
Aim your arrows high, for God guides their flight

فوق سهامك إن الله يهديها

1. Aim your arrows high, for God guides their flight,
And sheathe your swords, for destiny rules their might.

١. فَوِّق سِهامَكَ إِنَّ اللَهَ يَهديها
واِسلُل سُيوفَكَ فَالأَقدارُ تُمضيها

2. Fruitful success, clouds of wisdom rain it down,
As you sow so shall glory garland your crown.

٢. ثِمارُ نُجحٍ سَحابُ الرَأي يُمطِرُها
وَأَنتَ تَغرِسُها وَالدينُ يَجنيها

3. When regiments win a way to the foe,
You win the fray, guiding them as they go.

٣. إِذا الكَتائِبُ نالَت في العِدى وَطراً
فَأَنتَ نائِلُهُ إِذ كُنتَ تَهديها

4. If arrows strike the target one by one,
None question the archer was their journey done.

٤. إِذا أَصابَت لَدى المَرمى النِبالُ فَما
تُعزى إِصابَتُها إِلّا لِراميها

5. Health to our minister! Bringing with it victory,
As comes the dawn after night - brightness can we see.

٥. بُرءُ الوَزيرِ أَتى وَالفَتحُ يَعقُبُهُ
كَالشَمسِ جاءَت وَجاءَ الصُبحُ يَتلوها

6. If you complain you'll find religion is complaining too,
Chivalry, generosity - all things man can do.

٦. إِذا اِشتَكَيتَ رَأَيتَ الدينَ مُشتَكِياً
وَالبَأسَ وَالجودَ وَالدُنيا وَما فيها

7. So you see youth sallow faced and worn,
Pale sun obscured - its complaining self forlorn.

٧. لِذا رَأَيتَ الصَبا مُعتَلَّةً وَكَسا
شَمسَ الأَصيلِ اِصفِرارٌ مِن تَشَكّيها

8. How can the world make you sick, make you ill,
When lord, it sickens itself to foster your will?

٨. وَكَيفَ تُمرِضُكَ الدُنيا وَلا فَعَلَت
ياسَيِّداً تَمرَضُ الدُنيا فَتَشفيها

9. If your stars were to battle they would shake
And fall to bless you - no heights they'd not take.

٩. لَو أَنَّ شُهبَ الدَراري حارَبَتكَ إِذَن
خَرَّت بِسَعدِكَ مِن أَعلى مَراقيها