1. The wine of the frontiers has legislated
The fast of the fasting ones and the fast-breaking of the fast-breakers
١. قَضَت خَمرُ الثُّغُور
بِفِطرِ الصّائِمِينَا وَصَومِ المُفطِرِينَا
2. No, by the youth of my father
Goblets are passed around with it
٢. ألاَ بِأبِي شَبَابُ
تُدَارُ بِهِ الكُؤُوسُ
3. Its folds are loves
Its brightness is a ewer
٣. ثَنَايَاهُ الحَبَابُ
لَمَاهُ الخَندَرِيسُ
4. Drink has really toyed
With mellow branches
٤. لَقَد عَبَثَ الشَّرَابُ
بِأَعطَافٍ تَميسُ
5. With its languor, a clear sword has been sharpened
And we hope it would soften
٥. بمُقلَتِهِ فُتُور نَضَت سَيفاً مُبِينَا
وَنَطمَعُ أن يَلِينَا
6. Spring has laid down
A carpet of plants
٦. وَقَد بَسَط الرّبِيعُ
بِسَاطاً مِن نَبَاتِ
7. And the meadows have embroidered
Andreturned gilded
٧. وَطُرّزَتِ الرّبُوعُ
وَعَادَت مُذهَبَاتِ
8. The debauchee has become active
To those areas
٨. وَقَد نَشِطَ الخَلِيعُ
إلَى تِلكَ الجِهَاتِ
9. And the attending melting with his melody has revived us
And revives the singers
٩. وَمُندَمِجِ الحُضُور بِنَغمِتِهِ حَيِينَا
وَيُحيِي المُطرِبِينَا
10. And the full moon of the new crescent
Unique with meanings
١٠. و َبَدرِيّ المحيَّا
فَرِيدٍ بِالمَعَانِي
11. Makes us drink spirits
To the tune of melodies
١١. يُعَاطِينَا الحُمَيَّا
عَلَى نَغَمِ المَثَانِي
12. He has revived so greeted
The sleepless and moaner
١٢. لَقَد أحيَا فَحَيَّا
لشَاجيّ وَعَانِي
13. It counts in happiness the time of the successful ones
In the beauty of the singers
١٣. يُعَدّ في السُّرور زَمَانَ المُفلِحِينَا
بِحُسنِ المُنشِدِينَا
14. So serve it wine in the early morning
Cups are passed around with it
١٤. فَبَاكِرهَا خُمُوراً
تُدَانُ بِهَا الدّنَانُ
15. And make the prince drink it
He has glory
١٥. وَأسقِيهَا الأَمِيرَا
لَهُ في المَجدِ شَانُ
16. It wore the matters
Time is too narrow for it
١٦. تَقَلَّدَهَا الأُمُورَا
يَضِيقُ لَهَا الزّمَانُ
17. And in those matters lie the righteousness of the faithful
And misery of the disbelievers
١٧. وَفي تَلكَ الأُمور صَلاَحُ المُؤمِنِينَا
وَشَقوَى الكَافِرِينَا