
Is it a smiling gazelle or a flexible spear?

ظبى وسهام أم رنا ولحاظ

1. Is it a smiling gazelle or a flexible spear?
The souls of lovers swoon over her.

١. ظُبىً وَسِهامٌ أَم رَناً وَلحاظُ
عَلَيها نفوسُ العاشقين تُفاظُ

2. Are they javelins or slender wine cups?
Alas, the javelins are not flexible.

٢. وَتلك رِماحٌ أَم قدودٌ موائسٌ
وَهَيهات أَعطافُ الرِماح غِلاظُ

3. No critic's eye was blinded to her softness,
But the hearts of critics are harsh.

٣. وَما عميَت عن لينها عينُ كاشحٍ
ولكن قُلوبُ الكاشحين فِظاظُ

4. By my life! If my soul did not accept loving her,
I would not accept love or persist in passion.

٤. لعمريَ لو لم ترضَ نَفسي بحبِّها
لما كُنتُ أَرضى في الهوى وأغاظُ

5. Though my heart doubts this love,
Faithfulness dissuades it from the path of indifference.

٥. وإِنَّ فؤادي وهو شاكٍ من الهَوى
ليثنيه عن نهج السلوِّ حفاظُ

6. My soul is not deceived that her wine
Is a mirage and the coolness of life comes from it.

٦. وَما جلهَت نَفسي بأَنَّ شرابَه
سَرابٌ وَبَرد العيش منه شُواظُ

7. Can one turn away from the abodes of love
While people of passion are awake there night and day?

٧. وَهَل عَن مَقامات الهوى متحوَّلٌ
وَفيها شَتا أَهلُ الغَرام وَقاظوا

8. I hoped for union with her, tempting my soul,
But she has no gentle union for those who seek her.

٨. بِنَفسي من أَطمعتُ نَفسي بنَيلِها
وَما عندها للمستميح لَماظُ

9. Her greetings are joy, though we've tasted no wine,
And her eyes are sleep, though they are wide awake.

٩. مَعاطفُها نَشوى وَما ذُقن خمرةً
وَأَجفانُها وَسنى وهنَّ يَقاظُ

10. As if she has eyes that seduce with their beauty
So intensely they yearn for what they see.

١٠. كأَنَّ عيوناً أغريت بجمالها
لشدَّة ما تَرنو إِليه جحاظُ

11. I surpassed people of passion in describing her
As if I were a judge and passion were a witness.

١١. برعتُ على أَهل الغَرام بوصفها
كأَنّي قُسٌّ وَالغَرامُ عُكاظُ