
In the doctrine of love, I followed your example

بك في ملة الغرام اقتديت

1. In the doctrine of love, I followed your example
Do you think I could belong to another but you?

١. بك في ملَّة الغَرام اِقتديتُ
أَتُراني إلى سواكَ اِنتميتُ

2. And it is your love that I have wrapped myself in
My eyes keep your promise, and my heart is your home

٢. وَهَواكُ الَّذي عليه اِنطويتُ
لك طَرفي حمىً وَقَلبي بيتُ

3. In them your ancient pact I have hidden
You reckon the heart is done with you and has turned away

٣. فيهما عهدك القَديم خَبيتُ
تحسبُ القَلبَ عنك مال وملّا

4. Yet sober again after its drunkenness, and left behind
No - by your eyes, I'll never be one to abandon

٤. وَصحا بعد سُكره وتخلّى
لا وَعينيكَ لَستُ مِمَّن تسلّى

5. How can I sober up when drunk with love for you?
I never concealed this passion, which overflowed

٥. ومن السُكر ما صحوتُ وكلّا
كَيفَ أَصحو ومِن هواك اِنتشيتُ

6. Except it increased the heat of my longing
And when I confessed my love openly

٦. ما كَتمتُ الهوى وَفرطَ الهُيام
بك إلّا وزادَ حرُّ أوامي

7. The censurers stretched out their blame against me
So I folded up the carpet of acceptance before them

٧. وإذا فهتُ للوَرى بغَرامي
بسطَ العاذلون فيك مَلامي

8. The critic who turned against me supposed
That I had lost myself in fancy and illusion

٨. وَبساطَ القبول عنهم طويتُ
زعم اللائمُ الَّذي قد تعنّى

9. Yet my heart knows better what it has garnered
How can the meaning intend to neglect you

٩. أَنَّني قد سَلوتُ وهماً وظنّا
وَفؤادي أَدرى بما قد أَجنّا

10. You, the wish of my heart, while it still beats?
Long has absence been, and the distance still binds me

١٠. كَيفَ يَنوي السلوَّ عنك المُعنى
يا مُنى القلب وهو في الحَيِّ مَيتُ

11. And ordained for me, apart from you, estrangement
And guided me to patience, though it does not know

١١. قَد أَطالَ الفراقُ والبين أَسري
وَقَضى لي عنكَ البعادُ بهجرِ

12. That my patience in the absence of your beauty is misguidance
So to my heart its aberration, that I thought myself guided

١٢. وَهَداني للصَبرِ من ليس يَدري
وَضلالٌ عن مثل حسنكَ صَبري

13. My heart was infatuated with your love, and my reason
Became, in its passion for you, infatuation

١٣. فَلِقَلبي الهَنا بأَنّي اِهتديتُ
هامَ قَلبي عَلى حماك ولُبّي

14. I drew near, having set out to draw near to you
And my heart circled around you, O Kaaba of Loyalty

١٤. وَغدا العَقلُ في هَواكَ يُلبّي
رمتُ قرباً فمذ خطيت بقرب

15. And the brilliant dawn of intimacy shone, so I hastened

١٥. بك يا كعبةَ الوفا طافَ قَلبي
وَبدا بارقُ الصَفا فَسَعيتُ