره
وَسمهريُّه قوامَك

5. Happy is he who you have intoxicated
With your saliva and the chains of your wine

٥. سعدَ من أَسكَره
ريقك وسلسل مُدامك

6. Connect your lover and have mercy
Preserve your right as he preserves you

٦. صل محبَّك ترَه
حافظ وحقَّك ذمامَك

7. His longing keeps him awake
While you enjoy your sleep

٧. شوقُهُ اِسهرَه
وأَنتَ تهنى منامَك