
Where does this fragrance come from, oh breeze of the morning?

من أين يا ريح الصبا هذا الشذا

1. Where does this fragrance come from, oh breeze of the morning?
If it is from the dwellings of the beloved, how delightful!

١. مِن أَينَ يا ريحَ الصَبا هَذا الشَذا
إِن كانَ من حَيِّ الحَبيبِ فحبَّذا

2. By God, have you passed by her eastern abode
And stopped by her sheltered drinking place, safe from dust?

٢. باللَه هَل يمَّمتَ شَرقيَّ الحِمى
ووردتَ مَنهَلَه المصون عن القَذى

3. Or have you drawn out your train between her houses
And taken from those traits a way?

٣. أَم هَل سحبتَ الذَيلَ بين أَراكِهِ
فأَخذتَ من تلك الشَمائِل مأخَذا

4. Or have you been fortunate to kiss her veiled cheek
And gained from her breath this fragrant scent?

٤. أَم هَل حَظيتَ بلثم مَسحب بُردِه
فكسبتَ من أَنفاسِه طيبَ الشَذا

5. And by my life, if that pleases her, it is my ransom -
Revive through it all hearts she has conquered.

٥. وَبمُهجَتي إِن كانَ يَرضاه فِدىً
رشأ على كُلِّ القُلوب اِستَحوَذا

6. When her shy eyes saw him
All souls ransomed him and consecrated themselves to him.

٦. لَمّا رأَت منه المحيّا عُذَّلي
فدّاه كُلٌّ بالنُفوس وعوَّذا

7. And tomorrow he will say to those charged with his night visit:
I did not expect to be tasked with this.

٧. وَغَدا يَقولُ مكلِّفي بسلوِّه
ما كُنتُ أَحسَبُ من كُلِفتَ به كَذا

8. When the ruby of his cheek appeared
He showed us from his cheeks a reddish tint.

٨. لَمّا جلا ياقوتَ صفحةِ خَدِّه
أَبدى لنا من عارضَيه زُمرُّذا

9. And he shot hearts, so the arrow of his glance
Was more piercing than the arrow hitting its mark.

٩. وَرَمى القُلوبَ فكانَ سَهمُ لحاظِهِ
أَمضى من السَهم المُصيب وأَنفَذا

10. Would that he who set my heart on fire with his love
Save it from the hell of rejection and deliver it!

١٠. لَيتَ الَّذي أَورى بِقَلبي حُبَّه
أَنجاه من نارِ الصُدود وأَنقَذا

11. And despite his aloofness, how sweet is his passion!
If only I could surrender to his love free of harm.

١١. وَعلى جَفاهُ ما أَلَذَّ غَرامَهُ
لَو كُنتُ أَسلمُ في هَواهُ من الأَذى

12. The censurers thought their advice guided me
After my misguidance, but it did not guide me, only led me astray.

١٢. ظنَّ العذولُ بأن هَداني نصحُه
بعدَ الضَلال وما هدى لكن هَذى