1. God has a river whose beauty whenever I saw
I was reminded beside it of the river Al-Kawthar
١. لِلَّهِ نَهرٌ ما رَأَيتُ جَمالَهُ
إِلّا ذَكَرتُ لَدَيهِ نَهرَ الكَوثَرِ
2. The sun has cast over it her mantle
So you see it clad in a yellow shirt
٢. وَالشَمسُ قَد أَلقَت عَلَيهِ رِداءَها
فَتَراهُ يَرفِلُ في قَميصٍ أَصفَرِ
3. The birds sing to the melody of lutes
Above the stream the clothes of revelers trail
٣. وَالطَيرُ قَد غَنَّت لِشَطحِ رَواقِصٍ
فَوقَ الغَديرِ جَرَرنَ ثَوبَ تَبَختُرِ
4. As if the hands of spring eve
Adorned the cheeks of branches with jewels
٤. وَكَأَنَّما أَيدي الرَبيعِ عَشِيَّةً
حَلَّينَ لَبّاتِ الغُصونِ بِجَوهَرِ
5. As if its green fruits and whiteness
Were a mouth breathing under a coquettish cheek
٥. وَكَأَنَّ خُضرَ ثِمارِهِ وَبَياضَهُ
ثَغرٌ تَنَسَّمَ تَحتَ خَدِّ مُعَذِّرِ