
Cry out, for the call of guidance has risen from the mount of virtue,

أصيخوا فمن طور الهدى انبعث الندا

1. Cry out, for the call of guidance has risen from the mount of virtue,
And proceed, for the light has dawned in the east,

١. أَصيخوا فَمِن طورِ الهُدى اِنبَعَثَ النَدا
وَشيموا فَإِنَّ النورَ في الشَرقِ قَد بَدا

2. It is the victory that came suddenly and revived, as if
It is the rain that came without prior appointment with the land,

٢. هُوَ الفَتحُ قَد فاجا فَأَحيا كَأَنَّما
هُوَ القَطرُ لَم يَضرِب مَعَ الأَرضِ مَوعِدا

3. Comfort came walking on a hidden path,
As slumber silently creeps upon a resting eyelid,

٣. أَتى اليُسرُ يَسعى في طَريقٍ خَفِيَّةٍ
كَما طَرَقَ الإِغفاءُ جِفناً مُسَهَّدا

4. I have concealed the guidance of the emirate for a while,
So it gathered strength like a sword kept in its sheath,

٤. كَتَمتُ بِها هَديَ الإِمارَةِ مِدَةٍ
فَعالَ كَمّي يَذخُرُ السَيفَ مُغمَدا

5. And when it was drawn out, it attained the utmost triumph
With its two edges when it met prudence at its start,

٥. وَلَمّا اِنتَضاهُ أَدرَكَ النَصرَ مُنتَهىً
بِحَدَّيهِ لَمّا اِستَقبَلَ الحَزمَ مُبتَدا

6. At the time of hardship, the oath of allegiance watered ease,
It involved a lofty emirate and a renewed covenant,

٦. لَقَد نَسَقَت يُسرَينِ في العُسرِ بَيعَةٌ
حَوَت إِمرَةً عُليا وَعَهداً مُجَدَّدا

7. One whose sun illuminates the beholders,
And the other shelters the refugees with extended shade,

٧. فَذي تَنشُرُ الرائين شَمساً مُنيرَةً
وَذا يَكنُفُ الآوينَ ظِلّاً مُمَدَّدا

8. One is a secluded refuge for whoever turns in on himself
And the other is nearby pasture for whoever strives,

٨. وَذي مَعقِلٌ نائي الذُرى لِمَن اِنطَوى
وَذا مَرتَعٌ داني الجَنى لِمَن اِجتَدى

9. Thus the two full moons rose with good fortune and brilliance,
And the two seas mingled with might and dew,

٩. فَقَد طَلَعَ البَدرانِ بِالسَعدِ وَالسَنا
وَقَد مُزِجَ البَحرانِ بِالبَأسِ وَالنَدى

10. So O people of Homs, awaken your hopes,
For an irresistible command has come to you,

١٠. فَيا أَهلَ حِمصٍ أَيقِظوا مِن رجائِكُم
فَقَد جاءَ أَمرٌ لَيسَ يَترُكُكُم سُدى

11. The complaints of the island have reached the compassionate one,
And the scream of the living answered the helper,

١١. وَقَد بَلَغَت شَكوى الجَزيرَةِ مُشفِقاً
وَوافى صُراخُ الحَيِّ شَيحانَ مُنجِدا

12. The hopes of the people of Muhammad’s religion were tied
To one whose conduct pleases the Prophet Muhammad,

١٢. وَنيطت أَماني أَهلِ دينِ مُحَمَّدٍ
بِذي سِيَرٍ تُرضي النَبيَّ مُحَمَّدا

13. The commander of guidance has granted you affection
From the people of his house, the nearest in lineage and the furthest in scope,

١٣. حَباكُم أَميرُ الهَديِ مِن أَهلِ بَيتِهِ
بِأَدناهُمُ قُربى وَأَبعَدِهِم مَدى

14. The full moon departed from him, more radiant than it,
And the rhyming of poetry has woven for him a cloak and brilliance,

١٤. بِأَروَعَ حَلَّ البَدرُ مِنهُ مَفارِقاً
وَنَسجُ القَوافي مِعطَفاً وَالنَدى يَدا

15. So delight your eyes in the rising of the glorious one,
Who was adorned with the most high and wore and returned it,

١٥. فَأَرعِ بِهِ عَينَيكَ طَلعَةَ ماجِدٍ
تَخَتَّمَ بِالعَلياءِ وَاِعتَمَّ وَاِرتَدى

