1. I wept for a lightning that flashed with his name on my lips
So my eyelids, not the clouds, were filled with rain
١. بَكيتُ لبرقٍ لاحَ بالثغر باسمُه
فَكانَت جفوني لا السحاب غمائمُه
2. By passion, if not for the harmony of my tears
My heart would not blame, in the downpour, the one who blames it
٢. أَما وَالهَوى لَولا تَساجُمُ عبرتي
لَما لامَ قَلبي في الصَبابة لائمُه
3. I concealed the secrets of love in my heart
So my tears sprouted for the one I was hiding it from
٣. كتمتُ خَفايا الحبِّ بين جوانحي
فنمَّت دموعي بالَّذي أَنا كاتِمُه
4. And who can restrain their eyelids while they are clouds
When the lightnings of his smile flashed
٤. وَمن يُمسك الأجفانَ وهي سحائبٌ
إذا لمعت لمعَ البروق مباسمُه
5. My dear ones, you have blamed me
And pained my heart with what does not suit it
٥. خَليليَّ قد أَبرمتماني مَلامةً
وأَلَّمتما قَلبي بما لا يلائمُه
6. It is as if I am an innovator in befriending passion
And none before me was a passionate lover wandering astray
٦. كأَنّي بدعٌ في مُلابَسة الهَوى
وَلَم يَكُ قَبلي مغرمُ القلب هائمُه
7. You attempt to divert my heart out of ignorance
Of what I know of the secrets of love
٧. تَرومانِ مِن قَلبي السلوَّ جهالةً
بما أَنا من سرِّ المحبَّة عالمُه
8. How can I be diverted from the one I befriended
While we are intimate friends, adorned with amulets
٨. وَكَيفَ سلوّي مَن أَلِفتُ وإنَّنا
لإِلفان مُذ نيطَت بكلٍّ تمائمُه
9. God watered my days in Mecca and youth
With clouds that unfold the light of youth
٩. سَقى اللَهُ أَيّامي بمكَّة والصِبا
تفتَّحُ عن نورِ الشباب كمائمُه
10. And vivified the spring of passion in Suwayqah
With a downpour of tears pouring forth
١٠. وَحَيّا الحَيا ربعَ الهوى بسوَيقة
وجاد بأَجيادٍ من الدَمع ساجمُه
11. Nights I fall asleep in the shades of gladness
While the sleeper in me is not roused by the events of fate
١١. لَياليَ أَغفو في ظِلال بَشاشةٍ
ولم ينتبه من حادثِ الدَهر نائمُه
12. There, neither does the slender gazelle flee
Nor does the one who severs the rope of connection sever it
١٢. هنالكَ لا ظبيُ الصَريم مصارمٌ
ولا جَذَّ حبلَ الوصل من هو صارمُه
13. I let loose my train in the meadows of youth
And my youthful garden blossoms with soft branches
١٣. أَجرُّ ذيولي في بُلَهنية الصِبا
وَرَوضُ شبابي ناضر الغُصنِ ناعمُه
14. The full moon visits me when its light is complete
Veiling it from the dark night with its fervor
١٤. يواصلُني بدرٌ إذا تمَّ ضوؤه
يواريه من ليل الذَوائب فاحمُه
15. And how many a night it met me suddenly
And I spent it with him until the morn, regretting
١٥. وَكَم لَيلَةٍ وافى على حينِ غفلةٍ
فبتُّ بها حتّى الصَباحِ أنادمُه
16. I removed from him my garments and modesty
And he spent the night with my pillow as his bolster and brace
١٦. وأَفرشتُه منّي الترائبَ والحشا
وَباتَ وسادي زندُه ومعاصمُه
17. And he inclined from my kisses, removing his veil
And none but me spent the night with the kissing moon
١٧. وَنحّى لِلَثمي عَن لَماه لثامَه
وَلَم أَدرِ غيري بات وَالبَدرُ لاثمُه
18. So we spent it as passion wished us wrapped
In love and devotion - its sanctities cannot be violated
١٨. فَبِتنا كَما شاءَ الغرامُ يلفُّنا
هوىً وتقىً لا تُستحلُّ محارمُه
19. Until the breeze of dawn roared
Dragging its train in the gardens with its breezes
١٩. إِلى حين هبَّت نسمةُ الفجر واِنبرَت
تجرُّ ذيولاً في الرياض نسائمُه
20. And the morn unsheathed its sword upon the night
So the doves of the branches started clamoring against it
٢٠. وَسلَّ على اللَيل الصباحُ حسامَه
فَقامَت حَماماتُ الغُصون تخاصمُه
21. Then we got up with no suspicious glance of a critic
Nor did the whispers of a slanderer speak of us
