1. The morning breeze brought
A breeze of musk and ambergris
١. أَهدى نَسيمُ الصَباحِ
نَسيمَ مِسكٍ وَعَنبَر
2. Stirred by a lute
Squeezed from the cheek of its pourer
٢. يَحُثُّها خَندَريسا
مِن خَدِّ ساقيها تُعصَر
3. Today is an intoxicating day
As you see it free
٣. اليَومُ يَومٌ أَغَرُّ
كَما تَراهُ طَليق
4. A flower, shade and a river
Mead and wine dregs
٤. زَهرٌ وَظِلٌّ وَنَهرُ
وَشادِنٌ وَرَحيق
5. And a tail of drunkenness dragged
By one who won't awaken
٥. وَذَيلُ سُكرٍ يُجَرُّ
وَمُنتَشٍ لا يُفيق
6. Its time in the morning
When it awakens, it remembers
٦. زَمانُهُ في اِصطِباحِ
إِذا أَفاقَ تَذَكَّر
7. So it says, bring the cups
Drink and leave whoever apologized
٧. فَقالَ هاتِ الكُؤوسا
واِشرَب وَدَع مَن تَعَذَّر
8. How much hidden ecstasy
Melted my heart with its sigh
٨. كَم ذا تَكَتَّمَ وَجدا
أَذابَ قَلبي زَفيرُه
9. If it appeared from the wine
Its light would darken the moon
٩. مِن شادِنٍ لَو تَبَدّى
لِلبَدرِ أَظلَمَ نورُه
10. It ransoms souls
I am its captive
١٠. مَن بِالنُفوسِ يُفَدّى
أَنا المُعَنّى أَسيرُه
11. The gazelle frolics with a side glance
From the edge of curved white teeth
١١. يَفري الحَشا بِاِلتِماحِ
مِن طَرفِ وَسِنانَ أَحوَر
12. Not to mention a refined doe
For whom wine is an excuse
١٢. ناهيكَ عِلقاً نَفيسا
في مِثلِهِ الصَبُّ يُعذَر
13. Smooth of body
Like a branch in its loftiness
١٣. مُنَعَّمُ القَدِّ لَدنُ
كَالغُصنِ في عَليائِهِ
14. And the stars swoon
For his beauty and brilliance
١٤. وَهيَ الكَواكِبُ تَعنو
لِحُسنِهِ وَبَهائِهِ
15. And every heart yearns
For him, longing for his presence
١٥. وَكُلُّ قَلبٍ يَحِنُّ
إِلَيهِ شَوقَ لِقائِهِ
16. Obedient, with beautiful wings
It desires union and is wary
١٦. مُطاوِعٌ ذو جِماحِ
يَهوى الوِصالَ وَيَحذَر
17. Of a despicable offer
It does not desire the forbidden
١٧. لِذاكَ عِرضاً دَنيساً
وَلَيسَ يَهوى لِمُنكَر
18. Musa, you encompass beauty
And chastity in your nature
١٨. موسى حَوَيتَ الجَمالا
وَعِفَّةً في طِباعِك
19. You would not accept but the lawful
You were nourished by it in your infancy
١٩. لَم تَرضَ إِلّا الحَلالا
غُذيتَهُ في رِضاعِك
20. You have hoped for men
The utmost in your making
٢٠. وَقَد أَمَلتَ الرِجالا
نِهايَةً بِاِصطِناعِك
21. So wear the garment of praise
And drag your train and boast
٢١. فَاِلبَس رِداءَ اِمتِداحِ
وَجَرِّرِ الذَيلَ وَاِفخَر
22. For it will remain a prisoner
Folded over you and spread out
٢٢. فَلَن يَزالَ حَبيسا
يُطوى عَلَيكَ وَيُنشَر
23. When it stood up straight as a rod
And nearly poured inclination
٢٣. لَمّا اِستَقامَ قَضيباً
وَكادَ يَنقَدُّ مَيلا
24. And passed by throbbing
And increased in beauty and height
٢٤. وَمَرَّ خِشفاً رَبيبا
وَزادَ حُسناً وَطَولا
25. Whatever you desire, I stood up as an eulogizer
And said, and truth is most deserving
٢٥. ما شاءَ قُمتُ خَطيبا
فَقُلتُ وَالحَقُّ أَولى