
Oh beauty, and beauty is some of His attributes

ياحسنه والحسن بعض صفاته

1. Oh beauty, and beauty is some of His attributes
And magic is confined to its movements

١. ياحُسنَهُ وَالحُسنُ بَعضُ صِفاتِهِ
وَالسِحرُ مَقصورٌ عَلى حَرَكاتِهِ

2. His glances toyed with killing his lovers
Oh Lord, do not blame him for his glances

٢. عَبَثتُ بِقَتلِ مُحِبِّهِ لَحَظاتُهُ
يا رَبِّ لا تَعتَب عَلى لَحَظاتِهِ

3. With wine we shine, and chastity is our companion
Two wines, from my twisting and from his words

٣. بِتنا نُشَعشِعُ وَالعَفافُ نَديمُنا
خَمرَينِ مِن غَزَلي وَمِن كَلِماتِهِ

4. I shook his hand, and the night kindled beneath us
Two fires, from my soul and from his cheeks

٤. صافَحتُهُ وَاللَيلُ يُذكي تَحتَنا
نارَينِ مِن نَفسي وَمِن وَجَناتِهِ

5. And I held him close, as a miser clings to his money
Yearning over it from all directions

٥. وَضَمَمتُهُ ضَمَّ البَخيلِ لِمالِهِ
يَحنو عَلَيهِ مِن جَميعِ جِهاتِهِ

6. I bound him to my arm, for he
Is a gazelle I feared would flee

٦. أَوثَقتُهُ في ساعِدَيَّ لِأَنَّهُ
ظَبيٌ خَشيتُ عَلَيهِ مِن نَفَراتِهِ

7. And the heart desires to become an arm
To win hopes from his embrace

٧. وَالقَلبُ يَرغَبُ أَن يَصيرَ ساعِداً
لِيَفوزَ بِالآمالِ مِن ضَمّاتِهِ

8. Until, as oblivion weighed on his lids
And yielded, languid, in my arms

٨. حَتّى إِذا هامَ الكَرى بِجُفونِهِ
وَاِمتَدَّ في عَضُدَيَّ طَوعَ سِناتِهِ

9. Passion resolved to kiss him
And I obeyed its resolve

٩. عَزَمَ الغَرامُ عَلَيَّ في تَقبيلِهِ
فَجَعَلتُ أُبدي الطَوعَ عَن عَزَماتِهِ

10. But my chastity refused to kiss his lips
While the heart smoldered with its embers

١٠. وَأَبى عَفافي أَن أُقَبِّلَ ثَغرَهُ
وَالقَلبُ مَطوِيٌّ عَلى جَمَراتِهِ

11. So for the inflamed lover it is agony
To complain of thirst when water is within reach

١١. فَاِعجَب لِمُلتَهِبِ الجَوانِحِ غِلَّةً
يَشكو الظَما وَالماءُ في لَهَواتِهِ