
Moses, be gentle and do not degrade me

موسى ترفق ولا تضعني

1. Moses, be gentle and do not degrade me
For I am but a slave, one of your possessions

١. مُوسَى تَرَفَّق وَلاَ تُضِعنِي
في الرّق عَبدُكَ بَعضُ مَالِك

2. If the attributes of beauty were counted
The full moon would not be one of your men

٢. إذَا مَزَايَا الجَمَالِ عُدَّت
لَم يُحسَب البَدرُ من رَجَالِك

3. Time has gained nothing from you
Except what I gained from your company

٣. لاَ نَالَ مِنكَ الزَّمَانُ حَظَّا
إلاَّ الذِي نِلتُ مِن وِصَالِك