1. My beloved, love's discourse is easy at first
But the agony of one possessed by it is sweet
١. خَليليَّ خطبُ الحبِّ أَيسرُهُ صَعبُ
وَلكن عَذابُ المُستهام به عَذبُ
2. I shall never forget standing one morn
As she came to me, led on by desire and love
٢. وَما أنسَ لا أَنسى وُقوفي صَبيحةً
وقد أَقبلت يَقتادُها الشَوقُ والحبُّ
3. A girl, she is the shining full moon unveiled
Though no east or west can contain her
٣. فَتاةٌ هي البدرُ المُنيرُ إذا بَدَت
وَلكنَّ لا شَرقٌ حَواها ولا غَربُ
4. Luxuriant, tended by the submissive sun
Willow branch swaying, doe of meadow gamboling
٤. مُنعّمةٌ رؤدٌ لها الشَمسُ ضَرَّةٌ
وَغُصن النَقا ندٌّ وظبيُ الفَلا تِربُ
5. She came to me whispering with reproach, the wish
For love is not joy unless twined with admonishment
٥. فَوافَت تُناجيني بعتبٍ هو المُنى
وَلَيسَ يلَذُّ الحبُّ ما لَم يكن عَتبُ
6. Still I made excuses, asked her pardon
Had she been just, she'd have known I was not to blame
٦. فَما زلتُ أُبدي العُذرَ أَسأَلُها الرِضا
وَقَد علمت لو أَنصفَت لمن الذَنبُ
7. Until she furled the standard of rebuke and smiled
From lips like moistened pearls
٧. إِلى أَن طوَت نشرَ العِتاب وأَقبلت
تبسَّمُ عن ثَغرٍ هو اللؤلؤُ الرَطبُ
8. I gave her the wine of talk, a curtain between us
Of virtuous modesty, where all veils are lifted
٨. فعاطيتُها كأسَ الحَديثِ وَبَيننا
حِجابُ عَفافٍ عنده تُرفَعُ الحُجبُ
9. She remained intoxicated, while I departed
As one made giddy by the wind, witless
٩. فظلَّت بها سَكرى وَرُحتُ كأَنَّني
أَخو نَشوَةٍ بالراحِ لَيسَ لَهُ لبُّ
10. By God, the flowing wine does not make one act
Indecently, not even if addicted to drink
١٠. فَواللَهِ ما صِرفُ المُدامِ بِفاعِلٍ
بنا فعلَها يَوماً ولَو أَدمنَ الشِربُ
11. I stood deferring my gaze in her garden of beauty
Though an angry watchman prevented me from looking
١١. وَقَفتُ أُجيلُ الطَرفَ في روضِ حُسنها
وَيَمنَعُني من طَرفها مُرهَفٌ عَضبُ
12. She did not stop seducing my heart, does a man
Endure such glances and remain indifferent?
١٢. وَما برحَت تُصبي فؤادي وهل فَتىً
تغازلُه تِلكَ اللِحاظ ولا يَصبو
13. She relieved my heart of its sighs
With sweet talk, at which travelers halt
١٣. وَراحَت تُريحُ القَلبَ من زَفَراتِهِ
بطيب حَديثٍ عنده يَقِفُ الرَكبُ
14. Until her veil slipped and the desert wind
Snatched it from her hand, seized it as spoils
١٤. فَما راعَها الّا سُقوطُ قِناعِها
وطُرَّتُها في كَفِّ ريح الصَبا نَهبُ
15. There I saw fulfillment, how hearts realize
What hearts desire, how hearts attain their wants
١٥. هُنالكَ أَبصرتُ المُنى كَيفَ تُجتَنى
وَكَيفَ يَنال القَلبُ ما أَمَّل القَلبُ
16. Oh what a day when wishes were doubled for us
And intimacy and nearness were pure pleasure
١٦. فَلِلَّه يَومٌ ساعَفَتنا بِهِ المُنى
وَطابَ لَنا فيه التواصلُ والقُربُ