
The ruins told the desert about her abode,

سلا دارها أن أنبأ الطلل القفر

1. The ruins told the desert about her abode,
And it excellently narrated, except for my falling tears.

١. سَلا دارَها أن أَنبأ الطَلَلُ القفرُ
أَجادَ فروّاها سِوى أَدمعي قطرُ

2. Did the tyrants ignite a fire in her land?
For only the embers of my liver were its flames.

٢. وَهَل أَوقدَ السارون ناراً بأرضها
فَكانَ لَها إلّا لظى كَبِدي جَمرُ

3. It is not passion for the house that makes me weep for its traces
And lament it, were it not for the youths and the memories.

٣. وَما شَغَفي بالدار أَبكي رسُومَها
وأَندبُها لَولا الصَبابةُ وَالذِكرُ

4. I remembered through it the days of beauty, and its epoch
Was beautiful, and the prime of youth adorned with blossoms.

٤. ذكرتُ بها أَيّامَ جُملٍ وعهدُها
جَميلٌ وَفينانُ الصِبا مونقٌ نَضرُ

5. When living was pure, and the loved ones were neighbors,
And the meadow of passion was fresh, its gardens green.

٥. إِذِ العيشُ صَفوٌ والحَبائِبُ جيرةٌ
وَروضُ الهَوى غضٌّ حدائقه خُضرُ

6. I lived in comfort in the prime of my youth,
Cuddled by a sun, kissed by a full moon.

٦. أَميسُ اِرتياحاً في بُلهنية الصِبا
تعانقني شَمسٌ وَيلثمني بَدرُ

7. The white-skinned beauty, daughter of Ulya bin Ghalib,
Protected by plains and perfumed blond hair.

٧. وَغَيداء من عُليا لؤيِّ بن غالبٍ
حَمتها المواضي والمثقَّفةُ السُمرُ

8. I swear, if the eggs and arrows did not protect her,
Her singing and poetry would have been enough.

٨. وأقسمُ لو لَم تحمِها البيضُ والقَنا
لأغنى غناها الخُنزوانةُ والكبرُ

9. She is a rosy gazelle, were it not for her figure,
And the morning sun, were it not for her smile and mouth.

٩. هيَ الظبيةُ الأدماءُ لَولا قوامُها
وَشَمسُ الضُحى لَولا المباسمُ وَالثغرُ

10. The flowers of the horizon vie with the flowers of her attributes,
And poetry comes down to describe her in verse.

١٠. تُطاولُ زُهرَ الأفق أَزهارُ نَعتها
وَيستنزلُ الشِعرى لأَوصافها الشِعرُ

11. I obeyed her love as much as I could, and none had
Over me concerning her love any prohibition or order.

١١. أَطعتُ هَواها ما اِستَطَعتُ ولم يكن
لغير الهَوى نهيٌ عليَّ ولا أَمرُ

12. Lost indeed is he, whose heart is obsessed with Ghada,
Mu'addi bin 'Adnan bin Udad, her neighbor.

١٢. لَقَد ضَلَّ مشغوفُ الفؤاد بغادَةٍ
معدُّ بن عَدنانٍ بن أدٍّ لها نَجرُ

13. If the coquetry of her eyes is scattered one day,
For her lover, her coquetry and sight arise.

١٣. إِذا نُثِرَت يَوماً كِنانةُ ناظرٍ
لعاشِقها ثارَت كِنانةُ وَالنضرُ

14. They resent that their handsome youth should love their belle,
Is there any shame in a confidant loving his confidante?

١٤. يَغارون أَن يَهوى فَتاهم فتاتَهم
وَهَل في هوى خلٍّ لخلَّته نُكرُ

15. It would not have harmed them had my relationship embraced hers,
While estrangement has separated what is between us.

١٥. وَما ضَرَّهم لو لُفَّ شَملي بشَملها
وَقَد لَفَّت الأَعراقَ ما بيننا فِهرُ

16. I seek refuge in God from my love of an aloof beauty,
And my loyalty to her, while treason spreads among her folk.

١٦. إِلى اللَه من حُبّي فَتاةً مَنيعةً
وَفائي لها ما بين أَقوامها غدرُ

17. She sheds the blood of lovers, knowing
That shedding the blood of lovers is easy for her.

١٧. تُطِلُّ دماء العاشقين لعلمها
بأَنَّ دماءَ العاشقين لها هَدرُ

18. As if she has a string on every lover,
She swore his string would not sleep.

١٨. كأَنَّ لها وتراً على كُلِّ عاشقٍ
وَقَد أَقسمت أَن لا ينامَ لها وترُ

19. I excuse lengthily, while none hear the blamer,
So the hidden is revealed and the excuse exposed.

١٩. أعاذلُ مَهلاً غيرُ سَمعي للائمٍ
فَقَد ظهر المكنونُ واِتَّضح العُذرُ

20. By my life, you have tried to advise me, but
My ear turns only to what you allow it to hear.

٢٠. لعمري لَقَد حاولتَ نُصحي وإنَّما
بِسَمعيَ عمّا أَنتَ مُسمعُهُ وقرُ

21. Before you blamed the lovers, but
They have with the people of passion no praise or reward.

٢١. وَقبلَك لامَ اللائمون فَلَم يَكن
لهم عند أَهل العشق حمدٌ ولا أَجرُ

22. Before this, the enamored entered into love,
Not knowing that love is a bumpy ride.

٢٢. وَمِن قَبلُ ما لَجَّ المحبُّون في الهَوى
وَما جَهِلوا أَنَّ الهوى مركبٌ وَعرُ

