1. He finds solace in us while we console him,
And we slumber though his calamities do not slumber.
١. يَجِدُّ الرَدى فينا وَنَحنُ نُهازِلُه
وَنَغفو وَما تَغفو فُواقاً نَوازِلُه
2. The survival of the young man is a quest hard for its seekers,
And the caprice of fate is a companion that stumbles its walker.
٢. بَقاءُ الفَتى سُؤلٌ يَعِزُّ طِلابُهُ
وَرَيبُ الرَدى قِرنٌ يَزِلُّ مُصاوِلُه
3. And the share of your fortune which you cannot attain,
And the misery of your enemy which you do not fight.
٣. وَأَنفَسُ حَظَّيكَ الَّذي لا تَنالُهُ
وَأَنكى عَدُوَّيكَ الَّذي لا تُقاتِلُه
4. Beware! The turns of fate are a sea of calamities,
And all of mankind are its drowned, with the grave as its shore.
٤. أَلا إِنَّ صَرفَ الدَهرِ بَحرُ نَوائِبٍ
وَكُلُّ الوَرى غَرقاهُ وَالقَبرُ ساحِلُه
5. It becomes an heirloom to him who desired loyalty,
And it is fooled by him who sought deliverance.
٥. تَرِثُّ لِمَن رامَ الوَفاءَ حِبالُهُ
وَتُغرى بِمَن رامَ الخَلاصَ حَبائِلُه
6. The sorrows of the deeply grieved are plenty,
And the tribulations of the sensible are weighty.
٦. وَأَكثَرُ مِن حُزنِ الجَزوعِ خُطوبُهُ
وَأَكبَرُ مِن حَزمِ اللَبيبِ غَوائِلُه
7. Neither did his armor protect the sanctified being,
Nor did its misfortunes fall short with the hapless.
٧. فَما عَصَمَت نَفسَ المُقَدَّسِ دِرعُهُ
وَلا قَصَّرَت بِالمُستَكينِ عَلائِلُه
8. Does our nature's conflict with it benefit us,
When death approaches and we dislike its resemblance?
٨. وَهَل نافِعٌ في المَوتِ أَنَّ اِختِيارَنا
يُنافِرُه وَالطَبعُ مِمّا يُشاكِلُه
9. How can one be saved or ruined,
When his fate were arrows that suited his opponent?
٩. وَكَيفَ نَجاةُ المَرءِ أَو فَلَتاتُهُ
عَلى أَسهُمٍ قَد ناسَبَتها مَقاتِلُه
10. But it has attained the son of Ghalib,
So it has attained one who wrestles its heights.
١٠. وَأَمّا وَقَد نالَ الزَمانُ اِبنَ غالِبٍ
فَقَد نالَ مِن هَضمِ العُلى ما يُحاوِلُه
11. Its efforts have left it, so it darkened,
As its evenings left the light of day.
١١. أَلَيسَ المَساعي فارَقَتهُ فَأَظلَمَت
كَما فارَقَت ضَوءَ النَهارِ أَصائِلُه
12. Excellence was enshrouded in his coffin, all of it,
And glory carried openly to the earth its carrier.
١٢. لَقَد لُفَّ في أَكفانِهِ الفَضلُ كُلُّهُ
وَساقَ العُلا جَهراً إِلى التُرَبِ حامِلُه
13. If the narrowness of the level ground constrained him,
How vast was the spacious earth that hosted his attainments!
١٣. فَإِن ضَمَّهُ مِن مُستَوي الأَرضِ ضَيِّقٌ
فَكَم وَسِعَ الأَرضَ العَريضَةَ نائِلُه
14. And how much did his right hand race the seas,
And how it resembled the meadows in its left side!
١٤. وَكَم ساجَلَت فيها البِحارَ يَمينُهُ
وَكَم جانَسَت فيها الرِياضَ شَمائِلُه
15. If the day of his passing darkened the horizons,
His merits whitened the pages of judgment.
١٥. لَئِن سَوَّدَ الآفاقَ يَومُ حِمامِهِ
لَقَد بَيَّضَت صُحُفَ الحِسابِ فَضائِلُه
16. If the accident of his loss closed the door of patience,
His attainments opened the gates of heavens.
