
O Commander of the Faithful, I sacrifice my soul for you

أمير المؤمنين فدتك نفسي

1. O Commander of the Faithful, I sacrifice my soul for you
You are a wonder and marvel to behold

١. أَميرَ المؤمنين فدتكَ نَفسي
لنا من شأنك العجبُ العجابُ

2. Those who followed you were fortunate and succeeded
While those who opposed you were wretched and failed

٢. تَولّاك الأُلى سعدوا فَفازوا
وَناواك الَّذين شقوا فخابوا

3. Had people known who you truly are
They would prostrate before you and never disobey

٣. وَلَو عَلِمَ الورى ما أَنتَ أَضحوا
لوجهك ساجدين ولم يُحابوا

4. By God's blessing, if the veil were lifted
And God's face revealed from behind the veil

٤. يمنُ اللَه لَو كُشِف المغطّى
ووجهُ اللَه لَو رُفِع الحجابُ

5. You were hidden from sight though you are the sun
Soaring above any clouds that would shade her

٥. خفيتَ عن العيون وأَنتَ شَمسٌ
سَمت عن أَن يُجلِّلَها سحابُ

6. When dawn breaks clearly, none can blame the morn
If a blind man does not behold the light of day

٦. وَلَيسَ على الصَباح إِذا تجلّى
وَلَم يُبصِرهُ أَعمى العين عابُ

7. For a mystery did the Prophet, father of dust, name you
Muhammad the chosen one, so pure and blessed

٧. لسرٍّ ما دَعاك أَبا ترابٍ
مُحمَّدٌ النَبيُّ المُستطابُ

8. Thus all who come from dust can claim relation
For in you lies their cause to stake such a claim

٨. فكانَ لكُلِّ من هو من ترابٍ
إِليك وأَنت علَّته اِنتسابُ

9. Without you no sky would have been created
Without you no dust would have been shaped

٩. فَلَولا أَنتَ لم تُخلق سماءٌ
وَلَولا أَنت لم يُخلق تُرابُ

10. On you and your adherence rests judgment day
To punish or reward however it may

١٠. وَفيك وفي ولائِك يوم حشرٍ
يُعاقب من يعاقبُ أَو يُثابُ

11. Through you the Torah of Moses spoke clear
The Bible of Jesus and the Holy Book as well

١١. بفضلكَ أَفصحت توراةُ موسى
وإنجيلُ ابن مريمَ والكتابُ

12. A wonder it is that any people opposed you
Or heeded the call of tribes who went astray

١٢. فَيا عجباً لمن ناواكَ قِدماً
ومن قومٍ لدعوتهم أَجابوا

13. Turning from the path of truth intentionally
Straying from you, or was guidance kept at bay?

١٣. أَزاغوا عن صِراط الحقِّ عمداً
فضلّوا عنك أَم خفي الصوابُ

14. Could they doubt what was never dubious?
Can there be doubt when truth has made its way?

١٤. أَم اِرتابوا بما لا ريبَ فيه
وهل في الحَقِّ إِذ صُدع اِرتيابُ

15. After Ghadir Khumm, who deserved the caliphate?
Who could claim any portion or share?

١٥. وهَل لِسواكَ بعد غدير خمٍّ
نَصيبٌ في الخلافة أَو نِصابُ

16. Did not God make you their Master, and so
All necks before you bowed, despite their glare

١٦. أَلَم يجعلكَ مولاهم فذلَّت
عَلى رغم هناكَ لكَ الرِقابُ

17. No Hashimite aspired to it nevertheless
Though of finest stock and most prudent minds

١٧. فَلَم يَطمَح إليها هاشميٌّ
وإن أَضحى له الحسبُ اللُبابُ

18. Be it Banu Taym or 'Adi, they are the same
Present or absent, their nature binds

١٨. فمن تيم بن مرّة أَو عَديٌّ
وهم سيّان إِن حضَروا وغابوا

19. If out of misery they reject your right
The wretched shall face punishment of their crimes

١٩. لَئِن جَحدوكَ حقَّك عن شقاءٍ
فبالأشقين ما حلَّ العِقابُ

20. How foolish are those who bite your noble flesh
As dogs would bark and nip at the shining moon!

٢٠. فَكَم سفهت عليكَ حلومُ قومٍ
فكنت البَدرَ تنبحُه الكِلابُ