23. They harbored hopes of union, but awoke
With hands empty of what they sought.

٢٣. وَأَمسوا يَرومون الوصال فأَصبحوا
وأَيديهمُ مِمّا يَرومونَه صِفرُ

24. The lovers do not deny estrangement or torment,
For no union tastes good unless estrangement precedes it.

٢٤. وَما نَكِرَ العشّاق هَجراً ولا قِلىً
فَما طابَ وصلٌ قطُّ لَو لَم يكن هَجرُ

25. And I, with the passion and sorrow within me,
Am of bitter disposition, which fate cannot provoke.

٢٥. وإِنّي على ما بي من الوَجدِ والأَسى
لذو مِرَّة لا يستفزُّنيَ الدَهرُ

26. I see patience as the taste of honey when
You lick it, and patience is like its name, patience.

٢٦. أَرى الصَبرَ مِثلَ الشهد طعماً إذا عرت
مُلمَّاتهُ وَالصَبرُ مثلُ اسمِه صَبرُ

27. And I am of the exalted people who,
When offended, were harmful, and when blessed, were righteous.

٢٧. وإنّي من القَوم الألى شيَّدوا العُلى
إِذا نقموا ضرّوا وإِن نعموا بَرّوا

28. When they promised, they fulfilled, and when they threatened, they forgave.
When angry, they were evil, and when forbearing, they were good.

٢٨. وإِن وَعَدوا أَوفوا وإِن أَوعَدوا عَفوا
وإِن غَضِبوا ساؤوا وإِن حلموا سَرّوا

29. They are the masters of the world and itsstatesmen,
And the finest of the exalted, their blossoms most fragrant.

٢٩. هُمُ سادةُ الدنيا وَساسَةُ أَهلها
وهم غررُ العَليا وأَنجمُها الزُهرُ

30. The clan of Hashim, kin of the Prophet Mohammed,
Through him, above all creation, excellence was due.

٣٠. بَنو هاشمٍ رهطُ النَبيِّ محمَّدٍ
به لهم دون الوَرى وَجَبَ الفَخرُ

31. He is their pure root and their sharp one, who
When purified, produced a branch, and when keen, published far and wide.

٣١. هُمُ أَصلُه الزاكي ومحتِدُه الَّذي
زَكا فَزَكا فَرعٌ له وَذكا نشرُ

32. Does a sweet basil plant grow but from its seed?
Or bloom, but in its own gardens?

٣٢. وَهَل يُنبِتُ الخَطّيَّ إِلّا وَشيجُهُ
وَيطلع إلّا في حدائقه الزَهرُ

33. Beware, O you who seek to attain their glory,
Go slowly, do not exert, for the matter is settled.

٣٣. أَلا أَيُّها الساعي ليُدرِكَ شأوَهم
رويدَك لا تجهَد فَقَد قُضيَ الأَمرُ

34. If you are in troubling doubt about them, then ask
An expert, for the reports have proven truthful about them.

٣٤. وَإِن كنتَ في شَكٍّ مُريبٍ فَسَل بهم
خَبيراً فعنهم صدَّق الخَبَر الخُبرُ

35. The brilliant dawn may be denied by a blind kinsman,
But else, why would the dawn conceal from a seer?

٣٥. وَقَد ينكرُ الصبحَ المنير أَخو عمىً
وإِلّا فما بالصُبح عن ناظِرٍ سَترُ

36. When counted among them are Ahmed, his cousin,
His uncle, his sons, and his immaculate daughter.

٣٦. إِذا عُدَّ منهم أَحمدٌ واِبنُ عمِّه
وَعَمّاهُ واِبناهُ وبضعَتُهُ الطُهرُ

37. And his chaste family, the finest guides, and those who
Have merits that do not vanish, though time vanishes.

٣٧. وعترتُه الغرُّ الهداةُ ومن لهم
مَناقبُ لا تَفنى وإِن فَنيَ الدهرُ

38. Then they have secured, beyond all people, glories
Too narrow for the plain or the sea at its widest.

٣٨. فَقَد أَحرَزوا دونَ الأنام مفاخراً
تَضيق لأدناها البَسيطةُ والبَحرُ

39. They are my forefathers, so bring me their equals,
If gatherings of nobles are adorned with blossoms.

٣٩. أولئك آبائي فجئني بمثلهم
إِذا جمع الأَقيالَ أَنديةٌ زُهرُ

40. May the prayers of God be upon them, as long as the east glows,
And as long as their light shines in the horizons from dawn.

٤٠. عليهم صَلاةُ اللَه ما ذرَّ شارِقٌ
وَما لاحَ في الآفاق من نورهم فجرُ