١٦. وَإِن سَدَّ بابَ الصَبرِ حادِثُ فَقدِهِ
لَقَد فَتَحَت بابَ الجِنانِ وَسائِلُه
17. If his demise made the water of eyes joyless,
His legacy preserved the water of faces.
١٧. وَإِن صَنيَّعَت ماءَ العُيونِ وَفاتُهُ
لَقَد حَفِظَت ماءَ الوُجوهِ نَوائِلُه
18. And how much did his night prayer revive the long night,
And how it killed the place of years with its separations!
١٨. وَكَم أَحيَتِ اللَيلَ الطَويلَ صَلاتُهُ
وَكَم قَتَلَت مَحَلَّ السِنينَ فَواضِلُه
19. So he left behind in the bitterness of affliction our hearts,
While his soul was carried to the coldness of bliss.
١٩. فَخَلَّفَ في مُرِّ المُصابِ قُلوبَنا
وَزُفَّت إِلى بَردِ النَعيمِ رَواحِلُه
20. Condolences, Abu Bakr, had fate been just
To a generous people, you would have been one it treats justly.
٢٠. عَزاءً أَبا بَكرٍ فَلَو جامَلَ الرَدى
كَريمَ أُناسٍ كُنتَ مِمَّن يُجامِلُه
21. The origin from which you branched has not gone,
Nor has the path ceased whose achiever you were.
٢١. وَما ذَهَبَ الأَصلُ الَّذي أَنتَ فَرعُهُ
وَلا اِنقَطَعَ السَعيُ الَّذي أَنتَ واصِلُه
22. Your father built glories, and you reinforced them
With a glory that matches what he built.
٢٢. أَبوكَ بَني العَليا وَأَنتَ شَدَدتَها
بِمَجدٍ يُقَوّي ما بَنى وَيُشاكِلُه
23. As the fullness of the moon is perfected
When a bright companion moon faces it.
٢٣. كَما تَمَّ حُسنُ البَدرِ وَهوَ مُكَمَّلٌ
وأَيَّدَهُ دُرّيُّ سَعدٍ يُقابِلُه
24. And if the ancient glory grieved over him,
Do not fret, for you are its sponsor.
٢٤. وَإِن أَصبَحَ المَجدُ التَليدُ لِفَقدِهِ
يَتيماً فَلا يَحزَن فَإِنَّكَ كافِلُه
25. When the brilliance of Mohammed is proven again,
Its early radiances will not be shaken.
٢٥. إِذا ثَبَتَت أُخرى النَدى في مُحَمَّدٍ
فَلَم تَتَزَحزَح بِالحِمامِ أَوائِلُه
26. A man whom the envious amass against his virtues,
As those resembling and matching him are few.
٢٦. فَتىً كَثَّرَ الحُسّادَ في مَكرُماتِهِ
كَما قَلَّ فيها شِبهُهُ وَمُماثِلُه
27. The ally of an executioner whose swords are not sheathed,
And the robe of a pursuer whose weapons are not stripped.
٢٧. حَليفُ جِلادٍ لَيسَ تُكسى سُيوفُهِ
وَثَوبُ طِرادٍ لَيسَ تَعرى صَواهِلُه
28. Nothing intoxicates him but the blood of his enemies,
And no euphoria until his blades sing.
٢٨. فَما خَمرُهُ إِلّا دِماءُ عُداتِهِ
وَلا طَرَبٌ حَتّى تُغَنّي مَناصِلُه
29. His wars conceal the lion of combat,
And his councils reveal the full moon.
٢٩. تُضَمُّ عَلى لَيثِ الكِفاحِ حُروبُه
وَتُسفِرُ عَن بَدرِ التَمامِ مَحافِلُه
30. Hailing by a sublimity whose envious are not at rest,
And leading by a generosity whose hopeful are not fatigued.
٣٠. سَما بِعُلىً لا يَستَريحُ حَسودُها
وَسادَ بِجودٍ لَيسَ يَتعَبُ آمِلُه
31. The meadows wish they were his stature,
And the virgins wish they were his features.
٣١. تَوَدُّ الغَوادي أَنَهُنَّ بَنانُهُ
وَتَهوى الدَراري أَنَهُنَّ شَمائِلُه
32. Similar is the glimmer of his opinion and his sword,
As are slack his cloak and its straps.