٢١. فَقمنا ولَم يعلَق بنا ظنُّ كاشحٍ
ولا نطقَت عنّا لواشٍ نمائمُه
22. Yes, that union was pure and it was forgotten
But the traces of passion and its landmarks do not vanish
٢٢. نعم قد صَفا ذاكَ الوِصالُ وقد عَفا
وَلَم تعفُ آثارُ الهوى وَمعالمُه
23. To you, Nasir al-Din, I complain with anguish
Passion's cold and poison have afflicted me
٢٣. إليكَ نصيرَ الدين بُحتُ بلوعةٍ
براني بها بَرد الهَوى وَسَمائمُه
24. And had I not believed you to be true in friendship
I would not have told what I do not want others to imagine
٢٤. وَلَولا اِعتقادي صدقَ ودِّك لم أبح
بما لستُ أَرضى أَنَّ غيرَك واهمُه
25. By my life, you are the truthful loving one
Who believes me in what virtuous qualities I claim to possess
٢٥. لعمري لأَنتَ الصادقُ الودِّ وَالَّذي
تصدِّقني فيما اِدَّعَيتُ مكارمُه
26. You are unique in an age in which
Its educated have become mute Arabs and non-Arabs about good
٢٦. وأَنَّك فردٌ في زَمانٍ غدت به
عن الخير عُجماً عربُه وأَعاجِمُه
27. So I turned away from them folding up the train
Of my love so that its preciousness may be humiliated
٢٧. إِلى اللَه أَشكو منهُمُ عهدَ معشر
تَحايدُ عن حِفظ الذِمام ذمائمُه
28. Sufficient for me, O Nasir al-Din, in this world is your support
Against its injustices, should it carve them against me
٢٨. إِذا سَرَّ منهم ظاهرٌ ساءَ باطنٌ
تدبُّ إلى نهشِ الصَديق أراقمُه
29. Indeed, through you my hands have attained glorious deeds
Its openings are praiseworthy and its closings sublime
٢٩. عجمتُهمُ عجَمَ المثقّف عودَه
فَما ظَفِرت كفّي بصلبٍ معاجمُه
30. A penetrating man of wisdom, a daring hero
Whose efforts are decisive and resolves firm
٣٠. فأَعرضتُ عنهم طاوياً كشحَ غائرٍ
على الودِّ منّي أَن تَذلَّ كرائمُه
31. He possesses a character that spreads fragrance like a garden
And his blossoms reveal the buds of hidden vices
٣١. فَحَسبي نَصيرُ الدين في الدَهر ناصراً
على الدَهر إِن أَنحَت عليَّ مظالمُه
32. He is the ever-young, the eternal one
Who sees the withering of all withering ones
٣٢. لَقَد ظفِرَت كفّايَ منه بماجدٍ
فواتحه محمودة وخواتمُه
33. His minister's hand holds the reigns of leadership
And the throne of glory is supported by its pillars
٣٣. فَتىً ثاقبُ الآراء طلّاعُ أَنجُدٍ
حميدُ المساعي مبرماتٌ عزائمُه
34. When he contends with heroes you will see a contender
Whose swords exceed Mars in domination
٣٤. له خُلقٌ كالرَوضِ يعبقُ نشرُه
وَتفترُّ عن غرِّ السَجايا بواسِمُه
35. And if the scribes vie, you will find a scribe
Mercury in the art of writing, its servant
٣٥. هُوَ الخضِرُ الأَكنافِ والخِضرم الَّذي
يَرى وَشَلاً كلَّ الخضارِم عائمُه
36. When the expanse of the desert is filled by its herbage
He encompasses the distances faster than the one delineating them
٣٦. وَزيرٌ له دَست الوزارة قائمٌ
وَعرشُ المَعالي أَيِّداتٌ قوائمُه
37. So he ridicules the prose of the best prose composer
And belittles the verse of the best versifier
٣٧. إذا صاوَلَ الأَبطالَ شاهدتَ صائِلاً
تَزيدُ عَلى المرّيخ سطواً صوارمُه
38. Through him the steeds of Persia gave birth to a Persian knight
Its superior horses and battle standards preceded him
٣٨. وإِن نافَثَ الكتّاب أَلفَيتَ كاتِباً
عُطاردُ في فنِّ الكتابة خادِمُه
39. The foremost at the limit acknowledged his precedence
And the greatest of tribes revered him
٣٩. إذا ما اِمتطَت متنَ اليَراع بنانُه
حوى قصباتِ السَبق ما هو راقمُه
40. He built for them a lofty house of glory
Its nobility elevated and its pillars towering
٤٠. فَيهزأُ بالمنثور ما هو ناثرٌ
وَيُزري بنظم الدُرِّ ما هو ناظِمُه
41. Attributes shining like suns were revealed through him
From every dark night its obscurities were dispelled
