1. She appeared in attributes and qualities
That dazzled reason in its abode of certainty
١. خطرَت في شَمائِلٍ ونُعوتِ
نَفتِ العَقلَ في مَحلِّ الثُبوتِ
2. And dawn manifested in a dress of beauty
Woven with pride and omnipotence
٢. وَتَجَلَّت تَميسُ في ثَوب حُسنٍ
حيكَ بالكبرياءِ والجَبَروتِ
3. Reason witnessed from the radiance of her splendor
What left it confounded and stunned
٣. شاهدَ العَقلُ من وَميضِ سَناها
ما سَباهُ فظلَّ كالمَبهوتِ
4. And saw that she made all things precious seem cheap
So the priceless beauty became yet more prized
٤. وَرآها قَد أَرخصَت كلَّ غالٍ
فَتَغالى في حُسنها المَنعوتِ
5. The articulate one wished to utter some words
But recoiled, unable save to keep silent
٥. رامَ ذو النُطق أَن يَفوهَ بِقَولٍ
فاِنثنى لم يَسَعه غير السكوتِ
6. If you aspire to her lofty qualities then refrain
O brother of determination, from all ambitions
٦. إن تيمَّمتَ سَمتها فتجنَّب
يا أَخا العَزم عَن جَميع السموتِ
7. And if you draw near the precincts of her protection
Remove your shoes submissively in prayer
٧. وإذا ما دَنوتَ قُربَ حِماها
فاِخلع النَعلَ خاضِعاً بقُنوتِ
8. And keep your heart from revealing any secrets
And await her at her predestined time
٨. واِحفظِ القَلبَ أَن يَبوحَ بسرٍّ
واِنتظِرها لوَقتِها المَوقوتِ
9. And if she turns affectionately and directs
Toward you in intimacy the melting ruby
٩. وإذا أَصفَتِ الهَوى وأَدارَت
في صفا الدرِّ ذائبَ الياقوتِ
10. Then cling to her and do not weary of her alone
For she will suffice the lover instead of all strength
١٠. فاِغتبِقها ولا تمِل لِسِواها
فهي تُغني المحبَّ عن كُلِّ قوتِ
11. If a cup were to appear from her to the universe
It would intoxicate all speakers and mutes
١١. لَو تَجَلّى منها على الكون كأسٌ
أَسكرَت كلَّ ناطِقٍ وَصَموتِ
12. And by my life if not for her splendor at night
No lost soul would find its way to the tavern
١٢. ولَعمري لَولا سَناها بِلَيلٍ
ما اِهتَدى مُدلجٌ إِلى الحانوتِ
13. O my joy - reason has become infatuated with her
So her divine mystery has dazed the mortal mind
١٣. يا سُروري بها وقد وَلِهَ القل
بُ فأَلهت بِسِرِّها اللاهوتي
14. She cheered the gloom of my heart and lit up
With her light, the darkness of worldly woes
١٤. آنسَت وحشةَ الفؤادِ وجلَّت
عنه بالنور ظُلمَةَ الناسوتِ
15. The Kalim saw her light guide his path
Then she was the tranquility of the Ark
١٥. قد رآها الكَليمُ نورَ هُداهُ
ثُمَّ كانَت سَكينَةَ التابوتِ
16. She loved Talut though he erred
Ruler of a people imposing on Talut
١٦. أَمَّ طالوتُ حانَها فحبَتهُ
مُلكَ قَوم طالوا على طالوتِ
17. David discerned her influence so he emerged
Victorious in battle over Jalut
١٧. واِحتَساها داودُ صِرفاً فأَضحى
ظافِراً في الوَغى على جالوتِ
18. And she clouded the minds of a people who said
She is sorcery traceable to Harut
١٨. وأَضَلَّت عقولَ قَومٍ فَقالوا
هيَ سِحرٌ يُعزى إلى هاروتِ
19. But he who transgressed against her in ignorance
She guided away from idols and evil
١٩. وَطَغى من طَغى بِجَهلٍ عليها
فهدَتهُ للجِبتِ والطاغوتِ
20. And barred him from nearing the precincts of her proximity
So he rejected her with his misguided mind
٢٠. وَنَفَته عَن مَشهد القُربِ منها
فَنَفاها بِعَقلهِ المَسبوتِ
21. She increased the steadfast scholar in certainty
And thought little of the ignorant fool
٢١. زادَتِ العالِمَ الوَقورَ ثَباتاً
واِستخفَّت بالجاهِل المَمقوتِ
22. How can her brilliance be hidden from eyes
When she is manifest in kingdom and heaven?
٢٢. كيفَ يَخفى عن العيون سَناها
وهوَ بادٍ في المُلك والمَلَكوتِ
23. Say to the self that has tempted you to her
If you desire life through her, then you must die
٢٣. قل لِنَفسٍ قد نازَعَتكَ إِليها
إِن تَرومي بها الحَياةَ فَموتي