
The lightning of passion flashed over the sand dunes

برق الحمى لاح مجتازا على الكثب

1. The lightning of passion flashed over the sand dunes
And it began to drag tails of clouds

١. برقُ الحِمى لاحَ مُجتازاً على الكثُب
وَراحَ يَسحبُ أَذيالاً مِن السُحبِ

2. It shone and the night had extended its darkness
So it responded with a flame that flickers and with gold

٢. أَضاءَ وَاللَيلُ قد مُدَّت غياهبُه
فاِنجابَ عَن لهبٍ يَذكو وعن ذَهبِ

3. The tear of sadness had not rolled down a cheek
Until the meadow's lip smiled with joy

٣. فَما تحدَّرَ دَمعُ المزنِ من فَرَقٍ
حتّى تبسَّم ثغرُ الرَوضِ من طربِ

4. And the leaves in the branches sang cheerfully
And the wind shook the boughs of the sedges

٤. وَغَنَّت الورقُ في الأَفنان مُطربةً
وَهَزَّت الريحُ أَعطافاً من القُضبِ

5. And the morning pitched its army's tent on the horizons
And the night crept away in fear of defeat

٥. وَالصبحُ خيَّم في الآفاق عَسكرُهُ
وَاللَيلُ أَزمعَ من خَوفٍ على الهَربِ

6. So I said to my companions, arise for the dawn with me
O the fragrance of a beautiful morning and friends

٦. فَقُلتُ للصَحب قوموا للصَبوح بنا
يا طيبَ مُصطَبح فيه وَمُصطَحَبِ

7. And laugh at fate for you have laughed
As the cup of wine laughed from a lip of loved one

٧. واِستَضحكوا الدَهر عَن لَهوٍ فقد ضحكت
كأَسُ المُدامة عَن ثَغرٍ من الحَبَبِ

8. So the cupbearer came rushing with it glittering
As if it were the milk of the Pleiades not grapes

٨. فَقام يَسعى بها الساقي مُشَعشَعةً
كأَنَّها حَلَبُ العُتّاب لا العِنَبِ

9. Red, radiating light in its glass
Like the sun in the full moon dispelling the gloom of sorrows

٩. حَمراءُ تسطعُ نوراً في زجاجَتها
كالشَمسِ في البَدر تَجلو ظُلمة الكُربِ

10. And he swayed gracefully, adorned with a loose outer garment
Of striped fabric of the make of a well-tailored robe

١٠. وَراحَ يثني قَواماً زانَه هَيَفٌ
بمعطفٍ من قضيب البانِ مُقتَضَبِ

11. Amongst youth in whom cheerfulness was manifest
As if he were the full moon among shooting stars

١١. في فتيةٍ يَتَجلّى بينهم مَرَحاً
كأَنَّه البَدرُ بين الأَنجم الشُهبِ

12. With swaying gait, sweet of gesture, plump
Wandering in beauty and vanity and conceit

١٢. مُهفهفُ القدِّ مَعسولُ اللَمى ثَمِلٌ
يَتيهُ بالحُسنِ من عُجب ومن عَجَبِ

13. He mixes the wine only from his casket
So enjoy as much as you wish of wine and music

١٣. لا يَمزجُ الكأسَ الّا من مَراشفِه
فاِطرب لما شِئتَ من خمرٍ ومن ضَرَبِ

14. The opportunities for pleasures are available so seize them
And make up for what you missed and anticipate the common fate

