
Often, my resolute heart was struck

رب ريم رام قلبي مبرما

1. Often, my resolute heart was struck
By an arrow that came from one I knew not

١. رُبّ رِيمٍ رَام قَلبِي مُبرَمَا
فِيهِ سَهماً جَاءَ عَن غَيرِ قسِي

2. Whoever saw a gazelle guide us to its arrows
With the glances of narcissus eyes

٢. مَن رَأَى ظَبَياً أرَانَا أَسهُمَا
مِن لِحَاظِ كَعُيُونِ النَّرجَسِ

3. My friend, arise, it's time for joy
Fill up my cup and hurry with the drinks

٣. يَا نَدِيمِي قُم صفَا وقتُ الهَنَا
فَامل لي الكَأس وعجّل بالطُّلا

4. And turn it into a wine that makes us tipsy
For the time of conviviality with people is sweet

٤. وَأدِرهَا خَمرَةً تُولِي المُنَا
فَزَمَانُ الأُنسِ بِالبشرِ حُلاَ

5. The meadow was adorned with stars
As it dawned cloaked in flowers

٥. وحَكت بالأنجُمِ الرّوض السَّمَا
إذ غَدت بالزّهرِ مِنها تَكتَسي

6. And the branches were decorated, embellished
As she wore the most beautiful attire

٦. وَحَبَا الأغصَانَ طُرزاً مُعلما
حِينما ماس بأبهى ملبس

7. What do you see, my friend, the branches of the shrub
Swaying gently with the wine of clouds

٧. ما ترى يا صاح أغصان الربى
مايلات القد من خمر السحاب

8. Moved by the magic hands of the morning breeze
So my heart poured towards it, yearning

٨. حَرّكَتها سَحرَةً أيدي الصّبا
فصبا القلب إليها باكتئاب

9. With flowers upon its highest crests
And with spirit upon its highest domes

٩. ومن الزهر على أعلى قبا
ومن الروح لها أعلى قباب

10. The clouds made it a home as they adorned
The meadow in a soiled gown

١٠. أقطَعَتها السُّحبُ داراً مثلما
كست الروض بثوب دنس

11. And the scent of the gentle breeze spread
As does one pure of soul

١١. وشذَا عرف نسيم هَينَمَا
وكذا يفعل زاكي النفس

12. What ails the lover since love was sweet
For a beloved whose face tells of the moon

١٢. مَا لِلاحِ مُذ لَحضا طَاب الهَوى
فِي حَبِيبٍ وجهُهُ يَحكي القَمر

13. Joyous for me is his ardent love
And facing horrors if they loomed

١٣. لَذّ لِي فِي حُبِّهِ مُرّ النَّوى
وارتِكَابُ الهَولِ يَوماً إن خطَر

14. It matters not to one whose star love struck
When he refused familiarity and turned away

١٤. مَا عَلَى مَن نَجمُهُ فِيهش هَوى
حِينمَا صدَ دلالاً ونَفَر

15. Of mesmerizing glances and smooth talk
A heated poet and relaxed jester

١٥. أحورِيّ اللَّحظِ مَعسُولُ اللَّمَا
فَاحِمُ الشَّعرِ شَهِيّ اللَّعَسِ

16. His mouth smiles with the radiance of heaven
And the adornment of poetry a cloak of hides

١٦. ثَغرُهُ أبدى لنا برق السَّمَا
وأثيث الشعر ثوب الغلس

17. O what a full moon preserving the apparition
His stature and honor are sticks and canes

١٧. يَا لهُ بَدراً حمى طَيف الكرى
قَدّهُ والعرف عضبٌ وأسَل

18. Amidst the darkness of his hair lies a beaming moon
And with the sun-like face, night has fallen

١٨. فِي دُجَى شَعرٍ له بَدرٌ سَرى
وبِشَمسِ الوَجهِ لَيلٌ قد َنَزَل

19. In his eyelids, the crescent reclines
And darkness drapes his temples

١٩. خِلتُ فِي جفينه سَادَ الشَّرَى
وَعلَى أعطَافِهِ لَيلُ سُدِل

20. Sorcerer of the eyelash, beloved of the tent
Moon of horizons and gazelle of the broom

٢٠. سَاحِرُ المُقلَةِ مَعشُوقُ الدّما
قَمَرُ الأُفُقِ وَظَبيُ المِكنَسِ

21. With a glance that shed so much blood
As it flirted with the nearby neighbors

٢١. ذُو لِحَاظٍ كَم أرَاقَت مِن دِما
وَهيَ تُزرِي بِالجِوَارِ الكُنَّسِ