
O you whom I was led to love, so my infatuation

يا من هديت لحبه فمحجتي

1. O you whom I was led to love, so my infatuation
Is evident in the path of ardent passion

١. يا مَن هُديتُ لِحُبِّهِ فَمَحَجَّتي
بَيضاءُ في نَهجِ الغَرامِ الواضِحِ

2. Your glances ignited love in my thoughts
Indeed, you have lit the striking flint

٢. قَدَحَت لَواحِظُكَ الهَوى في خاطِري
حَقّاً لَقَد وَرِيَت زِنادُ القادِحِ

3. I had not completed the first glance at you
Before I knew that my love for you was exposed

٣. ما اِستُكمِلَت لي فيكَ أَوَّلُ نَظرَةٍ
حَتّى عَلِمتُ بِأَنَّ حُبَّك فاضِحي

4. You are my hope from afar, and perhaps
Your glance strikes with a piercing hope

٤. أَنتَ السِماكُ مِنَ البِعادِ وَرُبَّما
سَمّاكَ لَحظُكَ بِالسِماكِ الرامِحِ

5. O Moses' love, do not fear disappointment for me
Passion has prevailed, and the adviser's effort failed

٥. يا حُبَّ موسى لا تَخَف لي سَلوَةً
ظَهَرَ الغَرامُ وَخابَ سَعيُ الناصِحِ

6. I loved him until the eye grew accustomed to his beauty
And my senses were disturbed by the malady

٦. أَهواهُ حَتّى العَينُ تَألَفُ سُهدَها
فيهِ وَتَطرَبُ بِالسَقامِ جَوارِحي

7. O does my eyelid know, the morning of his farewell
The extent of sorrow in the departing dream?

٧. يا هَل دَرى جَفني غَداةَ وَداعِهِ
قَدرَ الرَزيَّةِ بِالمَنامِ النازِحِ

8. And my chest that the heart was bidding me farewell
And my body that the soul was shaking my hand

٨. وَالصَدرُ أَنَّ القَلبَ كانَ مُوَدِّعي
وَالجِسمُ أَنَّ الرَوحَ كانَ مُصافِحي