
Keep the birds of worry away from the springs of my tears,

ذد عن موارد أدمعي طير الكرى

1. Keep the birds of worry away from the springs of my tears,
And with the fire of passion, illuminate my dark nights.

١. ذُد عَن مَوارِدِ أَدمُعي طَيرَ الكَرى
وَأَعِد بِنارِ الوَجدِ لَيلِيَ نَيِّرا

2. Make me pour out my sorrows in song,
And wrestle with me over the secrets of bliss.

٢. وَأَصِخ وَطارِحني الشُجونَ وَغَنِّني
بِهِمُ وَنازِعني أَفاويقَ السُرى

3. Its fragrance is the memory of a beloved who remains
My tears' companion, and my cup ever brimming.

٣. رَيحانُها ذِكرى حَبيبٍ لَم يَزَل
راحي بِهِ دَمعاً وَكاسي مَحجَرا

4. Distance stole its dwelling in the meadows away,
And lent my eyelids its borrowed, fleeting gleam.

٤. سَلَبَ الثُرَيّا في البُعادِ مَحَلَّها
وَأَعارَ جَفني نَوءَها المُستَغزَرا

5. Be not amazed if his person is absent from me,
For his image in my ribs is firmly lodged.

٥. لا تَعجَبوا إِن غابَ عَنّي شَخصُهُ
وَخَيالُهُ في أَضلُعي مُتَقَرِّرا

6. This is Abu Uthman whose worth
The stars and the full moons among men proclaim.

٦. هَذا أَبو عُثمانَ خَيَّمَ قَدرُهُ
في النَيِّراتِ وَشَخصُهُ بَينَ الوَرى

7. Al-Kawthari when he aspires, and Al-Kawkabi when
He climbs the heavenly spheres, and Al-Munqidh when he sees.

٧. الكَوثَرِيُّ إِذا هَمى وَالكَوكَبيُّ
إِذا سَما وَالمُنصُلِيُّ إِذا فَرى

8. A king who ascended to the summit of Quraysh
For which the highest peaks are called crumbs.

٨. مَلِكٌ تَسَنَّمَ مِن قُرَيشٍ ذُروَةً
مِن أَجلِها تُدعى الأَعالي بِالذُرى

9. A lineage trailing its tail across the Galaxy,
And glories leaving the Pleiades as motes of dust.

٩. حَسَبٌ يَجُرُّ عَلى المَجَرَّةِ ذَيلَهُ
وَمَناقِبٌ تَذَرُ الثُرَيّا كَالثَرى

10. The lesser lights aspire to eclipse its magnitude,
And fading ones seek excuses for its enduring rays.

١٠. يَسعى السُهى أَن يَغتَدي كَصَغيرها
وَيُعَذِّرُ الدَبَرانِ عَنها مَدبَرا

11. That high minaret of knowledge - if knowledge
Took human form, would be depicted in his shape.

١١. عالي مَنارِ العِلمِ لَو أَنَّ الهُدى
شَخصٌ لَكانَ لِشَخصِهِ مُتَصَوِّرا

12. Blessed are his traces - if he tread on Al-Safa,
A spring of dew would flow and burst forth.

١٢. وَمُبارَكُ الآثارِ لَو وَطِىءَ الصَفا
لَجَرى بِمُنهَلِّ النَدى وَتَفَجَّرا

13. Or if he touched a withered tree with his fingertips,
Touching it lightly, it would leaf and shine anew.

١٣. أَو مَسَّ عوداً ذابِلاً بِبَنانِهِ
مَسّاً لَأَورَقَ في يَدَيهِ وَنَوَّرا

14. He brought distinction to an illuminated city, his aura
Brightening horizons until they gleamed like the full moon.

١٤. خُصَّت بِهِ مَنورَقَةٌ وَسَناؤُهُ
