1. Does the blame borne ever fade
My youth, forever its excuse made
١. هَل يُلحى في حَملِ ما يَلقى
عُذرِيٌّ أَبدى الصِبا عُذرَه
2. Though my love did joy in my pain
I'm content with what brought him gain
٢. قَد سَرَّ الحَبيبَ أَن أَشقى
وَأَنا راضٍ بِما سَرَّه
3. My eyes did lead me where I'm slain
My vengeance lies with whom I claim
٣. جُفوني قادَت إِلى حَيني
فَثَأري عِندَ مَن يُطلَب
4. Let me avenge from my eyes twain
With wake and tears poured down as rain
٤. دَعوني أَقتَصَّ مِن عَيني
بِسُهدٍ وَعَبرَةٍ تُسكَب
5. No blame though he my faith did stain
My love, the sun cannot be blamed
٥. لا عَتبَ وَإِن لَوى دَيني
حَبيبي فَالشَمسُ لاتُعتَب
6. A sun whose rays my tears made rain
Its beams did kiss their ember's flame
٦. شَمسٌ حَلَّت أَدمُعي أُفقا
فَأَصلى شُعاعُها جَمرَه
7. A moon did deck me with its reign
And gained perfection and grace
٧. وَبَدرٌ كَسانِيَ المَحقا
وَحازَ الكَمالَ وَالنَضرَه
8. Wine of cheeks and mouth insane
Pearl of words and lips to gain
٨. خَمرِيُّ الرُضابِ وَالخَدِّ
دُرِّيُّ الكَلامِ وَالثَغرِ
9. Star of light and distance's bane
Garden of beauty to ordain
٩. نَجمِيُّ الضِياءِ وَالبُعدِ
رَوضِيُّ الجَمالِ وَالنَشرِ
10. Languid of glance and love's chain
Frail of vows and waist so fain
١٠. سَقيمُ اللِحاظِ وَالوُدِّ
ضَعيفُ العُهودِ وَالخَصرِ
11. His look did sweep me nothing remains
Frail eyes their worth do contain
١١. سَطا لَحظُهُ فَما أَبقى
وَضِعفُ العُيونِ ذو قُدرَه
12. More fitting one who shunned disdains
Though frail, their ire he did obtain
١٢. وَأَحرى مَن جانَبَ الرِفقا
ضَعيفٌ كانَت لَهُ كَرَّه
13. I worshipped passion, hopes refrained
No more patient, I'm in pain
١٣. عَبَدتُ الهَوى وَحَرَّمتُ
عَزائي فَلَستُ بِالصابِر
14. O magic of lids, I assented
True faith in magic and magician
١٤. يا سِحرَ الجُفونِ صَدَّقتُ
إيماناً بِالسِحرِ وَالساحِر
15. Moses called me, I relented
To signs of his beauty's flare
١٥. دَعاني موسى فَآمَنتُ
بِآياتِ حُسنِهِ الباهِر
16. A prophet whose might all prevented
With capturing souls in his snare
١٦. مَبعوثٌ قَد أَعجَزَ الخَلقا
بِأَخذِ النُفوسِ مِن نَضرَه
17. He came and passion reinvented
Upon us languid in despair
١٧. أَتانا فَجَدَّدَ العِشقا
عَلَينا وَنَحنُ في فَترَه
18. I'll give my soul for one conceited
Who knew youth was a rod that snared
١٨. بِنَفسي مَن تاهَ وَاِستَكبَر
عَلى الصَبِّ إِذ دَرى أَنَّه
19. Yet it did fruit and fancies breed
His satisfaction did riches bear
١٩. قَضيبٌ في النَفسِ قَد أَثمَر
وَلَكِن ثِمارُهُ فِتنَه
20. If his mouth showed a lightning speed
My tear's a cloud their flash to wear
٢٠. جَرى في رُضابِهِ كَوثَر
وَزُفَّت في خَدِّهِ الجَنَّه
21. I tell his poison and concede
Should his mention pass me there
٢١. إِن أَبدى مِن ثَغرِهِ بَرقا
فَدَمعي سَحابَةٌ ثَرَّه
22. How I've stayed between two nights indeed
Of his hair's tresses and wings bare
٢٢. وَأَحكي سُمَيَّهُ صَعقا
إِن مَرَّت مِن ذِكرِهِ خَطرَه
23. And enjoyed two blisses proceed
From his fragrance and scented air
٢٣. كَم قَد بِتُّ بَينَ لَيلَينِ
مِن جُنحِ الدُجى وَمِن شَعرِه
24. And sung between two drunk their deed
Of his glances and wine so rare
٢٤. وَنَجني نَعيمَ زَهرَينِ
مِن رَيحانِهِ وَمِن نَشرِه
25. We tear modesty's clothes instead
Lovers mad without discretion or care
٢٥. وَأَشدو ما بَينَ سُكرَينِ
مِن أَلحاظِهِ وَمِن خَمرِه
26. Or if my faith with passion sped
Remain your lids, wine, and joys to share
٢٦. نَشُقُّ أَثوابَ العَفافِ شَقّا
واشٍ فَنو مَجون بِلا شُهرَه
٢٧. أَو إِنُّ دينِ مَع هَوَك كَن يَبقى
جُفونَكَ وَالكاسُ وَأَبو مُرَّه