1. The tale of the she-camel is morning rain that revives hope
My share of beauty is that I am one of those he killed
١. حَديثُ عَنقاءَ صَبٌّ أَدرَكَ الأَمَلا
حَظّي مِنَ الحُسنِ أَنّي بَعضُ مَن قَتَلا
2. Indeed the advisors were right, had they been heeded
Moses' glance, his sword precedes reprimand
٢. حَقّاً لَقَد نَصَحَ العُذّالُ لَو قُبِلوا
السَيفُ مِن لَحظِ موسى يَسبِقُ العَذَلا
3. I sought a trick to cure me of his love
So his glance prescribed illnesses and maladies for me
٣. طَلَبتُ حيلَةَ بُرءٍ مِن مَحَبَّتِهِ
فَنَصَّ لي لَحظُهُ الأَمراضَ وَالعِلَلا
4. O he who has made my every word from yearning
Mayhap, would that, how I wish - all coquetry
٤. يا مَن غَدا كُلُّ لَفظي فيهِ مِن طَمَعٍ
عَسى وَلَيتَ وَشِعري كُلُّهُ غَزَلا
You prevented me waking from returning greetings
٥. مَنَعتَني يَقظَةً رَدَّ السَلامِ فَلَم
أَجرُؤ عَلى الطَيفِ في تَكليفِهِ القُبَلا
6. So I do not dare the phantom in his insistence on a kiss
Like the dye of yellowness on my body wasted by love's pain
٦. كَسا خِضابُ اِصفِرارٍ لِلضَنى جَسَدي
لَو كانَ يُنضَحُ مِن ماءِ اللَمى نَصَلا
7. If only it were sprinkled with water from a shining blade
My longing for you, though you did not carry my longing
٧. شَوقي إِلَيكَ وَلا حُمِّلتَ شَوقِيَ قَد
أَفنى القَوافي وَأَفنى الدَمعَ وَالحِيَلا