1. Does the doe of the sanctuary know that she has set ablaze
The heart of an ardent lover whom she has weaned from contentment?
١. هَل دَرى ظَبيُ الحِمى أَن قَد حَمى
قَلبَ صَبٍّ حَلَّهُ عَن مَكنَسِ
2. So he is in heat and tumult like
The east wind playing with live coals.
٢. فَهوَ في حَرٍّ وَخَفقٍ مِثلَما
لَعِبَت ريحُ الصَبا بِالقَبَسِ
3. O you whose cheek dawned on the day of parting
Deceiving me, following the ways of deceit!
٣. يا بُدوراً أَطلَعَت يَومَ النَوى
غُرَراً تَسلُكُ بي نَهجَ الغَرَر
4. My soul alone is not at fault, except
For your beauty and my eyes which gazed.
٤. ما لِنَفسي وَحدَها ذَنبٌ سِوى
مِنكُمُ الحُسنُ وَمِن عَيني النَظَر
5. Delights have come to me, though my innermost being is wounded,
And my pleasuring in thoughts of my beloved.
٥. أَجتَني اللَذّاتِ مَكلومَ الجَوى
وَاِلتِذاذي مِن حَبيبي بِالفِكَر
6. And when I complain of my torment, I smile
Like someone tearful or frowning from a headache.
٦. وَإِذا أَشكو بِوَجدي بَسَما
كَالرُبى وَالعارِضِ المُنبَجِسِ
7. When my passion is confided to him whose glances
Make me fly, his eyelids leave of me
٧. إِذ يُقيمُ القَطرُ فيهِ مَأتَما
وَهيَ مِن بَهجَتِها في عُرُسِ
8. A trace like the trail of ants on smooth rock.
And I thank him for what remains;
٨. مَن إِذا أُملي عَلَيهِ حُرَقي
طارَحَتني مُقلَتاهُ الدَنَفا
9. I do not upbraid him for what is ruined.
To me he is just though he wrongs,
٩. تَرَكَت أَجفانُهُ مِن رَمَقي
أَثَرَ النَملِ عَلى صُمِّ الصَفا
10. And his words though silent are my advocate.
I have no power over the matter after
١٠. وَأَنا أَشكُرُهُ فيما بَقي
لَستُ أَلحاهُ عَلى ما أَتلَفا
11. My breath has given place in my being to my breath.
He has overcome me, overcome me completely
١١. فَهوَ عِندي عادِلٌ إِن ظَلَما
وَعَذولي نُطقُهُ كَالخَرَسِ
12. With languor. I ransom him with my father from one who is unyielding and harsh!
We knew of no lips that glistened
١٢. لَيسَ لي في الأَمرِ حُكمٌ بَعدَما
حَلَّ مِن نَفسي مَحَلَّ النَفَسِ
13. Until they were sweetened by his musky wine.
His glances imbibed their intoxication from them
١٣. غالِبٌ لي غالِبٌ بِالتُؤَدَه
بِأَبي أَفديهِ مِن جافٍ رَقيق
14. While my heart is drunk with what will not pass.
Delicate of the rope, honeyed of taste,
١٤. ما عَلِمنا قَبلَ ثَغرٍ نَضَّدَه
أُقحُواناً عُصِرَت مِنهُ رَحيق
15. Sorcerer of the vine, glorious in smiling,
His beauty follows the dawn smiling
١٥. أَخَذَت عَيناهُ مِنها العَربَدَه
وَفُؤادي سُكرُهُ ما إِن يُفيق
16. Though he is aloof in his aloofness.
O questioner about my crime in his regard,
١٦. فاحِمُ اللِمَّةِ مَعسولُ اللَمى
ساحِرُ الغُنجِ شَهِيُّ اللَعَسِ
17. I get punishment for the sin while he is the sinner.
The dawn sun has taken from his cheeks and freshness
١٧. حُسنُهُ يَتلو الضُحى مُبتَسِماً
وَهوَ مِن إِعراضِهِ في عَبَسِ
18. A radiant light against which the sun has radiance.
My flowing tears, my longing for him, have gone,
١٨. أَيُّها السائِلُ عَن جُرمي لَدَيه
لي جَزاءُ الذَنبِ وَهوَ المُذنِبُ
19. While his cheek by my yearning is made to shine.
Whenever my eyelids glance at him
١٩. أَخَذَت شَمسُ الضُحى مِن وَجنَتَيهِ
مَشرِقاً لِلشَمسِ فيهِ مَغرِبُ
20. My gaze plants roses in his cheek.
Would that I knew what thing has forbidden
٢٠. ذَهَّبَت دَمعِيَ أَشواقي إِلَيه
ولَهُ خَدٌّ بِلَحظي مُذهَبُ
21. Those roses to the one who planted them!
My flowing tears have set in my breast a fire
٢١. يُنبِتُ الوَردَ بِغَرسي كُلَّما
لَحَظَتهُ مُقلَتي في الخُلَسِ
22. That flames up in any manner it desires.
It is coolness and peace in his cheek,
٢٢. لَيتَ شِعري أَيُّ شَيءٍ حَرّما
ذَلِكَ الوَردَ عَلى المُغتَرِسِ
23. While it is harm and burning in my inner being.
I fear him according to the rule of love--
٢٣. أَنفَذَت دَمعِيَ نارٌ في ضِرام
تَلتَظي في كُلِّ حينٍ ما يَشا
24. A lion, a fawn, and I love him as a fawn.
When his landmarks appeared, and he in his haughtiness
٢٤. هِيَ في خَدَّيهِ بَردٌ وَسَلام
وَهيَ ضُرٌّ وَحَريقٌ في الحَشا
25. Turned aside, I said to him, "You who have taken my heart by force,
Make union in place of the one-fifth!"
٢٥. أَتَّقي مِنهُ عَلى حُكمِ الغَرام
أَسَداً وَرداً وَأَهواهُ رَشا
٢٦. قُلتُ لَمّا أَن تَبَدّى مُعلَما
وَهوَ مِن أَلحاظِهِ في حَرَسِ
٢٧. أَيُّها الآخِذُ قَلبي مَغنَما
اِجعَلِ الوَصلَ مَكانَ الخُمُسِ