
O sword of ministry, you were blessed with

أسيف الوزارة بوركت من

1. O sword of ministry, you were blessed with
A sharp blade and supported by a steadfast handle

١. أسَيفَ الوَزَارَةِ بُورِكتَ مِن
حُسَامٍ وَأيَّدتَ مِن حَامِلِ

2. And O eminent master, he consulted widely
Yet paid no heed to the detractor

٢. وَيَا سَيِّداً هَأم بِالمعلَوَاتِ
فَلَم يُصغِ فِيهَا إلَى عَاذِلِ

3. So he renewed every decaying glory
And inspired every despondent soul

٣. فَجَدَّدَ كُلَّ فَخارٍ مَحِيلٍ
وَألقَحَ كُلَّ رجاً حَائِلِ

4. And glory said to him, be my champion
So he rose to the call of the sayer

٤. وَقَالَ لَهُ المَجدُ كُن نَاصِرِي
فَثَارَ إلَى دَعوَةِ القَائِل

5. He aspired to the highest virtues until he attained
What surpassed the hopes of the aspirant

٥. سَمَا لِلمَكَارِمِ حَتَّى انتَهَى
لِمَا فَوقَ أمنِيَةِ الامِلِ

6. Then he left his students still seeking
And followed the exemplary path

٦. فَغَادَرَ طُلاَّبَهَأ يَخطُبُونَ
وَسَارَ عَلَى المَنهَجِ السَّابِلِ

7. His pens made him dwell in nobility
Like the abode of Suhban among the eminent

٧. أحَلَّتهُ بِالأزدِ أقلاَمُهُ
مَحَلَّةَ سَحبَانَ فِي وَائِلِ

8. His ideas and words poured forth
In two seas of knowledge and attainment

٨. تَفَجَّرَ خَاطِرُهُ وَالبَنَانُ
بِبَحرينِ لِلعِلمِ وَالنَّائِلِ

9. So the sea of pearls of eloquence swelled
And the sea of logical jewels overflowed

٩. فَغُص بَحرَ دُرّ العِبَاتِ الكرَأ
مِ أو دُرَر المَنطِقِ الحَافِلِ

10. His munificence outshone Hatim's generosity
And his eloquence surpassed Babylon's magic

١٠. نَوَالٌ نَفى الجُودَ عَن حَاتِمٍ
وَلَفظٌ نَفَى السِّحرَ عَن بابِلِ

11. His pen produces benefit
And shields from harm like an impregnable fortress

١١. لَهُ قَلَمٌ يُسفِرُ النَّفعُ مِن
هُ وَالضُّرُّ عَن بَاسِمٍ بَاسِلِ

12. Selective in speech, a bee
He has certainly excelled as a productive bee

١٢. نَحِيلٌ عَنَاهُ انتِقَاءُ الكَلاَم
لَقَد جَلَّ مِن ناحِلٍ نَاجِلِ

13. Concise, he says to verbose rambling
Restrain yourself, you strive pointlessly

١٣. قَصِيرٌ يَقُولُ لِسُمرِ القَنَأ
رُويدَكَ طُلتِ بِلاَ طَائِلِ

14. His clarity in diction shows
Like the purity in the trill of a warbler

١٤. يُرِي فِي الصَّرِيرِ بَياناً كَمَا
يُرَى العِتقُ فِي نَغمَةِ الصَّاهِلِ

15. He hit his targets
And drew life from the sayer

١٥. أصَابَ مَقَاتِلَ أغرَاضِهِ
فِنلنَ الحَيَاةَ مِنَ القَائِلِ

16. And inscribed in books the flowers of spring
Relating the faded remnants

١٦. وَأثبَتَ فِي الصُّحفِ زَهرَ الرَّبِيعِ
فَحَدّث عَن المُثمِرِ الذَّبِلِ

17. Abu Bakr, boast! The envy of foes
Is but the deluded censure of the worker

١٧. أبَا بَكرِ افخَر وَحَسبُ الحَسُودِ
مًغَالَطَةُ الزّجّ لِلعَامِلِ

18. For the praise not from you
Would be wasted on the idle eulogizer

١٨. فَإننَّ الثَّنَاءَ الَّذِي فِي سِوَاكَ
لأضيَعُ مِن كَاتِبٍ عَاطِلِ

19. Yours is the height, though the star of blamer
Turned a blind eye to your excellent view

١٩. لَكَ الطُّول لَكِنَّ نَجمَ الذَّميمِ
تَعَامَى عَلَى رَأيِكَ الفَاضِلِ

20. If pulling down is the nature of earth
The passing cloud bears no blame

٢٠. إذا الجَذبُ كَانَ طِبَاعُ الثَّرَى
فَلاَ ذَنبَ لِلعَارِضِ الهَأطِلِ

21. It's as if I was debased by construction
Yet remain unchanged by the worker

٢١. كَأنِّي خُفِضتُ بِحُكمِ البِنَا
فَمَا أتَغيَّرُ لِلعَامِلِ

22. Rather, I was later supported by you
To the safekeeping of perfect manners

٢٢. وَلَكِنَّنِي بَعدُ أسنِدتُ مِنكَ
إلَى عِصمَةِ الادَبِ الخَامِلِ

23. My bond with you will not disappoint
For I have bonded with the eternal

٢٣. وَلَيسَ يَخِيبُ انقِطَاعِي إلَيكَ
لأنِّي انقَطَعتُ إلَى وَاصِلِ

24. I cherish high hopes of you
To roam freely in perfect bliss

٢٤. أبِيتُ أجِلُّ عَلَيكَ الظُنُونَ
فَتَسرَحُ فِي السُّؤدَدِ الكَامِلِ

25. And I ponder your mention in my thoughts
Certain of imminent relief

٢٥. وَأخطِرُ ذِكرَكَ فِي خَاطِرِي
فَأوقِنُ بِالفَرَجِ العَاجِلِ

26. To absolve your name from meeting
With people in everlasting perfection

٢٦. لِتَنزِيهِيَ اسمكَ أن يَلتَقِي
مَعَ النَّاسِ فِي الخُلُدِ الامِلِ

27. You triumphed over the great men of the age
As certainty triumphs over falsehood

٢٧. ظَهَرتَ عَلَى كُبَرَاءِ الزَّمَانِ
ظُهُورَ اليَقِينِ عَلَى البَاطِلِ

28. And the like of you fills the hand of the dweller
And rises from the foot of the departing

٢٨. وَمِثلُكَ يَملأ كَفَّ المُقِيمِ
وَيَنهَضُ مِن قَدَمِ الرَّاحِلِ