1. The anguish weighed heavy upon my liver and grief
So the soul endured its horrors
١. تَثَقَّلت عن كبِدي والحَشَا
فَكابَدتِ النَّفسُ أهوالَهَا
2. And were it not for your existence upon the earth
The earth would have quaked with its quaking
٢. ولَولا وُجُودُك فوق الثَّرى
لَزُلزَلَتِ الأرضُ زِلزالَهَا
3. And were you not heavy upon its back
The earth would have cast out its burdens
٣. ولَولا ثَقُلت عَلَى ظَهرِهَا
لأخرجَتِ الأرضُ أثقَالَهَا
4. So do not wonder at its patience
For with patience your Lord revealed to it
٤. فَلا تَعجَبَنَّ إلَى صبرِهَا
فَبِالصَّبرِ ربُّك أوحَى لَهَا
5. And if you had become lightened from it
God would have granted it its hopes
٥. ولَو أصبحت منك فِي خِفَّةٍ
لَبَلَّغَهَا اللهُ آمَالَهَا