
The afterglow and its scattering greenness in redness

شفق وشته خضرة في حمرة

1. The afterglow and its scattering greenness in redness
As if it were the cheek of a beloved displayed

١. شَفَقٌ وَشَتهُ خُضرَةٌ في حُمرَةٍ
فَكَأَنَّهُ خَدُّ الحَبيبِ مُعَرَّضا

2. And the sun looks towards it yellowed
Having rolled up the tail of farewell to rise

٢. وَالشَمسُ تَنظُرُ نَحوَهُ مُصفَرَّةً
قَد شَمَّرَت ذَيلَ الوَداعِ لِتَنهَضا

3. Like a young man when he saw his beloved's excuses
When he turned away indifferent having bid farewell

٣. كَالصَبِّ حينَ رَأى عِذارَ حَبيبِهِ
لَمّا بَدا فَسَلا وَوَلّى مُعرِضا