1. Love embodied five, delight, savor, moisture, dew,
Its light adorned, they said, unite with it for dew.
١. حَوى الحِبُّ خَمساً بَهجَةً نُكهَةً لَماً
سَنَى نُورهُ قَالُوا اجتَمَعن بِهِ لِما
2. It obtained five, gentleness, delicacy,
Beauty, kindness, a mouth and a smile.
٢. وقد حَاز خَمساً رِقَّةً ولَطَافَةً
وحَسناً وإحسَاناً وثَغراً ومَبسَمَا
3. His cheek embodied five, whiteness, redness,
A mole, fire - O my friend - then what?
٣. حَوى خَدُّهُ خَمساً بَيَاضاً وحُمرةً
وخَالاً ونَاراً يَا خَلِيلِي ثُمَّ مَا
4. His glance embodied five, langour, temptation,
Excellence, poetry, then a dimpled cheek.
٤. حَوى لَحظُهُ خَمساً فُتُوراً وفِتنَةً
وجِيداً وشَعراً ثُمَّ صدغاً مُنَمنَماً
5. And I love five - his charm, coquetry,
A sweet voice, the slenderness of his waist and mouth.
٥. وأعشَقُ خَمساً عُجبضهُ ودلالَهُ
وصوتاً حَلا والقَدَّ إذمَاس والفَمَا
6. His lips embodied five, limpidity, sugar,
Honey, musk, then strung pearls.
٦. حَوى ثَغرهُ خَمساً سُلافاً وسُكَّراً
وشَهداً ومِسكاً ثُمَّ دُرَّا مُنَظَّمَا
7. He obtained five, a supple branch, a meadow,
A sun when it shines, a moon and stars.
٧. لَقَد حَاز خَمساً غُصن بَانٍ وروضةً
وشَمساً إذا لاحَت وبَدراً وأنجُمَا
8. He obtained five, pride, safekeeping,
Kingdom, fortune in plenty, and mastery.
٨. وقَد حَاز خَمساً عِزَّةً وصِيَانَةً
ومُلكاً وحَظَّا وافِراً وتَحَكُّمَا
9. He learned five, cruelty of heart and aloofness,
Sorcery, rejection, then property and oaths.
٩. تَعَلَّم خَمساً قَسوة القَلبَِ والجَفَا
وسِحراً وصدَّا ثُمَّ مَال وأقسَمَا
10. And he bequeathed me five, wakefulness, sorrow,
Passion, illness increasing, and suffering.
١٠. وأورثَنِي خَمساً سُهَاداً وحَسرةً
ووجداً وسُقماً زائِداً وتَألُّمَا
11. I will seek five from him, obedience, consent,
Love, kindness, then union in peace.
١١. سَأطلُبُ خَمساً طَاعَةً مِنهُ والرّضا
ووِدَّا وعَطفاً ثُمَّ وصلاً مُسَلَّمَا
12. I oppose five, where I and his people
Are censorious, blaming - and likewise blamed.
١٢. أخَالِفُ خَمساً فِيهِ أهلِي وأهلَهُ
رَقِيباً وعُذَّالاً كَذِلِك لُوَّمَا