
Your acceptance is the prime of youth, it does not decline

قبولك ريعان الشباب فلا ولى

1. Your acceptance is the prime of youth, it does not decline
And your good news is like glad tidings over mourning or even sweeter

١. قَبولُكَ رَيعانُ الشَبابِ فَلا وَلّى
وَبِشرُكَ كَالبُشرى عَلى النَعيِ أَو أَحلى

2. You give light to the guided and protect the fearful
You appear like a sun at times, and like shade at others

٢. تُنيرُ لِمُستَهدٍ وَتَعصِمُ خائِفاً
فَحيناً تُرى شَمساً وَحيناً تُرى ظِلّا

3. You excelled Abu Bakr, so you are not to be rejected
You showed them the sun but no begging tired them out

٣. بَرَعتَ أَبا بَكرٍ فَلَستَ بِمُرتَضٍ
رَوَّيتَهُم شَمساً وَلا طَلَّهُم وَبلا

4. Neither did their pace exhaust them, nor their vigor fail them
Neither was their sword a whip, nor their crown slippers

٤. وَلا خَبَّهُم مَشياً وَلا جِدَّهُم وَنىً
وَلا سَيفَهُم سوطاً وَلا تاجَهُم نَعلا

5. When we liken you to meteors they bow down in shyness
And say: but the highest example belongs to Him

٥. إِذا نَحنُ مَثَّلناكَ بِالشُهبِ أَطرَقَت
حَياءً وَقالَت بَل لَهُ المَثَلُ الأَعلى

6. And between the high and low there is brotherhood
And it is lost between them, a form cannot remove a form

٦. وَبَينَ العَوالي وَاليَراعِ أُخُوَّةٌ
وَفَيتَ لَها وَالشَكلُ لا يَقلَعُ الشَكلا

7. I will thank what you have granted me, even if I
Stayed silent, my state would have been an eloquent speech

٧. سَأَشكُرُ ما أَولَيتني وَلَو أَنَّني
سَكَتُّ لَكانَت حالَتي مَنطِقاً فَصلا

8. The meadow is not ungrateful to the clouds when it rains
Rather it writes with truth what He dictates

٨. وَما الرَوضُ غَضّاً لِلسَحابِ بِشاكِرٍ
وَلَكِنَّهُ بِالحَقِّ يَكتُبُ ما أَملى