16. He reached a heaven where none can match him, so were it not for his uniqueness,
We would have laid him to rest in the soil there,

١٦. سَما حَيثُ لَم يُلحَق فَلَولا اِنفِرادُهُ
هُنالِكَ مِن تِربٍ لَخِلناهُ فَرقَدا

17. It does not harm that the prince was absent and singled you out
With his deputy, equal in word, deed and purpose,

١٧. وَما ضَرَّ أَن غابَ الأَميرُ وَخَصَّكُم
بِتابِعِهِ قَولاً وَفِعلاً وَمَحتِدا

18. The two are bound in free spirit and lineage
As the lamp was lit or the cloak was torn,

١٨. تَلُفُّهُما في العُنصُرِ الحُرِّ نِسبَةٌ
كَما قُبِسَ المِصباحُ أَو قُسِمَ الرِدا

19. The morning sun is not far in its place,
And its light has adorned you while kindled,

١٩. وَما بَعُدَت شَمسُ الضُحى في مَحَلِّها
وَقَد أَلحَفَتكُم نورَها مُتَوَقِّدا

20. When the clouds bring the essence of their rain to the land,
It came in meaning though hiding its clouds,

٢٠. إِذا المُزنُ أَهدى الأَرضَ صَفوَ قِطارِهِ
فَقَد زارَ بِالمَعنى وَأَخفى التَمَهُدا

21. Abu Faris, it is as wished that they are
Stars gladdened by your arrival,

٢١. أَبا فارِسٍ حَسبُ الأَماني أَنَّها
نُجومٌ تَلَقَّت مِن قُدومِكَ أَسعُدا

22. You rose so the pulpits rejoiced in her
Who built above them the highest, most enduring, and most rightful,

٢٢. طَلَعتَ فَأَبهَجتَ المَنابِرَ بِالَّتي
بَنَت فَوقَها أَعلى وَأَبقى وَأَرشُدا

23. If an unrooted branch extended, due to vainglory,
You would have seen it, from the intensity of pride, swaying,

٢٣. فَلَو أَنَّ عوداً مادَ في غَيرِ مَنبَتٍ
لَأَبصَرتَها مِن شِدَّةِ الزَهوِ مُيَّدا

24. Yours is the judgment regarding the religion of the cross and its people,
You make peace with the compliant and become aided against the resistant,

٢٤. لَكَ الحُكمُ في دينِ الصَليبِ وَأَهلِهِ
تُسالِمُ مُمتَنّاً وَتَغدو مُؤَيَّدا

25. To you the borders of Islam in opinion and banner have reached,
So expand them with the utmost integrity and determination,

٢٥. إِلَيكَ حَدا الإِسلامُ رَأياً وَرايَةً
فَأَوسِعهُما عَنهُ سَداداً وَسُؤدُدا

26. We hope for a gift from your rulings
That will restore the renewed vigor of the religion,

٢٦. وَإِنّا لَنَرجو مِن مَضائِكَ هَبَّةً
تُعيدُ عَلى الدينِ الشَبابَ المُجَدَّدا

27. War has raised you in its homes,
As fire hammers the sharpened sword,

٢٧. فَقَد أَنشَأَتكَ الحَربُ في حُجراتِها
كَما تَطبَعُ النارَ الحُسامَ المُهَنَّدا

28. You were accustomed to flags, blood and captives,
Chanting, shading, and watering,

٢٨. أَلِفتَ مِنَ الأَعلامِ وَالدَمِ وَالظُبى
تَصِلُّ أَغاريداً وَظِلّاً وَمَورِدا

29. You see the bloodied sword as though you see
A soft cheek and reddened robe,

٢٩. تَرى السَيفَ يَدمى وَالقَناةَ كَأَنَّما
تَرى مِعطَفاً لَدناً وَخَدّاً موَرِّدا

30. How many a writhing body, terrified,
You have substituted with foot soldiers and cavalry,

٣٠. فَكَم مِن ضَجيعٍ رائِقٍ بِحَشيَّةٍ
تَعَوَضتَ مِنها أَجراداً وَمُجَرَّدا

31. You dash to the brave as though
You meet loved ones, not enemies, at the point of passion,

٣١. تَهَشُّ إِلى الأَقرانِ حَتّى كَأَنَّما
تُلاقي لَدى الرَوعِ الحَبائِبَ لا العِدا

