
He confided my secret to Musa and revealed it,

وشى بسري في موسى وأعلنه

1. He confided my secret to Musa and revealed it,
A cheek that shows you the pattern of beauty, how it was adorned.

١. وَشى بِسِرِّيَ في موسى وَأَعلَنَهُ
خَدٌّ يُريكَ طِرازَ الحُسنِ كَيفَ وُشي

2. A basil sways in its coldness, it drank
The water of the boy, oh for it a meadow and oh my thirst!

٢. تَهتَزُّ في بُردِهِ رَيحانَةٌ شَرِبَت
ماءَ الصِبى يا لَهُ رِيّاً وَيا عَطَشي

3. Did his mole shed my blood or the sword of its onlooker?
My revenge is lost between India and Abyssinia.

٣. هَل خالُهُ بِدَمي أَم سَيفُ ناظِرِهِ
قَد ضاعَ ثَأرِيَ بَينَ الهِندِ وَالحَبَشِ

4. Its scorpion stung my heart for that cheek,
If only the antidote of that saliva was invigorating.

٤. أَودى بِقَلبي لِذاكَ الصُدغِ عَقرَبُهُ
لَو أَنَّ دِرياقَ ذاكَ الريقِ مُنتَعِشي

5. You see the virgins around me like butterflies, and they
Flocked, so I burned them with passion in my bed.

٥. تَرى العَواذِلَ حَولي كَالفَراشِ وَقَد
حاموا فَأَحرَقتُهُم بِالشَوقِ في فُرُشي