قَد نَوَّرَ الآفاقَ حَتّى أَقمَرا

15. Like the sun whose place in the sky is its light
Whose brilliance has spread to the edges of the earth below.

١٥. كَالشَمسِ مَطلَعُها السَماءُ وَضَوءُها
قَد عَمَّ أَقطارَ البَسيطَةِ أَنؤُرا

16. False are those who compare his splendor and glory
And intellect to the stars' feeble fires.

١٦. كَذَبَ المُشَبِّهُ بِالنُجومِ ضِياءَه
وَسَناءَهُ وَذَكاءَهُ المُتَسَعِّرا

17. If a star had but a fraction of his qualities,
In the eyes' view it would not be deemed small.

١٧. لَو كانَ عِندَ النَجمِ بَعضُ خِصالِهِ
ما كانَ في رَأي العُيونِ لِيصَغَرا

18. The king of high manners - if he descended to dwell
Among the bright stars, would seem a glistening pearl.

١٨. مَلَكُ السَجايا لَو يَحِلُّ بِمَنزِلٍ
بَينَ النُجومِ الزُهرِ كانَ مُؤَمَّرا

19. The learned hero ceaselessly dispelling
Gloom and stirring up clouds of knowledge.

١٩. العالِمُ البَطَلُ الَّذي ما اِنفَكَّ في
حالٍ يَخُطُّ دُجىً وَيَرفَعُ عِثيَرا

20. Before his inspirations and words, I knew not
That the sweet Euphrates yielded gems.

٢٠. لَم أَدرِ قَبلَ هِباتِهِ وَكَلامِهِ
أَنَّ الفُراتَ العَذبَ يُعطي الجَوهَرا

21. When the noble give, seeking praise,
They give freely of their treasures to earn excuse.

٢١. نَدبٌ إِذا أَعطى الكِرامُ لِيُحمَدوا
أَعطى كَرائِمَ مالِهِ كَي يُعذَرا

22. As frequent praise of him repeats each moment,
The world forgets the burden of recycled words.

٢٢. لَمّا تَكَرَّرَ كُلَّ حينٍ حَمدُهُ
نَسِيَ الوَرى ثِقلَ الحَديثِ مُكَرَّرا

23. The Bani Hashim, since first light, have understood
That none shall be called "dawn-breaker" but he.

٢٣. أَضحى بَنو حَكَمٍ وَقَد عَلِمَ الضُحى
مُذ أَسفَروا أَن لَيسَ يُدعى مُسفِرا

24. A people - when mounted, their steeds seem
Eagles in flight, bearing the lions of the fray.

٢٤. قَومٌ إِذا رَكِبوا الخُيولَ حَسِبتَها
عُقبانَ جَوٍ حُمِّلَت أُسدَ الشَرى

25. If you envisioned their coats of mail upon them,
You would see rivers containing seas.

٢٥. أَوشَمتَ مُسبَغَةَ الدُروعِ عَلَيهِمُ
أَبصَرتَ أَنهاراً تَضُمُّ أَبحُرا

26. If death brought them peers in the clash,
It would find none leaving their ranks in retreat.

٢٦. لَو مَثَّلَت لَهُمُ المَنايا في الوَغى
أَقرانَهُم لَم تَلقَ مِنهُم مُدبِرا

27. The exploits of all others are combined in them,
As if the year encapsulated all months.

٢٧. جُمِعَت مَآثِرُ مَن سِواهُم فيهِمُ
جَمعاً كَمَثَلِ العامِ ضَمَّ الأَشهُرا

28. A band - even were you not of their mighty ilk,
And you readied yourself to face their army in war,

٢٨. نَفَرٌ لَو أَنَّكَ لَم تَكُن مِن عِزِّهِم
في عَسكَرٍ جَهَّزتَ عَزمَكَ عَسكَرا

