
It shone at night, so they said it was a flame

لمعت ليلا فقالوا لهب

1. It shone at night, so they said it was a flame
It was described to us as yellow, so they said it was gold

١. لَمَعَت لَيلاً فَقالوا لَهبُ
وَصفَت لَناً فَقالوا ذهبُ

2. And when it flowed from its vessel
In the darkness, they said it was gilded brocade

٢. وإِذا اِندَفَقَت من دَنِّها
في الدُجى قالوا طِرازٌ مُذهَبُ

3. A coffee so gentle that if not for its cup
Its body could not be seen as it was sipped

٣. قَهوَةٌ رقَّت فَلَولا كأسُها
لم يشاهد جرمَها يَشرَبُ

4. And you see it in the bearer's hand
Like a star rushing to bring a star to me

٤. وَتراها في يَدِ الساعي بها
كَوكَباً يَسعى بها لي كَوكَبُ

5. The cup dressed it in a necklace of gold
And endowed it with sweet subtlety

٥. أَلبسَتها الكأسُ طوقاً ذَهَباً
وَحباها باللآلي الحَبَبُ

6. They marveled at its light when it shone
And its aroma from its traits was most wondrous

٦. عجِبوا من نورها إذ أَشرقَت
وَشَذاها من سَناها أَعجَبُ

7. A daughter of nobility, her traits were noble
What daughter stood taller than her?

٧. بنتُ كَرمٍ كرُمَت أَوصافُها
أَيُّ بنتٍ قام عنها العِنبُ