٤١. به أَنجبَت أَبناءُ فارسَ فارساً
تقدَّت به خَيلُ العُلى ورواسمُه
42. So to God belong those sublime qualities
They are the signs of hidden greatness and its emblems
٤٢. أَقرَّ له بالسَبق سُبّاقُ غايةٍ
وأَعظَمه من كُلِّ حيٍّ أعاظِمُه
43. And to God belong those praiseworthy traits
The sweet breezes of its spreader surrounded them
٤٣. بَنى لَهُمُ بَيتاً من المجد باذخاً
له شَرَفٌ باقٍ رَفيعٌ دعائمُه
44. A poem came to me, O Nasir al-Din, from you
The epochs of time cannot equal its like
٤٤. إلى مكرماتٍ كالشموسِ منيرةٍ
تَجَلّى بها من كُلِّ لَيلٍ أداهمُه
45. My quarters were perfumed by the pure fragrance of its prose
And its beautiful passages diffused their aromas over us
٤٥. فَلِلَّه هاتيكَ المكارم إِنَّها
علائمُ مكنون العُلى وعيالمُه
46. As if the essence of pure musk was its ink
And the soft basil its pen
٤٦. وَلِلَّه هاتيك الشمائِل إِنَّها
نوافجُ طيبٍ نشَّرتها لطائمُه
47. You manifested in it the coolness of youth upon a man
Whose right upon you no blamer can turn you away from
٤٧. أَتَتني نَصيرَ الدين منكَ قصيدةٌ
تباري فُرادى الدَهر منها توائمُه
48. He treats you with a sincere love that if you mixed
To its sweetness bitterness, it would turn sweet for the drinkers
٤٨. تأَرَّج رَبعي من ذكا طيبِ نَشرِها
وَفاحَت علينا من شذاها نواسمُه
49. And promises you an unbreakable covenant
Even if the utmost effort were made by the one who severs it
٤٩. كأَنَّ سحيقَ المِسكِ كانَ مدادَها
ومن عَذَب الريحان كانَت مراقمُه
50. So be confident in me with the firmest assurance
Loyalty accompanies me in it and I accompany it
٥٠. نشرتَ بها بُرد الشبابعلى اِمرئٍ
وحقِّك لا تثنيه عنك لوائمُه
51. For I am not like one whose words are sweet in friendship
Yet the bitterness of whose actions disappoints me
٥١. يُصافيكَ ودّاً لو مزجتَ بعذبه
أجاجاً حَلَت للشاربين علاقمُه
52. If you wish, inform me in every situation
You will find the honest sword standing, not failing you
٥٢. وَيوليكَ عَهداً لا اِنفصامَ لعَقدهِ
وَلَو بلغ المجهودَ في السَعي فاصمُه
53. The treachery of betrayal has refused to blemish me
My lineage lengthened branches whose sinfulness was immense
٥٣. فكن واثقاً منّي بأَوثق ذمَّةٍ
يلازمُني فيها الوفا وأُلازمُه
54. He attributed it to Alia, son of Ghalib
And Abd Manaf, the exalted, and Hashim
٥٤. فَلَستُ كمن يَحلو لدى الودِّ قولُه
وَتُشجى بمرِّ الفعل منّي حلاقمُه
55. And Shaybah, the praiseworthy, by whom
His clans strode over the plateau and its chiefs
٥٥. فإن شئتَ فاِخبُرني على كُلِّ حالة
تجد سيفَ صدقٍ لا يخونُك قائمُه
56. And the glorious Abdullah, most generous father
To the most generous son his nobilities nurtured
٥٦. أَبى أَن يُلمَّ الغَدرُ منّي بساحةٍ
عَلى نسبٍ طالَت فروعاً جَراثمُه
57. And Ahmad, best of messengers, and his elite
Ali, solace of my soul, and Fatima
٥٧. عزاه إلى العَليا لؤيُّ بن غالبٍ
وَعَبدُ مَناف ذو العَلاء وهاشِمُه
58. And her blessed immaculate sons
By them God perfected His religion and sealed it
٥٨. وَشيبةُ ذو الحمد الَّذي وطئت به
عشائرُهُ فوق السُها وأقاومُه
59. They are masters of the world and its rulers
So who dares envy their merit and contend against it?
٥٩. وَذو المجد عبدُ اللَه أَكرمُ والدٍ
لأكرم مَولودٍ نمته أَكارِمُه
60. Upon them is God's peace, whenever an adversary appears
And whenever a lightning flashes in the dark clouds attacking them
٦٠. وَأَحمَدُ خَيرُ المرسَلين وصِنوهُ
عَليٌّ أَبو ريحانَتيه وَفاطِمُه
٦١. وأَبناؤُه الغرُّ الجحاجحةُ الألى
بهم أَكملَ الدينَ الإلهيَّ خاتمُه
٦٢. هم سادةُ الدُنيا وَساسةُ أَهلها
فمن ذا يناوي فخرهم وَيُقاومُه
٦٣. عليهم سَلامُ اللَه ما هلَّ عارضٌ
وَما شامَ برقٌ بالأُبيرق شائمُه