
If Asma' unveiled her veil,

لو أبانت حجابها أسماء

1. If Asma' unveiled her veil,
The names would not unveil anything but her.

١. لَو أَبانَت حجابَها أَسماءُ
ما أَبانَت عَن غيرها الأَسماءُ

2. She concealed her beauty behind the veils of her glory,
So we missed her, and the years passed.

٢. سَترت حُسنها بحُجبِ سَناها
فعَدانا عنها سَنىً وَسَناءُ

3. She is too sublime to be seen with the eye,
Every eye apart from hers is blind.

٣. هي أَسمى من أَن تَراها بعينٍ
كُلُّ عَينٍ من دونها عَمياءُ

4. The heart witnessed her beauty so it guided him,
It guided him when opinions were lost.

٤. شَهِدَ القَلبُ حُسنَها فهَداهُ
بهداهُ إذ ضَلَّت الآراءُ

5. The intellect comprehended her essence without reaching,
So the wise admitted their incapacity.

٥. عَقَل العَقل كُنهُها عَن وصولٍ
فَأَقَرَّت بِعجزها العُقَلاءُ

6. She disappeared in majesty when she appeared,
So she has concealment despite her appearance.

٦. واِختفَت بالجَلال حينَ تَجَلَّت
فَلَها بالظُهور منها خَفاءُ

7. How many she misled and how many she guided,
And for each in what he saw is contention.

٧. كَم أَضَلَّت وكَم هَدت من أُناسٍ
وَلِكُلٍّ فيما أرته اِرتياءُ

8. Lost is he who lost his way in her love and did not find,
Before him a path to her, or behind.

٨. ضَلَّ من ضَلَّ في هَواها ولَم يَد
رِ أَمامٌ سَبيلُها أَم وَراءُ

9. And guided is he whom she guided in the beginning, but
He does not know what destiny wills.

٩. واِهتَدى مَن هَدَته بَدءاً وَلَكِن
لَيسَ يَدري ما يَقتَضيه القَضاءُ

10. The ignorant claims to have reached her, but never,
Will pretension attain the protected one.

١٠. يَدَّعي وصلَها الجَهولُ وحاشا
أَن يَنال المصونَ منها اِدِّعاءُ

11. He who wished to see her directly,
Fell back, attaining only fatigue.

١١. رامَ من رامَ أَن يَراها عياناً
فاِنثَنى لَم يَنَله إِلّا العَناءُ

12. Mountains crumbled before her and became,
Dust, while she is of her radiant light.

١٢. دُكدِكت دونَها جِبالٌ فأَضحَت
وَهيَ مِن نورها المَضيء هَباءُ

13. Leave the claims of the people who came to her in ignorance,
For claims are her sons, the pretenders.

١٣. دَع دَعاوى قَومٍ أَتوها بِجَهلٍ
فالدَعاوى أَبناءُها أدعياءُ

14. And follow the path of those she called to her,
A desire unsullied by hypocrisy.

١٤. واِتَّبع سُبلَ من دَعَتهم إِلَيها
رَغبَةً لم يَشُب صَفاها رياءُ

15. And be passionate in your love of her to revive whatever you wish,
For the dead of her love are the living.

١٥. واِقضِ وَجداً في حُبِّها تحيَ ما شِئ
تَ فأَمواتُ حبِّها أَحياءُ