1. No blame upon their inspiration though it seemed impossible,
When youth departed to seek youth he was most eager,
١. ما عَلى حاديهُمُ لَو كانَ عاجا
فَقَضى حين مَضى للصبِّ حاجا
2. They set forth while my heart raced after them,
At dawn it trailed the caravan through the darkness.
٢. ظعنوا وَالقَلبُ يَقفو إِثرَهُم
تَبِعَ العيسَ بُكوراً واِدِّلاجا
3. They took paths in the belly of gaping lowlands,
Along trails where the highborn never tread.
٣. سَلَكوا من بطن فجٍّ سُبُلاً
لا عَدى صَوبُ الحيا تلك الفِجاجا
4. They shed tears in their resolve till I wept,
And kindled for their noblest passions the fieriest flames.
٤. هم أَراقوا بِنَواهم أَدمُعي
وأَهاجوا لاعجَ الوَجدِ فَهاجا
5. How I yearned in their love till my bones protruded,
When love takes hold, discretion is of no avail.
٥. كَم أداجي في هواهُم كاشِحاً
أَعجزَ الكتمانُ مَن حبَّ فَداجى
6. And they acted heedless, though my counsel was sincere,
If I chided they but gained in defiance.
٦. وعَذولاً يُظهرُ النُصحَ بهم
فإِذا نَهنَهتُهُ زاد لجاجا
7. The leaves tossed me about in longing for them,
While the lightning in darkness called to the clouds.
٧. طارَحَتني الورقُ فيهم شَجَناً
وَالصبا أَوحَت شَجاً وَالبَرقُ ناجى
8. O brilliant glimpse that gleamed from their dwellings,
Ripping through the gloom in a blaze of adornment.
٨. يا بَريقاً لاحَ من حيِّهمُ
يَصدعُ الجوَّ ضياءً واِبتلاجا
9. You revived in recalling them such piercing sorrow,
And set both my eyes and heart trembling.
٩. أَنتَ جدَّدتَ بتَذكارِهُمُ
للحشى وَجداً وَللطَرف اِختلاجا
10. Come, unfold their tales that I may find solace,
For my malady grows the more it is doctored.
١٠. هاتِ فاِشرَح لي أَحاديثَهُم
إِنَّها كانَت لما أَشكو عِلاجا
11. Mayhap their words will heal the secret longing
That festers all the more as it's tended.
١١. عَلَّها تُبرئ وَجداً كامِناً
كلَّما عالجتهُ زاد اِعتِلاجا
12. Why does my heart swoon for the days of youth?
Each time they pass it shakes with greater fervor.
١٢. ما لِقَلبي والصَبا وَيحَ الصَبا
كُلَّما مرَّت به زادَ اِهتِياجا
13. From their throng sprang a drunken, bewitching thrill
And I gathered in their midst a wreath and crown.
١٣. خَطرَت سَكرى بريّا نَشرِهم
وَتَحَلَّت منهمُ عِقداً وتاجا
14. The garden envied their scent at dawn,
And you'd think the branches whispered together.
١٤. يحسدُ الرَوضُ شذاها سَحَراً
فَترى الأَغصانَ سِرّاً تَتَناجى
15. Ah, that tribe whose love has left me distraught
In passions so pure, no joy compares!
١٥. آهِ مِن قَومٍ سَقَوني في الهَوى
صِرفَ حبٍّ لم أَذق مَعه مِزاجا
16. They left my body and heart amongst them
However the riders' course may veer and swerve.
١٦. خَلَّفوا جِسمي وَقَلبي معهُم
كيفما عاجَت حُداةُ الرَكبِ عاجا
17. Could it be they knew how I languished in gloom
Like a lantern lighting their gatherings with rays?
١٧. أَتراهُم عَلِموا كَيفَ دَجا
مَربَعٌ كانوا لناديهِ سِراجا
18. Or did they guess that when we met thereafter
The sweetest nectar was now bitter aloes?
١٨. أَم دَروا أَنّا وردنا بَعدَهم
سائغَ العَذبِ من البَلوى أجاجا
19. For they are my hopes' fulfillment, and their fame
Spread its wings through the lands in liberty.
١٩. وهم غايةُ آمالي هُمُ
سارَ في حبِّهمُ ذِكري فَراجا
20. Time has not changed them, nor have their days
Ceased to display the blissful laugh of joy.
٢٠. لا عَراهُم حادِثُ الدَهرِ ولا
بَرحَت أَيّامُهم تُبدي اِبتِهاجا