32. By the right, you are the lion, if not for your restraint
That shows us through your kindness the forbearing quality,

٣٢. يَميناً لَأَنتَ اللَيثُ لَولا حَزامَةٌ
تُرينا بِعِطفِكَ الدَلاصَ المُسَرَّدا

33. You walked the path of dawn, not knowing fatigue,
Nor denying certainty, whether land or sea,

٣٣. سَرَيتَ مَسيرَ الصُبحِ لا يَعرِفُ الوَنى
وَلا يُنكِرُ الصيقَينِ بَحراً وَفَرقَدا

34. Did you leave the dust of ruin a lit meadow,
Or the depths of the sea an erected palace?

٣٤. فَهَل خِلتَ غُبرَ البيدِ رَوضاً مُنَوَّراً
وَهَل خِلتَ لُجَّ اليَمِّ صَرحاً مُمَرَّدا

35. This sea has become, through you, a coast for the people,
Where the drowning have found refuge from loss,

٣٥. غَدا مِنكَ هَذا البَحرُ لِلناسِ ساحِلاً
أَصابَت بِهِ الغَرقى مَلاذاً مِنَ الرَدى

36. You have come spreading news of it, awe and strangeness,
More generous, dewy, and excellent,

٣٦. أَتى بِكَ أَفشى مِنهُ صيتاً وَهَيبَةً
وَأَغرَبَ أَنباءً وَأَندى وَأَجوَدا

37. Indeed this sea has sent you as proof,
For those who said rain comes from it,

٣٧. أَما إِنَّ هَذا البَحرَ أَهداكَ حُجَّةً
لِمَن قالَ إِنَّ الغَيثَ مِنهُ تَوَلَّدا

38. Take it strongly, people of Abu Hafs,
And settle it in the field of truth,

٣٨. أَآلَ أَبي حَفصٍ خُذوها بِقوَّةٍ
وَحُلّوا لَها في ساحَةِ الصِدقِ مَقعَدا

39. You are its rightful masters, none can dispute you,
Even if the eye of one blind denies the light of dawn,

٣٩. فَأَنتُم أُولوها ما لَكُم مِن مُنازِعٍ
وَإِن أَنكَرَت شَمسَ الضُحى عَينُ أَرمَدا

40. Others before you have taken power,
And exercised sole despotic authority,

٤٠. هَبوا غَيرَكُم نالَ الإِيالَةَ قَبلَكُم
وَأَصدَرَ فيها مُستَبِدّاً وَأَورَدا

41. So is the case of the white ones ruled by a Qain and a Siql,
And it is not a source of pride except for the appointed ruler,

٤١. كَذاكَ يَسوسُ البيضَ قَينٌ وَصَيقَلٌ
وَما فَخرَها إِلّا لِمَن قَد تَقَلَّدا

42. If the highest imitates one below him,
The valleys and meadows are ransomed for you,

٤٢. إِذا ما اِقتَدى الأَعلى بِمَن هُوَ دونَهُ
فُغَرُّ الغَوادي وَالدَراري لَكُم فِدا

43. If the venerable tooth of guidance laughs at an emirate,
It is your days that guidance laughs at,

٤٣. وَإِن ضَحِكَت سِنُّ الهُدى عَن إِمارَةٍ
فَعَنكُم وَعَن أَيّامُكُم يَضحَكُ الهُدى

44. And for you is strung together as pearls
Praise that has scattered like freely given gifts,

٤٤. وَدونَكَ مِن دُرِّ الثَناءِ مُنَظَّماً
بِحَيثُ غَدا دُرُّ الهِباتِ مُبَدَّدا

45. Rhymes came together for you and through you they eased,
So they scattered in your praise,

٤٥. قَوافٍ لَكَ اِنساغَت وَفيكَ تَيَسَّرَت
شِياعاً فَأَضحَت في ثَنائِكَ شُرَّدا

46. Thus my request became blaming in your generosity,
And my poetry aiding your noble deeds.

٤٦. فَأَصبَحَ سُؤَلي مِن سَماحِكَ مُتهِماً
وَأَصبَحَ شِعري في مَعاليكَ مُنجِدا