1. Oh Muse, when will I be graced in your eyes while distant
My love and excuses for you, my sins unto you
١. أَموسى مَتى أَحظى لَدَيكَ وَمُبعِدي
وِدادي وَأَعذاري إِلَيكَ ذُنوبي
2. I refused for my patience in you the most generous offering
And severed from my people the dearest of loved ones
٢. رَفَضتُ لِصَبري فيكَ أَكرَمَ عُدَّةٍ
وَقاطَعتُ مِن قَومي أَعَزَّ حَبيبِ
3. I sacrificed with no favor toward love my passion
My heart and delight for one undeserving
٣. وَهَبتُ وَلا مَنٌّ عَلى الحُبِّ مُهجَتي
وَلُبّي وَسِلواني لِغَيرِ مُثيبِ
4. So ruined without retrieving are my efforts
And failed without grievance my fortunes
٤. فَضاعَت وَلا رَدٌّ عَلَيهِ وَسائِلي
وَخابَ وَلا عَتبٌ عَلَيهِ نَصيبي
5. They said a reasonable one, had he willed, would disobey desire
Contradicting thus the traits of a lover and reasonable one
٥. وَقالوا لَبيبٌ لَو أَرادَ عَصى الهَوى
تَناقَضَ وَصفا عاشِقٍ وَلَبيبِ
6. Not by my choice did patience with love abandon me
But by parting's sword youth's vigor was ended
٦. وَما بِاِختِياري فارَقَ الحُبَّ صَبرُهُ
وَلَكِن فِراقَ السَيفِ كَفَّ شَبيبِ