
After prosperity she brought you woe, after sight blindness.

لقد أعقبت بالبؤس منك وبالنعمى

1. After prosperity she brought you woe, after sight blindness.
You were quenched with the drafts of parting's sorrow.

١. لَقَد أَعقَبَت بِالبُؤسِ مِنكَ وَبِالنُعمى
وَأَصبَحَ طَرفاً لا أَراكَ بِهِ أَعمى

2. The realms of glory she left waste and dark.
I plighted it my troth, fed its renown my fame,

٢. سُقيتَ الحَيا مِن ظاعِنِ الثُكلِ قَد ثَوى
وَأَبقى رُبوعَ المَجدِ موحِشَةً عُتما

3. Till in fulness of fame it parted from me,
As the moon at her full seeks a cloud to veil her.

٣. وَقَد كُنتُ أُمضيهِ عَلى الخَطبِ مُنصُلاً
وَآوي لَهُ رُكناً وَأَسري بِهِ نَجما

4. Long in despite of envier and hater he lived.
He died; to live for ever in guidance and bounty.

٤. تَرَحَّلَ لَمّا أَن تَكامَلَ مَجدُهُ
وَلَيسَ كُسوفُ البَدرِ إِلّا إِذا تَمّا

5. While he lived, life shone white near him.
Now that he is dead our days are become gloom.

٥. لَقَد عاشَ رَغماً لِلحَواسِدِ وَالعِدا
وَماتَ عَلى أَنفِ النَدى وَالهُدى رَغما

6. He gave the sword its right in the death-shudder.
He was well pleased if he saw it flash midst the host.

٦. وَكانَت لَيالي العَيشِ بيضاً بِقُربِهِ
فَقَد أَصبَحَت أَيامُنا بَعدَهُ دُهما

7. The cheek of dread shone bright at his laugh in all fight.
When to seekers of gifts the glooms gathered swirling,

٧. وَقَد كانَ يُعطي السَيفَ في الرَوعِ حَقَّهُ
وَيَرضى إِذا أَرواهُ في الشِركِ أَن يَظما

8. He would give, when the slaves of ambition stood niggard,
Or the brand of refusal those gatherings were burning.

٨. وَيُضحِكُ ثَغرَ النَصرِ في كُلِّ مَعرَكٍ
يُرى وَسطَهُ وَجهُ الرَدى عابِساً جَهما

9. Ho for Leyla's undulant meadow, a tomb fit to house
The knight of munificence, might and forbearance!

٩. وَكانَ إِذا الأَمجادُ ظَنّوا نَوالَهُم
لِمُستَمنَحٍ غُرماً رَأى بَذلَهُ غُنما

10. May its dust-clouds refresh where they rise, for they carry
The scent of musk, could but perception attain them!

١٠. إِذا بَخَلوا أَعطى وَإِن أَحجَموا مَضى
وَإِن أَصلَدوا أَورى وَنارُ عَما

11. What blame to a land if it yield for its fruitage
No wit and no wisdom, when watered with blood such as his!

١١. أَلا فَأتِيا بَطحاءَ لَبلَةَ فَاِندُبا
بِها مَصرَعاً غالَ الشَجاعَةَ وَالحِلما

12. O house of illustrious sons, ye are left in the day
Of his doom as stars robbed of their beacon in blackness.

١٢. وَأَجوَدُها تَندى الصِلادُ غَضارَةً
بِهِ وَيَفوحُ التُربُ مِسكاً إِذا شُمّا

13. Gone art thou, O father of braves, yet hast rid us of dule.
Living thou mad'st us renown; dead thou leavest us glory.

١٣. وَما عُذرُ أَرضٍ أُشرِبَتهُ فَأَنبَتَت
نَباتاً وَلَم تُنبِت ذَكاءً وَلا حَزما

14. Thy bounty encompassed all souls, even as now
Thy good sword encompasseth fame.

١٤. بَني فاخِرٍ أَمسَيتُمُ يَومَ فَقدِهِ
كَأَنجُمِ أُفقٍ فارَقَت بَدرَها التِمّا

15. For how many billows of care hast thou broken in souls!
How many redoubts of misfortune thy give has unmanned!

١٥. ذَهَبتَ أَبا الحَجّاجِ لَم تُبقِ ذِلَّةً
وَأَبقَيتَ فينا المَجدَ وَالسُؤدَدَ الضَخما

16. Thou art gone and thine orphan unceasing must weep.
Keen yearning devours her; her pilgrim must roam unavail.

١٦. فَرِزؤُكَ قَد عَمَّ البَرِيَّةَ كُلَّهُم
كَما كانَ فيهِم جودُ يُمناكَ قَد عَمّا

17. The doves in the thicket for sorrow-thy sorrow-must moan,
And the rain-clouds of heaven their torrents of sympathy pour.

١٧. فَكَم حَلَّ في أَحشائِهِم مِنكَ مِن جَوىً
وَكَم حَلَّ في أَيديهِمُ لَكَ مِن نُعمى

18. Upon thee be God's peace! 'Gainst thy fate was no refuge,
But with us may thy name be a buckler, thy glory a guard!

١٨. وَخَلَّفتَ ثَكلى لا تَكُفُّ جُفونُها
بُكاءً وَلا تَندى جَوانِحُها غَمّا

19. Now are the days after thee pallid and life but a phantom,
And the zephyr that breatheth thy life in the wold is but pain.

١٩. تَنوحُ لَها الأَطيارُ في القُضبِ رِقَّةً
وَيُذري عَلَيها المُزنُ أَدمُعَهُ رَحما