
The one with braided hair has granted relief

أسعفت ذات الرضاب السلسبيل

1. The one with braided hair has granted relief
To a lovesick man whose longing has persisted

١. أَسعفَت ذاتُ الرضاب السَلسَبيل
مغرماً قد طالَ نحبُه

2. And aided with kindness whoever faces her
So his inner self and drink are purified

٢. وَأَغاثَت من لُقاها بالجَميل
فصفا زادُه وشربُه

3. And healed flowing tears of one who's frail
His weeping does not cease its flowing

٣. وَشفَت صبّاً بها مضنىً عَليل
دمعُه ما كفّ غربُه

4. No escape for one enamored with her love
If imaginations of his heart have poured out

٤. ما عَلى عاني هواها من سَبيل
إِن صَبا أَوهام قَلبُه

5. The joy of reunion has returned after separation
And moons of my happiness have appeared

٥. عادَ عيدُ الوصل من بعد البِعاد
وَبدت أَقمارُ سَعدي

6. The one who suffered has fulfilled true affection
After aloofness and rejection

٦. وَقَضت ذاتُ اللَمى حقَّ الوداد
بعدَ إِعراض وصدِّ

7. And gained her flowing tears their utmost desire
Keeping her promise of reunion made to me

٧. وأَنالَت صبّها أَقصى المراد
ووفَت بالوصل وعدي

8. Ask me not about her love, for it's impossible
Do not say his lies have been revealed

٨. فسلوّي عَن هَواها مستحيل
لا تقل قد بان كذبُه