
I say, as wakefulness is prolonged with his mention

أقول وقد طال السهاد بذكره

1. I say, as wakefulness is prolonged with his mention,
And the shooting stars are bent on flying,

١. أقُولُ وقَد طَال السُّهَادُ بِذِكرِهِ
وقَد هَمَّ نِسرُ الشُّهبِ بِالطَّيَرانِ

2. And lightning flickers as if
It were the sword of a brave man or the heart of a coward

٢. وقَد خَفَق البَرقُ الضَّرُوبُ كَأنَّهُ
حُسَامُ شُجَاعٍ أو فُؤادُ جَبَانِ

3. Cleaving the blackness of night with ease
Dyed red or its coat of mail with spears.

٣. يَشُقُّ حِداد اللَّيلِ مِنهُ بِراحَةٍ
مُخَضَّبَةٍ أو دِرعَهُ بِسِنَانِ

4. He greeted me, then bade farewell,
And the lightning's brilliance lodged a heart enamored of him, suffering.

٤. أشَار تجاهي بِالسَّلامِ فَأودعَا
سَنَا البَرقِ قَلباً عاشقا لَهُ عَانِي

5. His cheek seemed before my eyes, so I sprang up to it
With tears that streamed from my eyelids curing me.

٥. تَراءى لِعَينِي خَدُّهُ فَانبَرت لَهُ
بِدمعٍ جَرَى مِن مُقلَتِي فَشَفَانِي

6. I pass the night slain by my passions. My only
Bedmate is my flooding crimson tears.

٦. فَبِتُّ بِأشواقِي قَتِيلاً وإنَّمَا
ضجِيعِي دمعِي فَاض أحمَر قَانِي

7. It's as if the stars of flowers around me are bereavements,
The raven of nightfall between them wailing.

٧. كَأنَّ نُجُوم الزَّهرِ حَولِي مَآتِمٌ
غُرابُ الدُّجَى مَا بَينَهُنَّ نَعَانِي

8. I bowed down in yearning for them from afar.
If they come near, imagine how you’d find me!

٨. خَرَرتُ لِذِكراهُم عَلَى البُعدِ سَاجِداً
فَإن لاح مِن قُربٍ فَكَيف تَرانِي