1. He came with a necklace of pearls around his graceful neck,
So I mistook the full moon for a star in the sky.
١. وَافَى وَفِي جِيدِهِ عِقدٌ مِنَ الدُّرَرِ
فَخِلتُ بَدرَ الدُّجَى فِي الأنجُمِ الزُّهُرِ
2. His lips are a ruby seal, beautifully crafted,
Born of beauty's essence, not human flesh.
٢. وَالثَّغرُ خَاتَمُ دُرّ جَلَّ صَائِغُهُ
مِن نُطفَةِ الحُسنِ لاَ مِن نُطفةِ البَشَرِ
3. It's as if the breath of Moses in him was made complete
By the secret of its life-giving power to the image.
٣. كَأنَّ أنفَاسَ مُوسَى فِيهِ قد كمُلَت
بِسِرّ إحيَائِهَا لِلرُّوحِ فِي الصُّوَرِ
4. Had it not contained the water of life, it would not
Revive souls with its diffusing fragrance.
٤. لَو لَم يَكُن قَد حَوَى مَاءَ الحَيَاةِ لما
يُحيِى النُّفُوسَ بِهَا مِن نَشرِهِ العَطِرِ
5. What a paradise, its flowing river of camphor
Passes over pearls, not pebbles from the stream.
٥. فَيَالَهَا جَنَّةً سَلسَالُ كَوثَرِهَا
يَجرِي عَلَى الدُّرّ لاَ الحَصبَا مِنَ المَدَرِ
6. The radiance of his face makes the companion forget
Wine and gardens of flowers.
٦. وَنَضرَةُ الوَجهِ يَستَغنِي النَّدِيمُ بهَا
عَنِ المُدَامِ وَعَن رَوضٍ مِنَ الزَّهَرِ
7. With sweet breath in his mouth, basil on his land,
And narcissus in his glances depicting rose buds.
٧. بِالراحِ فِي فِيهِ وَالرَّيحانُ عَأرِضُهُ
وَنَرجَسُ اللَّحظِ يَحكِي وَردَةَ الخَفَرِ
8. A gazelle, when it cries out or sways its slim branch,
Streams blood and white mixed with brown.
٨. ظَبيٌ إذَا مَا رَنَا أو هَزَّ عُودَ نَقَا
أجرَى قَنَاةَ الدّمَا بِالبِيضِ وَالسُّمُرِ
9. Whenever his figure leans and steps forward,
I place my hand over my heart in fear.
٩. وَكُلَّمَا مَالَ خَطُّ قَدّهِ وَخَطَا
وَضَعتُ كَفِّي عَلَى قَلبِي مِنَ الخَطَرِ
10. I know not whether the morning breeze stirred a branch
Or a swaying stature swaggering in drunkenness,
١٠. لَم أدرِ هَل رَنَّحَت رِيحُ الصَّبَا غُصُناً
أَم قَامَةً خَطَرَت تَختَالُ بِالسُّكُرِ
11. Or a thread of ruby in its tightening brings closer
In beauty's manuscript what the eye and sight sees.
١١. أم خَطُّ يَاقَوتَ فِي تشدِيدهِ ألِفاً
فِي مُصحَفِ الحُسنِ رَأيَ العَينِ وَالبَصَرِ
12. I seek God's forgiveness! Rather, to the beholders appeared
A light embodied until it shone to the sight.
١٢. أَستَغفِرُ اللهَ بَل لِلنَّاظِرينَ بَدَا
نُورٌ تَمَثَّلَ حَتَّى لاَحَ لِلنَّظَر
13. And I have been tested with ten in his love,
And the right of ten verses and chapters.
١٣. وَقَد بُلِيتُ بِعَشرٍ فِي مَحَبَّتِهِ
وَحَقّ عَشرٍ مِنَ الايَاتِ وَالسُّوَرِ
14. My sickness, my tears, my agony, my burning,
My passion, my infatuation, my thoughts, my sleeplessness.
١٤. سُقمي بُكائِي عَنَائي لَوعَتِي حَرقِي
وَجدِي غَرَامي هُيَامِي فِكرَتِي سَهَرِي