1. Tears flowed from my eyelids melting them,
And sorrows blazed in my heart like fires.
١. جَرى مِن جُفُونِي مَا أذاب أجفَانِي
وشَبَّت بِأحشَائي لَواعِجُ نِيرانِي
2. For the loss of a dear one who was my spirit, my comfort,
My spirit, my delight, and the one who gazed at me.
٢. عَلَى فَقد خِلّ كَان رُوحِي وراحَتِي
وروحِي وريحَانِي ونَاظِر إنسَانِي
3. My beloved is gone, how can I have patience
With patience for that beloved who brought me joy.
٣. حَبِيب مَضى صَبرِي عَلَيهِ وكَيف لي
بِصبرٍ عَلَى ذاك الحَبِيبِ وسُلوانِ
4. It's as if the tears of my eyes for his loss
Flow for ages in a deluge.
٤. كَأنَّ دُمُوع العَينِ مِنِّي لَفَقدِهِ
عَلَى أمَد الأيَّامِ تَجرِي بِطُوفَانِ
5. No sooner had they buried Uthman, than for his burial
I buried my joys and revived my sorrows.
٥. فَمَا دفَنُوا عُثمَان حَتَّى لِدفنِهِم
دفَنتُ مَسَرَّاتِي وَأحيَيتُ أحزانِي
6. If they have hidden in the earth the just one his height,
Then they have hidden a full moon and a branch in bloom.
٦. فَإن غَيَّبُوا فِي التُّربِ عَادِل قَدّه
فَقَد غَيَّبُوا بَدراً وغُصناً من البَانِ
7. He died in a sea with towering waves,
So I died in the sea of my tears and laments.
٧. لَقَد مَات فِي بَحرٍ تَعَاظَم مَوجُهُ
فَمتُّ بِه فِي بَحرِ دمعِي وأشحَانِي
8. He is the pearl, time has hidden him, so it sent him back
To his place of origin, having no equal there.
٨. هُو الدُّرُّ غَار الدَّهرُ عَنهُ فَردَّهُ
لِمَعدنِهِ إذ مَالَهُ عِندهُ ثَانِ
9. After his loss, my patience has befallen me,
And how many tribulations befell Ali after Uthman.
٩. عَلَيهِ اصطِبَارِي واقِعٌ بَعد فَقدِهِ
وكَم لِعَلِيّ وَقعَة بَعد عُثمَانِ
10. Upon him are clouds of mercy from the Master,
Coming and going every day constantly.
١٠. عَلَيهِ مِن المَولَى سَحَائِبُ رحمَةٍ
تَرُوحُ وتَغدُو كُلَّ يَومٍ بِهَتَّانِ