
Give me to drink at the virgins' suggestion,

اسقياني على اقتراح العذارى

1. Give me to drink at the virgins' suggestion,
And pardon me, for chastity I've discarded.

١. اِسقِياني على اِقتراحِ العَذارى
وَاِعذراني فَقَد خَلعتُ العِذارا

2. A sun of rest from a tender, delicate hand,
In it the eyes were confused and bewildered.

٢. شمسَ راحٍ من كَفِّ خودٍ رَداحٍ
شَخصَت فيهما العُيونُ حَيارى

3. In the cups it rose as fire and embers,
Worshipped by Magi in avarice a flame.

٣. أَشرقَت في الكؤوس ناراً وَقِدماً
عبَدَتها المجوسُ في الدَنِّ نارا

4. Make it last, though time's a fickle lover,
While the gambler makes merry with the moon's peers.

٤. واِجلواها وَالدَهرُ طلقُ المحيّا
وَالقَماري تنادمُ الأَقمارا

5. Among virgins as though they were gardens,
And gardens as though they were virgins.

٥. في عَذارى كأَنَّهُنَّ رياضٌ
وَرياضٍ كأَنَّهُنَّ عَذارى

6. Reproach me not, for revelry's no disgrace
Before youth reclaims what it loaned in its prime.

٦. لا تَلوما فَما التَصابي بعارٍ
قبل يَسترجع الصِبا ما أَعارا

7. And it called me, ardent in my passion,
For the lover's call summoned me outright.

٧. وَدَعاني مُجاهِداً في غَرامي
إِنَّ داعي الهَوى دَعاني جِهارا

8. Does a deer blame its vigor and innocence?
Its glance and the gazelle's, rapture and fever?

٨. أَمعيرَ الظُبى شباً وَغِرارا
لحظُهُ والظِبا رَناً واِحوِرارا

9. Why does my heart grow more in love with you
Whenever you show it greater disdain?

٩. ما لِقَلبي يَزيدُ فيك غَراماً
كلَّما زِدتَ عن هواه نِفارا

10. What heart has not pined for you, yet my heart
Increased in your love and grew more defiant.

١٠. أَيُّ قَلبٍ ما هامَ فيك ولكن
زادَ قَلبي بحبِّك اِستِهتارا

11. The core of a youth pined in love for you,
Swooning for you, bewildered and addled.

١١. خاطرَت في هَواكَ مهجةُ صَبٍّ
هَويَت منك ذابِلاً خَطّارا

12. Who can compete with you in beauty, my soul's desire?
No, and your eyes I'm not one to compete with.

١٢. من يُباريكَ يا مُنى النَفس حُسناً
لا وَعينيكَ لست مِمَّن يُبارى

13. Lord of the nights I shortened in seeing you,
While nights of bliss should ever be fleeting.

١٣. ربَّ لَيلٍ قصَّرتُهُ بلقاهُ
وَليالي الهَنا تَكونُ قصارا

14. I tamed it with wine until when I
Abandoned it, it had no will remaining.

١٤. رُضتُه بالمُدام حتّى إِذا ما
تركتهُ لا يَستبِدُّ اِختيارا

15. I got my fill of its love, and had it not been
For love's virtue, dishonor I'd have courted.

١٥. نِلتُ ما شئتُ من هواه وَلَولا
عفَّة الحبِّ لاِرتكبت العارا

16. My friend, come, let's go reveling, to spend
Passion's days and nights deep in its deserts.

١٦. يا خَليلي عُج بالنَقا لنُقضّي
للهوى في ربوعِه أَوطارا

17. For between the tavern and mosque lie
Gazelles the wolves fiercely contest.

١٧. إِنَّ بَينَ النَقا وَبَينَ المصلّى
ظبياتٍ لها الأسودُ غيارى

18. We vie - are their voices a chorus
Or gazelles whose beauty has no rival?

١٨. نَتَمارى إِن لُحنَ هَل هُنَّ غيدٌ
أَم ظِباءٌ في حُسنها لا يُمارى

19. If not gazelles, wandering in the night,
They'd not rouse the gloom or the ruins howl.

١٩. هيَ لَو لَم تَكُن ظِباً وَبُدوراً
ما صدَعنَ الدُجى وَجُبنَ القِفارا

20. They sang to the caravan and left minds confused,
Snatching minds and sights beyond resistance.

٢٠. لُحنَ للرَكبِ وَالعقولُ حَيارى
فاِختطفنَ العقولَ والأَبصارا

21. They stirred the blood with their blows and murders,
Secured from equal vengeance or blood price.

٢١. وأَرقنَ الدماءَ طَعناً وَقَتلاً
وَأَمِنَّ الجزا قِصاصاً وَثارا

22. Oh my people! Does passion make me spill
My blood vainly while my wounds spread chaos?

٢٢. يا لقَومي أَيذهبُ في الحُب
بِ دَمي باطِلاً وَجرحي جُبارا