٣٢. تَساوى مَضاءً رَأيُهُ وَحُسامُهُ
وَلانَ مَهَزّاً مِعطَفاهُ وَذابِلُه
33. The seasons thrive by his efforts,
Yet sheathe and strap empty of them.
٣٣. رُبوعُ المَساعي عامِراتٌ بِسَعيِهِ
وَيُقفِرُ مِنهُ غِمدُهُ وَحَمائِلُه
34. Passion's love softened his blade of wrath,
Though it does not cease to meet him every day.
٣٤. وَفَلَّلَ حُبُّ الهامِ شَفرَةَ عَضبِهِ
وَإِن لَم تَزَل في كُلِّ يَومٍ تُواصِلُه
35. It sparked a mind when he flowed with lenience,
As its torrents gushed when the clouds poured.
٣٥. تَوَقَّدَ ذِهناً حينَ سالَ سَماحَةً
كَما شَبَّ بَرقاً حينَ فاضَت هَواطِلُه
36. It blazed until the horizon was thought to be its origin,
And the shining stars its tribes.
٣٦. تَلَوذَعَ حَتّى يُحسَبَ الأُفقُ مَنشأً
لَهُ وَالنُجومُ النَيِّراتُ قَبائِلُه
37. I am baffled by him, though the meanings are strange:
Are his thoughts, or his compositions, more wondrous?
٣٧. تَحَيَّرتُ فيهِ وَالمَعاني غَرائِبٌ
أَأَفكارُهُ أَمضى شَباً أَم عَوامِلُه
38. If there is an address or speech, then where is one who
Can debate him in this field and argue him?
٣٨. إِذا كانَ خَطبٌ أَو خِطابٌ فَأَينَ مَن
يُجالِدُهُ في مَشهَدٍ وَيُجادِلُه
39. You see in it the Nile's abundance and the full moon
When his marvel appears and his fingers create.
٣٩. تَرى فيهِ فَيضَ النيلِ وَالبَدرَ كامِلاً
إِذا لاحَ مَرآهُ وَجادَت أَنامِلُه
40. A generous man - if the promise lives an hour,
A smile hastens to him from it.
٤٠. كَريمٌ إِذا ما عُمِّرَ الوَعدُ ساعَةً
أُتيحَ لَهُ مِنهُ اِبتِسامٌ يُعاجِلُه
41. If comrades preceded him in time,
How much did the voluntary prayers precede the prescribed!
٤١. لَئِن سَبَقَتهُ بِالزَمانِ مَعاشِرٌ
فَكَم سَبَقَت فَرضَ المُصَلّي نَوافِلُه
42. If a plateau matched him in the heights,
The thrust of the spear differed from the doer.
٤٢. وَإِن شارَكَتهُ في العُلى هَضبَةٌ فَقَد
تَبايَنَ زُجُّ الرُمحِ قَدراً وَعامِلُه
43. You supported me, Abu Bakr, when its tremors shook me,
And housed me when its quakes disturbed me.
٤٣. حَجَرتَ أَبا بَكرٍ عَلى الدَهرِ جانِبي
وَوَطَّنتَني إِذ أَزعَجَتني زَلازِلُه
44. None goes astray but your eminence is his reason,
And none is afraid but your heights are his fortresses.
٤٤. فَلا شارِدٌ إِلّا نَداكَ عِقالُهُ
وَلا خائِفٌ إِلّا عُلاكَ مَعاقِلُه
45. You were sanctuary and refuge, like the raincloud -
It shades and waters the thirsty with its pouring.
٤٥. وَكُنتَ العِياذَ الأَمنَ كَالمُزنِ إِنَّهُ
يُظِلُّ وَتُروي العاطِشينَ هَواطِلُه
46. And if you were a sharpened sword against the wicked,
Blessed is the sword and its wielder.
٤٦. وَإِن كُنتَ سَيفاً لِلمُريبينَ مُرهَفاً
فَبورِكتَ مِن سَيفٍ وَبورِكَ حامِلُه
47. I see you through my eyes as one whose stumbling
Your efforts decrease, and the guide to good its doer.
٤٧. أَراكَ بِعَينَي مَن أَقَلتَ عِثارَهُ
بِسَعيِكَ وَالهادي إِلى الخَيرِ فاعِلُه