
They blamed me, but when the place of my passion appeared

لاموا فلما لاح موضع صبوتي

1. They blamed me, but when the place of my passion appeared,
They said: "You have come to love through its door."

١. لاموا فَلَمّا لاحَ مَوضِعُ صَبوَتي
قالوا لَقَد جِئتَ الهَوى مِن بابِهِ

2. My cheeks and my love glistened with yearning
For one with cheeks that glisten with the water of his youth.

٢. شَرِقَت بِدَمعي وَجنَتي شَوقاً إِلى
ذي وَجنَةٍ شَرِقَت بِماءِ شَبابِهِ

3. Sweet of speech, as if his words
Drink honey when uttered from his smile.

٣. حُلوِ الكَلامِ كَأَنَّما الفاظُهُ
يَشرَبنَ عِندَ النُطقِ شَهدَ رُضابِهِ

4. By God, O Musa, and the delight is gone -
Prepare yourself and leave not the wounded to his wounds.

٤. بِاللَهِ يا موسى وَقَد لَذَّ الرَدى
أَجهِز وَلا تُبقِ الجَريحَ لِما بِهِ

5. Harut cast his sorcery in your glance,
So my heart was stricken by you as by its torment.

٥. هاروتُ أَودَعَ في لِحاظِكَ سِحرَهُ
فَأَصابَ قَلبي مِنكَ مِثلُ عَذابِهِ

6. You confirmed my despair of attaining you just as
Despair of declined nouns is confirmed by their syntax.

٦. صَحَّحتَ يَأسي مِن وِصالِكَ مِثلَما
قَد صَحَّ يَأسُ الحَرفِ مِن إِعرابِهِ