١٤. قَد أَمكنت فُرَصُ اللذّات فاِقضِ بها
ما فاتَ منك وَبادر نُهزَةَ الغَلَبِ

15. And utilize your time while it passes you by plundering
The days of your prime plundered by the claws of time

١٥. واِغنَم زمانَكَ ما صَافاكَ مُنتهِباً
أَيّامَ صَفوِكَ نَهباً من يَدِ النوَبِ

16. And do not water at a place of companionship and so go early
With the memory of what has passed in previous eras

١٦. ولا تَشُب مَورِداً للأنس فزتَ به
بِذكرِ ما قَد قَضى في سالف الحُقبِ

17. That time turns back and forth on the two conditions
And have you seen a time other than fickle?

١٧. أَنَّ الزَمانَ على الحالينِ مُنقلِبٌ
وَهَل رأَيتَ زَماناً غَيرَ مُنقلِبِ

18. But man is only given what his resolve grants him
As his fortune in fate, of seriousness and of play

١٨. وإنَّما المَرءُ مَن وفَّته همَّتُهُ
حظَّيهِ في الدَهرِ مِن جِدٍّ ومن لَعبِ

19. How the nights have tossed me around in their procession
And I was the delight of merit and propriety

١٩. كَم قلَّبتني اللَيالي في تصرُّفها
فَكُنتُ قُرَّةَ عَينِ الفَضلِ والأَدبِ

20. The days increase me in honor and favor
As if I were Indian gold in the flames

٢٠. تَزيدُني نوبُ الأَيّام مكرُمةً
كأَنَّني الذَهبُ الإبريز في اللَهبِ

21. I do not avert the truth even if it hurts
Nor do I doubt with the eye of suspicion and doubt

٢١. لا أَستَريبُ بعينِ الحقِّ أَدفعُه
ولا أُرابُ بغَين الشَكِّ والريبِ

22. I have sought the sublime until I attained
That which cannot be attained, so it was the limit of my hopes

٢٢. لَقَد طَلبتُ العُلى حتّى اِنتهيتُ إِلى
ما لا يُنالُ فَكانَت مُنتهى أَرَبي

23. It sufficed me of honor, I aspired for the highest
That I belong to the order of faith in my lineage

٢٣. حسبي من الشَرف العليا أَرومَتهُ
أَن أَنتَمي لِنظام الدين في حَسبي

24. This is my father when a master is consoled for a father
Alas! The world, o fate, has no one like my father

٢٤. هَذا أَبي حين يُعزى سيِّدٌ لأبٍ
هَيهات ما لِلوَرى يا دَهرُ مثل أَبي

25. A pole around whom the millstone of the eminent rotates
Does the millstone rotate except around a pole?

٢٥. قُطبٌ عليه رَحى العَلياء دائِرَةٌ
وَهَل تَدورُ الرَحى الّا عَلى القُطُبِ

26. Like a lion and rain in determination and in generosity
And flowers and time in cheer and anger

٢٦. كاللَيثِ والغَيثِ في عَزمٍ وفي كَرَمٍ
وَالزَهرِ والدَهرِ في بِشر وفي غَضَبِ

27. A ruler whom thousands repose comfortably in his care
So how much distress has his struggle relieved?

٢٧. مُملَّكٌ تَهَبُ الآلافَ راحتُه
فَكَم أَغاثَت بجَدواها من التَعَبِ

28. By him India seemed to the wise
Like an India with sagacity and glory

٢٨. أَضحَت به الهِندُ للأَلبابِ سالبةً
كأَنَّها هِندُ ذاتُ الدلِّ والشَنَبِ

29. A master - if one in need resides in his abode
He enriches and fulfils him without a pouring rain

٢٩. مولىً إِذا حَلَّ مُحتاجٌ بساحتِه
أَغناهُ نائلهُ عَن وابِلٍ سَرِبِ

30. You see the extent of time in wonders from his virtues
While we are in all the months of time in spring

٣٠. تَرى مَدى الدَهر من أفضاله عجباً
فَنَحنُ كُلَّ شهورِ الدَهر في رَجَبِ

31. He ascended the highest pinnacle
And settled from Hashim at the highest rank

٣١. رَقى مِن الذِروةالعَلياءِ شامخَها
وحلَّ مِن هاشِمٍ في أَرفَع الرُتَبِ

32. Defender of the truth from a people whose habit
Is to strive to their protector with earning effort

٣٢. حامي الحَقيقةِ مِن قَومٍ نوالهُمُ
يَسعى الى مُعتقيه سَعي مُكتسِبِ

33. The smiling lip and the downcast eyes
And war howls and the horsemen with war

٣٣. الباسمُ الثَغرِ والأَبصارُ خاشعةٌ
والحَرب تُعولُ والفُرسانُ بالحَرَبِ

34. He stands alone in the fury of battle
On the day of struggle, in the position of the solid battalion

٣٤. يَقومُ في حَومة الهَيجاءِ مُنفرداً
يَومَ الكِفاح مَقام العَسكر اللَجِبِ

35. If lionesses of the forest met him baring fangs
They would turn away regretting they had not fled

٣٥. لَو قابَلته أُسودُ الغاب مُشبلةً
لأَدبرَت نادِماتٍ كَيفَ لم تَغِبِ

36. Poetry falls short, his praises do not fade
In prose or verse, of poems and sermons

٣٦. يَفنى المَقالُ وَلا تَفنى مدائحهُ
نظماً ونثراً من الأَشعار والخُطَبِ

37. He remains a succor to the anguished, and a protection
For the frightened, and safety for the stricken

٣٧. لا زالَ غَوثاً لِمَلهوفٍ ومُعتَصماً
لخائِفٍ وَنجاةَ الهالِكِ العَطِبِ

38. The breezes of the wind have not fluttered a branch of basil
And the lightning did not flash over the sand dunes

٣٨. ما رَنَّحت نَسماتُ الريح غصنَ رُبىً
وأومضَ البَرقُ مُجتازاً على الكُثُبِ