
The youth's beauty has faded with time's passage,

دنف قضى عز الجمال بهونه

1. The youth's beauty has faded with time's passage,
Bringing sorrow before debts are due.

١. دَنِفٌ قَضى عِزُّ الجَمالِ بِهونِهِ
فَقَضى أَسىً قَبلَ اِقتِضاء دُيونِهِ

2. Dawn's cheek blushed as it followed night,
Just as my heart flushed when gazed on by his eyes.

٢. وَأَغَرَّ تَتلو الفَجرَ غُرَّتُهُ كَما
تَتلو لِقَلبي فاطِراً بِجُفونِهِ

3. In beauty he surpassed all with gracefulness,
Grasping perfection's banner in his right hand.

٣. هُوَ لِلغَرابَةِ في الجَمالِ عَرابَةٌ
أَخَذَ المَحاسِنَ رايَةً بِيَمينِهِ

4. I adorned my poetry with his noble qualities,
Sweetening it beyond any need for melody.

٤. حَلَّيتُ شِعري مِن بَديعِ صِفاتِهِ
بِطَلاوَةٍ تُغنيهِ عَن تَلحينِهِ

5. On Moses' cheek, a charming beauty-mark
Illuminates his bashfulness with its glow.

٥. في خَدِّ موسى نَقطُ خالٍ رائِقٍ
نَورُ العِذارِ مُحَلَّأٌ مِن نونِهِ

6. You'd think a scribe's negligent pen
Dotted a nun before the one in "nun".

٦. فَتَرى صَحيفَةَ كاتِبٍ مُتَماجِنٍ
قَد خَطَّ قَبلَ النونِ نُقطَةَ نونِهِ

7. His mouth pours forth pure wine,
I paid my tears, pearls beyond price for it.

٧. يَجري بِفيِهِ كَوثَرٌ في جَوهَرٍ
أَرخَصتُ جَوهَرَ أَدمُعي لِثَمينِهِ

8. Ah, if only his lips' pearls might quench
The yearning hidden away in their treasure!

٨. آهاً لِلُؤلُؤِ ثَغرِهِ هَل يَشتَفي
مَكنونُ ذاكَ الشَوقِ مِن مَكنونِهِ

9. If I'm denied his company while living,
My longing for reunion will dot his forehead.

٩. إِن رُمتُ مِنهُ الوَصلَ فِعلاً حاضِراً
أَومَت لِلاِستِئنافِ سينُ جَبينِهِ