29. Your purpose would be evident, and action made manifest,
Openly and decisively, your deed accomplished.

٢٩. قَد كانَ قَبلَ الأَمرِ أَمرُكَ صادِعاً
وَالفِعلُ يَعمَلُ ظاهِراً وَمُقَدَّرا

30. The miracles of Jesus are in your hands, and indeed
Guidance died only to live again by your wise counsel.

٣٠. آياتُ عيسى في يَدَيكَ وَإِنَّما
ماتَ الهُدى وَبِحُسنِ رَأيُكَ أُنشَرا

31. You fought the confederates of unbelief with argument,
And gentleness, like might, snaps rigid necks.

٣١. حارَبتَ حِزبَ الشِركِ عَنهُ بِالحِجى
وَالرِفقُ مِثلُ البَطشِ يَقصِمُ أَظهُرا

32. You stabbed them with favors and God's gifts - where
Even a spear thrust would have shattered into pieces.

٣٢. وَطَعَنتَهُم بِالمَكرُماتِ وَبِاللُها
في حَيثُ لَو طَعَنَ القَنا لَتَكَسَّرا

33. The tall spears may fail to spot a warrior and yet
Find the short, yellow lances keener-sighted.

٣٣. قَد تَجهَلُ السُمرُ الطِوالُ مَقاتِلاً
تَلقى بِها الصُفرَ القَصيرَةَ أَبصَرا

34. Opinions bow to truth, and the banners unfurl in retreat,
Sagging, shamed, and weakened.

٣٤. وَتُصَحَّحُ الآراءُ وَالراياتُ قَد
نَكَصَت عَلى الأَعقابِ واهِيَةَ العُرى

35. If others fail, though countless be their aides,
And you alone remain the faith's defender,

٣٥. إِن خابَ غَيرُكَ وَهُوَ أَكثَرُ ناصِراً
وَبَقيتَ لِلإِسلامِ وَحدَكَ مَظَهَرا

36. Then the sea slakes no thirst with its abundant waters,
While a single cloud can rain upon the land.

٣٦. فَالبَحرُ لا يُروي بِكَثرَةِ مائِهِ
ظَمَأً وَرُبَّ غَمامَةٍ تَروي الثَرى

37. You are the rain - no, fresher and broader in bounty,
Mightier in benefaction and greater in aid.

٣٧. الغَيثُ أَنتَ بَل أَنتَ أَعذَبُ شيمَةً
وَأَعَمُّ إِحساناً وَأَعظَمُ عُنصُرا

38. Forever the Pleiades weep bitterly, scowling,
While you smile joyfully, gladdened.

٣٨. وَالمَزنُ يَهمي باكِياً مُتَجَهِّماً
أَبَداً وَتَهمي ضاحِكاً مُستَبشِرا

39. The sun grows dim but your light - if it flowed
Into the eyes of one blind - would grant him sight.

٣٩. وَالشَمسُ مُرمِدَةٌ وَنورُكَ لَو جَرى
في مُقلَتَي أَعمى لَأَصبَحَ مُبصِرا

40. You beautified the ugly epoch until I deemed it
A sin, and you its pardon, penitent.

٤٠. حَسَّنتَ قُبحَ الدَهرِ حَتّى خُلتُهُ
ذَنباً وَخُلتُكَ عُذرَهُ المُستَغفِرا

41. You gave freely, without taking back, and ruled without
Tyranny, and rose high without arrogance.

٤١. وَوَهَبتَ لا مُستَرجِعاً وَحَكَمتَ لا
مُتَنَطِّعاً وَعَلَوتَ لا مُتَجَبِّرا

42. Thus kingship was fertile, fulfilling wishes,
A vigilant eye of fortune, rope pulled taut.

٤٢. فَالمُلكُ مِنكَ خَصيبُ أَشجارِ المُنى
يَقظانُ عَينِ السَعدِ مَشدودُ العُرى

43. It crowns you in peace and forgives in the fury of events -
An ocean bordering seas for some merit

٤٣. هُوَ مَفرِقٌ في السِلمِ يَلبِسُ مِنكُمُ
تاجاً وَفي حَربِ الحَوادِثِ مِغفَرا

44. That earned it pride over lands in waters' view
And I see you deemed no shore your coast,

٤٤. يا بَحرُ جاوَرتَ البِحارَ لِعِلَّةٍ
حازَت لَها الفَخرَ المِياهُ عَلى الثَرى

45. Making your coast the very greenest meadow.
A turbulent, ruinous sea led to a calm

٤٥. وَأَراكَ لَم تَرضَ البَسيطَةَ ساحِلاً
فَجَعَلتَ ساحِلَكَ الخِضَمَّ الأَخضَرا

46. Sea - gentle, blossoming, its scene serene.
The winds of praise blow musk from you if

٤٦. بَحرٌ أُجاجٌ حالِكٌ أَدّى إِلى
بَحرٍ حَلا وِرداً وَأَشرَقَ مَنظَرا

47. The winds from that horizon blow ambergris.
Take them - intricate embroidery on fabrics,

٤٧. تُهدي رِياحُ الحَمدِ عَنكَ المِسكَ إِن
أَهدَت رِياحُ الأُفقِ عَنهُ العَنبَرا

48. Fresh blooms and brocade with glittering pearls.
A garden exalted by your praise, its heart

٤٨. خُذها تُنيفُ عَلى الجُمانِ مُفَصَّلاً
وَالزَهرِ غَضّاً وَالرِداءِ مُحَبَّرا

49. A foliage that made its branches lines of verse.
When the tyrant Pharaoh of my time grew insolent

٤٩. رَوضاً تَغَنَّت مِن ثَنائِكَ وَسطَهُ
وُرقٌ جَعَلنَ غُصونَهُنَّ الأَسطُرا

50. My poetry's staff split your ocean in two.
I care not where you are my destination,

٥٠. لَمّا طَغى فِرعَونُ دَهري عاتِياً
شَقَّت عَصا شِعري بَنانَكَ أَبحُرا

51. Whether leaving a home or companions behind.
Since your era encompasses all time, your world

٥١. ما إِن أُبالي حَيثُ كُنتُم وُجهَتي
أَنّي أُفارِقُ مَوطِناً أَو مَعشَرا

52. All countries, your person all creation.
Your hospitality makes delegations forget their homes,

٥٢. إِذ عَصرُكُم كُلُّ الزَمانِ وَأُفقُكُم
كُلُّ البِلادِ وَشَخصُكُم كُلُّ الوَرى

53. Just as a rose's fragrance makes one forget its source.
I tended no protective pact for you all, nor

٥٣. يُنسي الوُفودَ سَماحُكُم أَوطانَهُم
وَكَذاكَ طيبُ الوِردِ يُنسي المَصدَرا

54. Aimed for your glories in vacant places to roam.
If a man's life be measured by praise of him,

٥٤. لَم أُرعِ تَأميلي حَمىً لَكُم وَلا
يَمَّمتُ مَغناكُم مَحَلّاً مُقفِرا

55. Then know you will remain eternally alive.
Fate kindled against me the fire of its trials,

٥٥. إِن كانَ عُمرُ المَرءِ حُسنَ ثَنائِهِ
فَاِعلَم بِأَنَّكَ لَن تَزالَ مُعَمَّرا

56. So I diffused in it the incense that is your praise.
Its caprices raised me high - though I reckon that still

٥٦. أَذكى عَلَيَّ الدَهرُ نارَ خُطوبِهِ
فَبَثَثتُ فيها مِن مَديحِكَ عَنبَرا

57. My rank was founded on lowness, unchanged.
Be generous to mankind - if lives lasted as long

٥٧. رَفَعَت عَوامِلُهُ وَأَحسبُ رُتبَتي
بُنِيَت عَلى خَفضٍ فَلَن تَتَغَيَّرا

58. As heights, theirs would endure and yours be ageless.
Submit - you illuminate darkness, revive barrenness,

٥٨. دُم لِلأَنامِ فَلَو عَلى قَدرِ العُلى
بَقِيَت حَياتُهُم خَلَدتَ مُعَمَّرا

59. Destroy tyrants, and enrich the destitute.

٥٩. واِسلَم تُنيرُ دُجىً وَتُخصِبُ مُجدِباً
وَتُبيدُ جَبّاراً وَتُغني مُقتِرا